The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1046: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a lucky girl from the farm (41)

  Chapter 1046 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (41)

   "I heard that your family's harvest has increased again this year. The rice yield per mu is four and a half stones, but is it true?"

Seeing that the vegetables in Xu Yin’s vegetable garden are taller and fatter than those of other families, I can’t help but think of it. On the way, Li is happily reporting that the average yield per mu of Xiaowa Village has reached four stones this summer, and Meng Jin’s family has the highest yield per mu. Just two mu of paddy fields harvested nine shi of millet, with an average yield of four and a half shi. The key point is that in the wetlands around the lotus pond, the rice yield is not worse than that in the paddy fields, so I can't help asking my confusion.

   It stands to reason that every household in Dawa Village is using the new-style fertilization method, and there are many hard-working villagers. How can the Cui family alone rise to four and a half stones?

  Xu Yin smiled, and said to herself that she finally got to the point.

   "Because I found another good crop for composting."


   Before leaving, County Magistrate Chen took a handful of castor beans without peeling their thorns.

   On the way back to the county government in the carriage, he suddenly discovered that it seemed that every time he came to Dawa Village, he would gain something and help His Highness the Crown Prince.

   No wonder His Highness the Crown Prince repeatedly told him to keep Cui Mengjin and his wife steady, and even asked him to do whatever he asked for.

  After thinking about this point, Chen County Magistrate immediately decided to let his wife visit Dawa Village more often by rewarding lotus in a few days, so as to make friends with Xu.

   After all, he is a foreigner and has an official position. It is inappropriate for him to always go to Dawa Village, but the wife is different.

Therefore, a few days later, the lotus pond of Xu Yin’s family welcomed the first visitor from outside—the county magistrate’s wife. Because of the bitter summer, she specially came to Dawa Village to stay for a few days. Zhengjia.

  Women, once you find a common topic, it's easy to chat.

   "I know that lotus flowers can be dried to make spices, but I didn't expect it to be made into rouge?"

   “I didn’t expect that the whole chicken wrapped in lotus leaves and baked in soil would be so delicious!”

   "Dried lotus flower can be used as a snack? Mrs. Cui is really good at cooking!"

   "Dried lotus leaves to make tea, can you really lose weight?"

   "I've only eaten sweet soup made of dried lotus seeds. I never thought that tender lotus seeds can be eaten raw, and the taste is fresher than ordinary fruits!"

  The addressing of each other has also changed from "Mrs. Cui" and "Mrs. Chen" at the beginning to "Yinmei" and "Sister Bai" later.

The county magistrate's wife came here to make friends with Mrs. Xu at the wish of her husband. At first, she might have meant to support her, but she didn't expect that she would actually be with Mrs. Xu everywhere. It smells like a little sister.

  The two talked happily until the autumn harvest was approaching. If Xu Yin was not busy with the autumn harvest and had no time to entertain, the magistrate's wife would still want to stay here.

   "Sister Bai, are you going back today? Then you take these back."

  Xu Yin finally hoped that the sweet potatoes were ripe, so before the county magistrate's wife went back, she took out a basket of fresh sweet potatoes and asked her to take them back to taste.

  The county magistrate's wife asked curiously: "This is also grown from the seeds from the Western Regions? It looks weird, are you sure you can eat it?"

"Yes! We didn't know at first, we thought we were eating its leaves, not to mention, the leaves are quite refreshing when mixed with cold dishes. Until last night when my family was loosening the soil, we found that there were still fruits buried in the ground , It looks similar to taro, and the method must be the same. Next year I plan to plant more varieties, this one has a high yield, and I haven’t even finished a single plant in this basket. I estimate that if the harvest is good, one mu of land can produce about Ten stone."

  Xu Yin reported a conservative number.

  The county magistrate's wife had no idea about the yield per mu, but when she went back and said it, the county magistrate was shocked.

   "What? Ten stones!!"

