The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1055: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (2)

  Chapter 1055 Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (2)

   "Sober? Going to the bathroom?"


  Dizzy, Xu Yin was dragged to a small room by her deskmate. By the way, she got a glass of water from the water room and came back. She secretly fed herself a mouthful of water from the Linghu Lake, and the Lingtai was completely clear.

In fact, if you want her to say that it is very simple to avoid today's plot track, as long as she sits in the classroom when the students are rushing to the cafeteria after class, she will be fine, so that there will be no series of troubles later. .

  But Xu Yin was worried again. She didn't show up, and Xu's mother took care of two tables of dishes by herself.


   It seems that we still have to go!

  Hide the rodenticide first in the small cafeteria. Nowhere is it as safe as her system warehouse.

  Since she decided to go instead of hiding, Xu Yin simply went ahead.

  She didn't plan to attend the last class, so she asked the head teacher for a leave.

   "What? Your parents are contractors of Xiaochao Canteen? Your dad has a cold and fever today, and your mom can't do it alone, so you want to help?"

  The head teacher is surnamed Yan, only thirty-seven this year, but he is so worried about the high school graduates one after another that he has entered the Mediterranean family ahead of time—bald.

  After hearing Xu Yin's reason for asking for leave, he was really a little confused: "When did your parents contract our school's small cafeteria? You can't make it up, right? Do you want to do something else?"

  Xu Yin looked innocent: "Teacher, I didn't lie to you. If you don't believe me, follow me to the school doctor's office. My dad is dispensing medicine at the school doctor's right now."


   Teacher Yan waved his hand.

  He really didn't believe it.

   I was afraid that the girl was using aggressive methods, so I just followed her to the school infirmary to have a look.

   As a result... there is no other person in the school doctor's office except the school doctor.

   Teacher Yan looked at her suspiciously for a moment.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Damn it! Did my sister remember the plot wrong?

   How about reviewing and reviewing again?

At this moment, Xu's mother anxiously helped Xu's father, who looked sleepy, to come in: "Doctor! Doctor! Our child's father doesn't know whether it is a cold or heatstroke. He has been saying that he is dizzy, sleepy and lack of energy since morning. He took his temperature, what should he do if it's 38.5°... Huh? Yinyin, why are you here? Class is over so early?"

  Xu Yin reacted in an instant, and immediately went up to meet him: "Mom, I heard that Dad is not feeling well, so I thought you would definitely send him to the infirmary, so I came over to have a look."

"Oh, that's right." Xu's mother didn't think much about it, thinking that her daughter had heard someone from the cafeteria say, "I guess your dad has suffered from heat stroke. The humidity has returned in the past few days, the back kitchen is too stuffy, and the ventilation fan is out of order again." , I won’t have time to repair it for a while...I told him to scrape and scrape for him last night, but he refused, so it’s better now, it’s on fire..."

   Seeing that Xu Yin didn't lie, the teacher in charge didn't say anything, and asked her to take good care of her parents, so he had to rush back to class.

   "Remember to ask your classmates to make up notes in the afternoon, and ask me if you don't understand."

   "Okay, Teacher Yan."

  Send off the homeroom teacher, Xu Yin obediently stood beside Xu's mother, and went to the school doctor to examine Xu's father.

   "It should be heatstroke." The school doctor took back the tongue depressor, and asked some questions about drug allergies while writing the medical case. After finishing, he dispensed two boxes of Huoxiangzhengqi water, and prescribed some antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

   "Go back and take the medicine, drink plenty of water and rest more, pay attention to ventilation, don't cover yourself with stuffiness. If you don't return it in three days, you will be sent to the hospital."

   "Okay, thank you doctor."

After leaving the school infirmary, Xu's father wanted to bravely go back to the small cafeteria. Xu's mother glared: "You don't want to die? You want to go back when you burn your head so hot that you can fry eggs? What do you want me to do when I faint in the cafeteria? No?" Listen to the doctor? Rest well if you are sick. Besides, Yinyin invited me to help me in a class, and I will definitely be able to handle it, so don’t worry about it, you can go back by yourself, right?”

  Father Xu nodded, he can still walk this way.

   "Mom, where is our little eDonkey parked? I'll take Dad back, otherwise don't worry." Xu Yin said.

  Mother Xu readily agreed.

  Although the rented house is right next to the school, but you have to cross a crossroad, you will always be worried. It would be great if your daughter is willing to give it to her.

   "I'll ride the electric bike over here, and you can take your dad there."

  After a while, Xu's mother rode the little electric donkey over, Xu Yin sat on it, and Xu's father sat on the back.

  After Xu's father sat firmly, she rode out with a whimper.

   "Hey, isn't that a little fat girl? Why are you riding an electric car when you don't go to class?"

   "I said why is her seat empty? Did she co-author skip class? The old class didn't call the roll? This is unscientific!"

  The boys in Xu Yin's class by the window spotted her, and whispered in the front and back rows.



   "Yo what! Man Junhao, what are you doing if you don't listen to the class well?"

   "Report to the teacher! I found little...Xu Yin! She was wandering around the campus on a small electric donkey..."

   "What are you shopping for? She asked me for leave. Her father is sick, so she has to go to the cafeteria to help her mother. You should learn from her..."

   Before the head teacher finished speaking, there was a whisper in the class:

   "So Xu Yin's mother is a canteen employee?"

   "I don't know, I haven't heard her mention it."

   "I'm in the same class as her in the first year of high school, and I haven't heard of it."

   "Xiao Yueping, do you know? What? You don't know either? Aren't you at the same table as her?"

  Xiao Yueping gave Man Junhao a white look: "You have been at the same table with Gong Xi for a year, do you know what her parents do?"


  These words were so reasonable that he was speechless to refute.

   "Okay, okay, be quiet!" The class teacher was angry, "It's already a third year in high school, and you still gossip like this? Just take care of yourselves! Continue to class!"


  In that room, Xu Yin sent her father to rent a house.

   I took a quick look around the environment of the community, and found that it was old and dilapidated, with no door post, no access control, no elevator, and the greening was ordinary.

   But as an accompanying student, proximity to the school is the primary consideration, and everything else is secondary.

  From here to the school, the small eDonkey is two minutes away, and it takes no more than ten minutes to walk. Compared with day students who are far away, they can sleep for half an hour or even an hour longer, and they have a lot more freedom than boarding students, which is still very good.

"Dad, I boiled a pot of water and let it dry. You take your medicine and sleep well. Don't go to the cafeteria today. I will go to the cafeteria at noon and night to help mom. The two of us can handle it. You can rest at ease." , Rest well and recover quickly from illness.”

  Father Xu: "..."

  I always feel that there is something wrong with today's girl.

It's just that right now he was dizzy from burning, and his body didn't have much strength, so he said weakly: "I can't help but take orders for two tables at noon. You can help your mother, she may not be able to do it alone. In the evening Close it, and explain it to the school leaders later, they will understand."

   "Let's talk about the matter at night later. I'll go to the cafeteria to help my mother first!"

  Xu Yin opened the window for him to ventilate, but the curtains were drawn, and the light would be darker to help him rest. Then he closed the door, rode a small electric donkey back to school.

  (end of this chapter)

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