The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1039: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a blessed girl from the farm (34)

  Chapter 1039 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (34)

  Lizheng came just in time—the horseshoe is familiar.

  The head of the horseshoe has a big skin and a lot of juice. She doesn't mind sharing a basket for this little old man who cares about everything.

  Lizheng sighed with emotion: "Unexpectedly, there are so many things that can be grown in this wild lake and pond."

  He is a little tempted, why don't he just bite his teeth and buy a small lake pond to learn how Meng Jin and his wife grow lotus roots and horseshoes, and raise ducks, fish and shrimps?

Look at the ducks in Meng Jin’s house. The tender ducks are put in the rice fields to eat worms, and occasionally they are put in the lake to eat small fish and shrimps. At the bottom, sometimes two are born, which shows how well raised it is!

   During the Chinese New Year, I gave his family a few salted duck eggs, and when they were peeled off, they were all double yolks.

Speaking of salted duck eggs, Li was remembering his wife's advice, and asked with an old face: "Daughter-in-law Meng Jin, did your salted duck eggs pickle this year? If you salted duck eggs, I will exchange some. My little grandson is not afraid of your jokes when he says it. I don’t like porridge, but with the salted duck eggs sent by your family, I can swallow the porridge in a few mouthfuls.”

   Not to mention his little grandson, even he fell in love with salted duck eggs served with porridge.

   It's a pity that the salted eggs pickled by my family are only a little saltier than boiled eggs, and far less delicious than Meng Jin's pickled eggs.

   Oily, fragrant and delicious.

  Xu Yin smiled and said: "Yes, the ones that were marinated last month are ready to eat, I'll go and pack some for you."

  Since the ducks at home lay eggs every day, Xu Yin pickles a batch of salted duck eggs every once in a while.

There are too many fresh eggs to eat, and the salted eggs are more durable, and the salted eggs she pickled are moderately salty, the egg yolk is soft, and the egg oil is bright red. Comrade Xiaojin can kill three duck eggs with a double-yolk salted egg Bowl of rice.

  Lizheng jokingly said on the road that he also wanted to buy a small lake pond to grow some lotus roots and raise some ducks to pickle salted eggs.

Xu Yin thought for a while and said, "Lizheng, there are many rivers and lakes in our village, why not consider opening a collective lotus pond to grow lotus root and raise ducks? Needless to say, fresh lotus root can be sold to restaurants and restaurants in the town. Currently Qinghe County I haven't heard of any village that grows lotus root. If our Dawa village grows lotus root, the business will not be bad. The output is high, and it can be made into lotus root powder and sold to those north-south merchants. I can also teach you how to pickle salty if there are too many duck eggs. Eggs, there will be business as much as you choose to sell in the town. In this way, everyone can work part-time at the door of the house, without having to go to the town to find work."

  Lizheng showed confusion on his face: "Open a collective lotus pond? How to open it?"

  Xu Yin told Li Zheng the simplification of the business model of the collective economy of the Later Village.

Li Zheng's eyes became brighter the more he listened: "It's still possible? Then I have to discuss it with the clan elders. There are so many lakes and ponds in our village. If we use them like you said, how much benefit can we bring to our village... "

  The salted duck eggs didn't bother to take them anymore, and said that he would ask his grandson to bring some eggs to exchange for himself, and he was in a hurry to go back to discuss with the clan elders.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  The little old man is very mobile!

  However, it is very good to have a collective lotus pond in Dawa Village.

   Not only Dawa Village, but also Xiaowa villagers can do it if they want.

   This is called adapting measures to local conditions. If you want to change a village, you don't have the conditions to grow 10,000 mu of lotus root.

  But even if Dawa Village is full of lakes, there are very few individuals who can buy lakes and ponds with a few taels or even dozens of taels.

   Take her family for example, if there is no fifty taels rewarded by the county magistrate, she will not be able to spend such a large sum of money to buy a lake.

If the village builds a collective lotus pond, plant lotus root and raise ducks in the early stage, set up a lotus root powder factory and a salted duck egg workshop in the later stage, and then try duck down products, lotus rouge, and lotus leaf tea. There are many profitable projects. .

  Even in the off season, there is work every day, and you still need to go to the town to do part-time work?

Just like her family, Comrade Xiaojin, who was thinking about the money spent on treating his legs, and wanted to go to the town to find a job when the farm was slack, and worked hard for thirty yuan a day, but if he planned his lotus pond well Yes, maybe I can earn back the money for leg treatment in a year.

   It’s not a big deal, it’s a visible return on investment.

  The same goes for the villagers. Going to the town to work for others is nothing more than earning a few ready-made copper coins. Working for the village collective, what you earn is the year-end dividend!

  The workers are the villagers themselves, and the bosses are also the villagers themselves. If you work for yourself, can you not do your best?

  Everyone regards the project of the village collective as their own business. Can the benefits be bad? Will there be less dividends at the end of the year?

  The idea proposed by Xu Yin, the more Lizheng and several clan elders thought about it, the more they felt that the collective lotus pond had something to do with it!

   "It's decided! Do it!"


  Xu Yin returned home with another basket of horseshoes.

  Comrade Xiaojin was sawing bamboo strips in the yard, and planned to build a fence in several dangerous places around the lotus pond, and move a few clumps of wild flowers on the mountain. It was beautiful and safe, so that the children in the village would not come to the lake to play and slip into the lake.

  Since he bought the lake in front of his house, Xu Yin didn't need to brainwash him at all. He spontaneously regarded the lake as the common cause of the couple and fought for it.

  When there is no work in the field, he runs to the lake. The 20-acre lake pond and the wetland around the lake have endless things to do in the short term, and he can always find out what needs to be done after he finishes.

  As the lotus pond becomes more and more beautiful, his spirit is getting better and better. He is confident in every gesture and looks more attractive. He was already tall, burly and handsome, but now he is even more attractive.

  No, when Goudanniang came to her house to do sewing with a bamboo basket, she repeatedly reminded her to keep an eye on her man:

"Widow Zhang from Xiaowa Village came to Huzi's house to buy tofu. She probably saw your man. She chased after Huziniang to inquire about your man. You should have some snacks! Even if Meng Jin is not that kind of person, I can't stand it." Some women have thick skins."

   Could it be that "if the flowers are in full bloom, the butterflies will come by themselves"?

   Goudanniang's reminder to Xu Yin didn't take it to heart, but at night, the young couple lay on the same bed, it was inevitable that they would talk about this topic, and couldn't help joking him a few words.

   As a result, this guy came up with a sentence: "My house, fields, and money belong to my wife, including me. Ask me next time and ask her what she wants."

   After speaking, he turned over and covered her, and pulled her to play Chun's symphony.

  Since he recovered from his leg injury, married life has naturally been put on the agenda.

  The age of the two of them, in modern times, is the time when youth is blooming, and there is no other entertainment at night, and singing and singing every night is too easy to conceive a child.

   Fortunately, after a year of hard work, she successfully reduced her body fat percentage to the healthiest standard, and her weight dropped to 55 kg.

  Because of the small frame, it can't be seen in the clothes, but the body is still fleshy.

   But obviously, the man prefers this one, worried that she will continue to lose weight, and desperately catches wild game, fishes and shrimps to replenish her body.

  Since her body has reached a healthy state, Xu Yin has no intention of continuing to lose weight. After all, I will definitely plan to have a baby in the future, and it is better for pregnant mothers to have some meat on their bodies.

  (end of this chapter)

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