The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1070: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (17)

  Chapter 1070 Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (17)

  Xu Yin left the house half an hour late today.

She was going to be late anyway, so she was not in a hurry, chewing on the steamed rice **** made by Xu's mother early in the morning, which were wrapped in the crispy and crispy fried dough sticks bought at the gate of the community, and copied the sticks in a leisurely manner Take a shortcut out of the community.

  Crossing the entrance of the alley is the main entrance of the school.

  At this time, there were a few cursing voices from the alley, mixed with a few muffled grunts.

   "Brother Ming, why don't you forget it and let him go!"

   "You are very loyal, aren't you? If that's the case, then pay back the money!"

   "Brother Ming..."

   "It's useless to call him father! Either beat him for me! Or you pay back the money now, old black, let him do the math, how much do you have to pay me back with interest!"

   "Hey, brother Ming, I've done it a long time ago. If I don't pay it back today, I'll have to pay back three thousand and six tomorrow!"

   "Impossible! I just asked you to borrow 800, just dyed your hair..."

   "Hey! Boy! Is it so easy to borrow money when you are me? Do you understand if you want interest!"

   "But it's too expensive, how can I have money now..."

"So I took a job for you. Brother Feng said that this guy robbed his girlfriend, he didn't like him, so he asked me to beat him up, and then treated me to dinner. And me! I played mahjong all night last night, not too bad Work hard, you can do the rest for me, and I will give you a few days..."


   "You just say you want to beat me!"


  Jiang Zuoyu glanced at the unlucky boy who was beaten, and shook his head with tight lips: "He is already like this, if you beat him again, you will die..."

   "Old Hei, follow him home to get money! If you don't have money, move something worthwhile! I don't believe that his house doesn't even have any decent furniture and appliances."


   "Ming, Brother Ming..."

  Jiang Zuoyu is really young, so he is really scared now.

  He used to think that Brother Ming and the others were very loyal, so he was willing to hang out with them.

  Brother Ming asked him to dye his hair that day. If he didn’t have enough money, he took the initiative to lend it to him. But when the hair was dyed, he asked for interest and had to pay it back within three days.

   If you don’t repay the interest, it will accumulate day by day.

  It’s only been a few days, and even the increase in principal and interest has to pay back 3600.

  Jiang Zuoyu leaned against the wall of the alley, refusing to go home no matter what.

   "Hey! It's quite stubborn."

  Old Hei raised his foot to give him a kick.

  Suddenly, the back collar tightened, and the whole person flew into the air.

   What, what's going on?

  Old Hei looked down at his feet, why did he leave the ground?

  The next second, his eyes blurred, and he flew out, just in time to hit Brother Ming.

  Brother Ming was hit so hard that his eyes stared: "Old Hei, you are crazy! Hurry up and drive me!"

  The other two little followers rushed to help them.

  Jiang Zuoyu opened his mouth into a circle, trying to stuff a goose egg into it.

  Xu Yin pulled him away from the wall, and patted the wall dust on his shoulder: "You don't know how to hide when someone kicks you? Bai Chang is so big."

   After finishing speaking, he lifted the boy on the ground again: "Where is the injury? Didn't the head hurt?"


"That's good."

Xu Yin borrowed her schoolbag to dig out, took out an old mobile phone, and dialed a series of familiar numbers: "Hello? 110? There are four social youths in the alley opposite the main gate of Jianglin Experimental High School. Surrounding and beating two junior high school kids..."

  Brother Ming, who had just been helped up by the two little followers, was so angry that he almost bleed.

   "What the **** are you..."

Xu Yin glanced at him coldly, and continued on the phone: "Yes! Not only did he beat people, but he also extorted, which scared the two children very much... Ambulance? It's still possible to go, just go Stop wasting social resources!"


  The two junior high school children who were so frightened and almost called an ambulance looked at me and I looked at you, both embarrassed and at ease. Suddenly it wasn't so scary.

  The nearby police station is very close to the school. As soon as Xu Yin hung up the phone, she heard the short, crisp and rapid siren.

  Brother Ming saw that the situation was wrong, cursed and tried to run away, but was kicked back by Xu Yin one by one.

  Xu Yin put her arms around her chest, and swept away the four gangsters who were lying on the ground crying: "You want to run away after doing something bad? Who is used to you?"


  Brother Ming realized that the matter was serious at this time, and he hit the iron plate.

  He has been in this area for so many years, when did he meet such a No. 1 person? What seemed like an understatement kicked them so hard that they couldn't get up.

  He felt like a turbulent sea in his heart, he struggled to get up, and bowed his hands respectfully to Xu Yin: "It's because we don't know Mount Tai with our eyes, please let the elder sister spare us and let us go."

  Big Sister?

   This was the first time Xu Yin was called that.

She twitched the corners of her mouth, turned her head and waved to the policeman who rushed into the alley from the police car, "Uncle Policeman, you are here at the right time! They are going to run away! Take them to interrogation quickly, they may have done a lot of bad things! Why run away if you are not guilty? I have committed a lot of things just by listening to it in the past few minutes, including beatings, intimidation, retaliation, extortion, and it seems that I am still lending usury..."

  Every time Xu Yin enumerates one, Brother Ming's heart trembles, grandma's! It was all hit by this girl.

   "It's you again?"

   The comrades who sent out to the police had one head and two big ones.

  They all knew Brother Ming—a well-known gangster nearby, and residents called the police every three days.

   He is quite cunning, he hits people not in the face, but in places that are not easy to leave injuries;

   There are not many people who are blackmailed. Primary school students and junior high school students who only pick on soft persimmons. Five yuan and ten yuan are not too little, which does not constitute a crime.

   These phenomena have existed since they were in junior high school, and now they have graduated for several years and still have this virtue.

  The police also have a headache.

   But when it comes to lending usury, the two police comrades looked serious: "Go to the office and tell the truth!"

  Brother Ming cried out for grievances: "Arthur, we all know each other. It's just a harmless joke. It's not true. If you don't believe me, you can ask him."

  Brother Ming said, showing fierce eyes, implying that Jiang Zuoyu should be smarter, don't say what shouldn't be said, otherwise he will suffer in the future.

  Jiang Zuoyu pursed his lips and was about to speak when Xu Yin protected him behind him.

   "Why? Threatening my brother! Comrade policeman, you see, he dares to threaten my brother with winks in front of you. If you are not here, maybe he will retaliate against us."

"No, no, no! No!" Brother Ming shook his head like a rattle, "He borrowed 800 from me and never paid it back. I just frightened him casually, so he wouldn't really lend us usury. That's against the law, how can I Will do it!"

"That's it..." Xu Yin reached into her schoolbag, took out her wallet, and counted 800 yuan: "I said earlier that I didn't want such a high interest rate of 2800 yuan, and we would have paid it back a long time ago. Seriously, my brother Instigated by you to be stained with grandma's ashes, and you don't have enough money to rush to pay the bill, and after paying, you turn around and charge such a high interest, I thought you partnered to trick my brother! Not the best! Here, in front of the police Uncle's face, it's paid off! Please return the IOU to us, thank you!"


  Thank you for being paralyzed!

  (end of this chapter)

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