The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1076: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (23)

   But Xu's father felt that the college entrance examination was just one time, so that his daughter could eat better and be more energetic during the exam. It was just a matter of cooking and delivering a meal.

   Even if it is troublesome, it will only be these two days, and he is happy.

  So, the next day, he and Xu's mother still had an insulated bucket and stacks of high-quality crisper boxes, and delivered meals to the daughter on time.

  This time, I cook milky white wild crucian carp tofu soup and hot and sour whitebait soup.

  The wild crucian carp was bought by Lao Wang, who loves fishing in the community. Lao Wang often fishes in various wild fishing spots.

  Authentic and wild, and the price is relatively low. If you don’t say hello in advance, you may not be able to buy it if you want to buy it.

Xu's father had greeted Old Wang a few days ago with a few catties of small cherries. When he encountered larger fish and shrimps, he kept them. Only then was he lucky enough to buy a large crucian carp of about one catty and a few taels of small river prawns. , crucian carp stewed in tofu soup, small river shrimp fried with green onions.

  In comparison, hot and sour whitebait soup is relatively ordinary. Whitebait is stocked in the freezer in the small cafeteria, but it is more appetizing to eat sour ones in summer, and Xu's father is afraid of his daughter's bitter summer.

  Craucian carp tofu soup, hot and sour whitebait soup, fried small river prawns with scallions, stir-fried yellow beef, fried edamame with wild rice stems, dry pot cabbage, and two other appetizers-kimchi radish, garlic black fungus.

  The fruit is still a small tomato.

  The tomatoes on Xu Yin's balcony grow so well that they mature every day.

  The dessert after the meal is red bean paste and lotus seed soup.

  Worrying that the iced food would cause stomach discomfort, Xu's mother only stewed it in the morning, and it was almost time for delivery after the stew was done.

"My mother heard that Xu Yin's lunch was so rich yesterday, so she took half a day off today to make me three dishes and one soup, washed a bag of grapes, and cut a box of watermelon. But why did I see the boss Xu brought me I don’t have any appetite for the dishes my mother cooks, do I?”

   "My dad also got up today. He went to the morning market for the first time and bought a bunch of my favorite dishes, but his cooking skills are limited. I feel that these dishes were ruined by my dad."

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Fortunately, the exam was only for two days.

   If there were a few more days, Xu Yin dared to bet that the box lunches brought by the candidates in this examination room would become richer and richer every day, and eventually set off a lunch tornado.

In fact, even if it was only two days, the teachers and students of other high schools in the lounge next door knew about it—the owner of Jianglin Shigao Small Canteen, who was contracted, delivered meals to his daughter at noon every day. Better than Michelin three stars.

Jiang Linshigao’s accompanying teacher was also a coward, and took the opportunity to publicize: “Everyone, go back and tell your siblings who are about to take the senior high school entrance examination. The food in our Jianglinshigao cafeteria is very good. In addition to the large dining hall with optional meals, there is also a small fried canteen. , can satisfy everyone's taste, welcome everyone to apply for the exam!"

  Other high school teachers: “…”

  The thief is still you, Jiang Linshi, a high-ranking thief!

  The college entrance examination has just been completed, the college entrance examination scores have not yet come out, and it is not known who will win the number one scholar in arts and sciences, but you have advertised your school first and recruited students?

  When did the small cafeteria become a highlight of enrollment?

   Not to mention, kids nowadays really care about the campus environment and the food in the cafeteria.

I heard that the small cafeteria in Jianglin Shigao does everything, and you can order it without ingredients, and the chef is very skilled. The owner of the small cafeteria who contracted the small cafeteria delivered meals to his daughter who was taking the college entrance examination. His daughter couldn't finish eating, so he gave some to teachers and classmates. , Everyone said it was delicious after tasting it. It’s not that the high school entrance examination has not yet started, and they all listed Jiang Linshigao as their first choice.

  The parents of these children were dumbfounded when they found out.

Fortunately, although Jiang Lin Shigao is not the first brother in Jianglin County High School, he is also the second highest high school after No. 1 High School, not to mention that this year there may be a champion in science. The principal of Shigao has a surge of confidence in his heart: Maybe this year's Shigao enrollment will exceed any previous year.

  He has already thought up the admissions slogan: learn at Shigao, live at Shigao, and eat at Shigao! High school leader!

   But the premise is that he has to let Boss Xu continue to contract the small canteen.

   Without Boss Xu’s canteen, is there still a soul?

   After those excellent students who were lured by the small cafeteria came in, they turned around and found that they were not as good as advertised. Speaking of the outside world, does Shigao still have credibility? Can we continue to recruit good students in the next session?

   "So, old Xu, you're already done anyway, why don't you continue to contract! Our school needs you two so much."

  Principal Shigao personally came to ask Father Xu to renew the contract.

  Father Xu was a little confused: "But Yinyin has graduated..."

  The reason why the couple came to the school to contract the canteen was to accompany the students. Now that their daughter has passed the college entrance examination and the contract has expired, is it necessary for them to stay?

  Principal Shigao: "..."

  I've seen someone who dotes on a daughter, but I've never seen someone who dotes on her daughter so much.

"Old Xu, to tell you the truth, there are rumors outside that we have a legendary small cafeteria in Shigao. Everything is delicious, and we have all the dishes you want. You can make reservations if you don't have one. No, recently recruited students The office phone rings non-stop every day, and nine out of ten calls are to consult the small cafeteria. If you leave and recruit a new contractor, and the food is not as delicious as yours, isn't Jiang Linshigao deceiving the public? "

The dean who accompanied the principal also persuaded Xu's father earnestly: "Old Xu, Xu Yin's grades have been getting better and better every time she has passed the mock exams. As long as there are no accidents in the college entrance examination, there is no problem in taking 985. When the time comes, she will Going to go to university in other places, what should you two do? Go back to your hometown in the countryside? You can't follow Xu Yin to the city where she went to school, right?"

   "My child's mother and I really have this idea." Father Xu scratched his head, "Don't universities also have small cafeterias?"


  Principal Shigao and the dean looked at each other, and once again sighed in their hearts: I have seen someone who dotes on a girl, but I have never seen someone who dotes on a girl so much!

   They were defeated!

   But still not giving up, continue to persuade:

   "Old Xu, it's not easy to contract a university cafeteria."

   "That's right, everyone has filled in one carrot and one hole, and the relationship behind it is very intricate."

  Principal Shigao and the dean took turns to dispel Father Xu's idea, hoping that he would stay.

  Father Xu said: "Then when Yinyin comes back, I will discuss it with her and see what she says."

  Principal Shigao can only pin his hopes on Xu Yin, praying that she will look at her alma mater and persuade her father to stay.

Knowing her parents' plans, Xu Yin couldn't laugh or cry: "Mom and Dad, you don't need to contract the university canteen for me. The food in the university is still very good, and there are delicacies from all over the world. Besides, the principal is right, the university cafeteria wants Winning the bid is not easy. Firstly, we are from other places. Secondly, we are not a well-known catering brand. The possibility of entering the university canteen is too low. If you want to open a restaurant in the city where I went to university, I support it, but if it is just If you want me to eat better, go to contract the university cafeteria or forget it, I will show you the current college cafeteria..."

  Xu Yin turned on the computer and showed her parents the meals in the cafeterias of various schools in various places.

  Father Xu smacked his tongue: "My dear! The food in the university is so good?"

  In addition to domestic cuisines, there are also Western food, Japanese food, Korean barbecue...

  Then why are they going to contract a small canteen! Does my daughter want to eat anything?

  Giving more living expenses, won’t it make my daughter eat well? (end of this chapter)

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