  Chen Zhanpeng stood up suddenly, almost didn't even eat dinner, and wanted to come to Dawa Village all night to ask for clarification.

   I'm worried that his wife is listening to me. How could there be such a high-yielding crop?

The county magistrate's wife stopped him: "Master, why are you in such a hurry! Yinmei said, let us taste it first, what if it doesn't taste good? What's the use of high yield! Look at the weeds growing so lush all over the mountains and plains. Is there anyone going to pick it up and eat it?"


  Magistrate Chen calmed down and ordered the cook to cook some.

  After the sweet potatoes were cooked, the sweet potatoes were fragrant and soft, and the cook was almost drooling. When serving them, she said: "Master, madam, this sweet potato smells really good!"

  She saw that the skin of this thing was red, and the recipe was the same as taro, so she called it "red taro".

  The county magistrate's wife took a sip and her eyes lit up: "It tastes even better! It's powdery and glutinous, and it has a sweet taste, no sugar added, right?"

   "No, just boil it in clear water."

   "Delicious! So delicious!"

  Magistrate Chen took a sip, and now he really couldn't sit still.

   Unfortunately, it was getting late, so I had to wait until the next morning to go to Dawa Village.

  That night, County Magistrate Chen tossed and turned, too excited to fall asleep.

  Equally excited was Li Zheng.

In the morning, he received sweet potatoes from Cui Mengjin, who said they were grown from the seeds of the Western Regions. They are the same as taro. When cooking rice, put them on the steamer and steam them together. You can peel them and eat them, or you can peel them and cut them into pieces to cook porridge with miscellaneous grains. .

  Ms. Lizheng asked her daughter-in-law to wash the sweet potatoes, cut them in half and steamed them with rice, and divided them among the whole family at noon.

   "Milk, what is this?"

   "Your Uncle Meng Jin sent this, saying it was grown from seeds from the Western Regions."

   "This is delicious! It's so sweet and glutinous, I still want to eat it."

   "Grandma, I want to eat too, I don't want to eat, I want to eat this."

  Li was breaking open his piece of sweet potato, gave half to his grandson, and tasted the remaining bite: "The taste is really good, but I don't know how the yield will be."

   "I met Meng Jin in the field in the afternoon and asked, if the yield is higher than that of taro, shall we plant some of this next year?"

  So, when I went to the field in the afternoon, Li Zheng called to Cui Mengjin and asked about the production of sweet potatoes. When he heard that there were ten stones, his whole body was petrified, and his beard trembled with excitement.

   "Ten, ten stones? Is there still such a high-yield grain in the world? God bless me and pray to the court! With this, will I still be hungry?"

   Two excited people met together and both went to Xu Yin's house.

  Xu Yin who was breaking corn in the corn field: "..."

  If I knew it earlier, I would have postponed it. Don’t report the sweet potato production so early. It won’t disturb her family’s autumn harvest.

   "Go down and help."

  Magistrate Chen waved his hand and asked the accompanying government servants to help in the field.

  Lizheng also called his two sons over.

  His family has a lot of labor, most of them are busy, and there is not much left to do.

   Thinking of helping Meng Jin's family collect the grain as soon as possible, ask in detail about the red-skinned crops.

   "My lord, this...we haven't seen it before, so I don't know how to collect it." The yamen servant got off the ground, and came up again after a while, with a face of embarrassment.

   "Is there anything you two haven't seen?" The county magistrate was surprised.

  These two yamen servants are from Xiabianshan Village, Qinghe County. They have been in contact with farm work since they were young. Even if they become yamen servants now, they will go home to help with the fields when they are resting. There are still crops they don’t know?

  Lizheng took a closer look at the field, and was also surprised: "Meng Jin, what kind of crop is this in your house? From a distance, I thought it was sorghum."

  The county magistrate suddenly thought of something, and raised his voice and asked, "Is it the seed of the Western Regions?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  (end of this chapter)

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