The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1087: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (34)

  Chapter 1087 Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (34)

"Hahaha!" Gong Xi was amused by her, "Don't you have a boyfriend, why don't you bring it out to play with! Don't hide it! I know he is Jiang Daxue! He must be good at playing secret rooms. It's such a happy agreement! See you at the Hundred Peach Secret Room at ten o'clock tomorrow morning! Let's play a game first, and after we have dinner, Lu Yunzhou and I invite you!"

   "Hey, don't hang up yet!" Xu Yin called to stop her, "Before you asked me out to play, was it because you didn't have a partner in the secret room?"

"Yeah! I didn't know you very well when I first started school. I thought you were in the capital, so I asked you to play with me. Who knows that you have something to do every time. I thought you were really something at that time. Now that I think about it, you Are you dating your boyfriend? Hehe!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   A big speechless!

  Others are short of a card player to pull people around to make up the number, but they are good, lacking a secret room partner.

   After thinking for a while, he said: "It's okay to get together tomorrow, and Ajin and I will be very busy afterwards, so we may not be able to spare time..."

   "Okay, okay! Make an appointment! It must be great to play the secret room with you and Xueshen!"

  At 10:30 the next day, the two couples met in the Baitao Secret Room.

   "Wow, Xu Yin, you are much thinner than when you were in high school!"

  Gong Xi almost didn't recognize Xu Yin when he saw her.

  Xu Yin smiled and said: "It's just that the baby fat has disappeared, and the weight hasn't lost much."

   "Really? If there is a good way to lose weight, teach me! I want to lose weight too."

"Pull it down!" When Lu Yunzhou heard her mentioning weight loss, he started to grow up, "The weight loss meal you ordered, after two meals, it tastes bad, and you can't return it, so just throw it to me. I'm sick! Please don't lose weight! Isn't it good now?"

   "Girls chatting, why are you interrupting, go away!" Gong Xi gave him a look, "If you don't have a little vision, you can't learn from Jiang Xueshen. Do people talk as much as you do?"

  Lu Yunzhou choked: "But aren't we here to play the secret room? Are we still playing?"

   "Let's play! There's never a time when you can't get out of the secret room, so you can talk while playing!"

  However, in less than half an hour, the escape door of the Baitao secret room clicked open with the electronic sound of unlocking the code, and the four of them came out from inside.

  Gong Xi looked confused.

  Lu Yunzhou narrowly approached her and whispered to her ear: "Do you still want to play with them in the secret room as a partner in the future?"


  The comments said that there is no ultra-realistic, exciting and most memorable 51 series of levels that cannot be released in two hours. They came out in less than half an hour.

  There is no lag in the whole process.

  Jiang Youjin solved it at a glance, and solved it at a glance, as if these levels were not difficult for him.

  Is it cool?

   It feels really cool to lie down and win all the way.

   May I ask her what she played? It seems that they didn't play anything, and they didn't chat a few words, just watched Jiang Xueshen pass the level without any hindrance.

   After spending two hours, I came out in less than half an hour. I felt a little bit aggrieved, I didn’t have enough fun!

   "Well, it's so early, let's go to lunch? Do you want to play another game?"

  Lu Yunzhou glanced at the time, it was only half past ten, and many restaurants were not open yet!

  Xu Yin turned her head to look at Jiang Youjin, and understood the doubt in his eyes: Do you have to solve that kind of play-by-play problem again?

   Almost laughed out loud.

   "Jiang Youjin?"

  Wang Yiling took her roommate's hand and approached them with a blush on her cheeks.

  She knew that Jiang Youjin had been admitted to Huada's Department of Computer Science. For this reason, despite her parents' objections, she applied to Capital Institute of Technology. Her parents originally wanted her to apply for a university in Haicheng.

   But even in the same city, this is the first time the two met by chance.

   "Is it really you? I thought I admitted the wrong person!"

   "Ah! Classmate, you are also Jiang Linshigao? I seem to have a little impression." Gong Xi saw that he was an alumnus, and started talking enthusiastically, "Meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land! It's really great!"

  Knowing that Wang Yiling and her roommate also came to play in the secret room, Gong Xi's heart started to stir again.

  She really likes to play the secret room, but unfortunately she always can't find a partner.

   "Why don't you, Xu Yin, sit here for a while and have some snacks, let's go in as a team and play again?"


  Looking at Comrade Xiaojin's relieved expression, Xu Yin held back a smile and readily agreed.

  Wang Yiling saw that Jiang Youjin wasn't going in, so she didn't want to go in at first, but after thinking about it, it would be better to get to know Gong Xi better so that she can inquire about Jiang Youjin's news in the future.

  What she didn't know was that Gong Xi didn't even know about Xu Yin, not to mention Jiang Youjin.

  After this time, Xu Yin and the two never came out to get together again.

   One followed Professor Jiang into the laboratory, and was so busy that he even had to set the alarm clock for dinner.

  One has to be busy with the experimental field. Even if he is not busy, he would rather drink tea quietly, read books in the rented house, and find some interesting documentaries to expand his knowledge, in case it will be useful in the future.

  It was Wang Yiling who was often invited by Gong Xi to play in the secret room.

  Gong Xi thought that he had found a like-minded partner who was the best match for playing in the secret room, so he asked her to play in the secret room every other week.

   "Lingling, go play the secret room!"

   "Lingling, a new secret room has opened on Wangfu Street. It's interesting to read the comments. Let's play together? I've found a few more partners today. Let's play a big one this time."


  Wang Yiling regretted it!

  She doesn’t actually like playing the secret room. She saw Jiang Youjin there that day and thought he liked it, so she improvised to show a strong interest in the secret room.

   As a result, he was forced to become Gong Xi's partner in the secret room.

  I obviously don't like it but I have to pretend to like it, and except for the first time it was Gong Xi's treat, after that it was AA system.

   For college students who have no source of income, the consumption of secret rooms is a bit expensive, and AA is not cheap.

   She really regretted it!

  Jiang Youjin didn't hear anything about it, and even lost time and money, what are you trying to do!

  So this time, she rejected Gong Xi, saying that the final exam was coming soon and she had to review.

  Gong Xi didn’t make an appointment with the partner in the secret room, so he lay down on the table in frustration: “Why don’t we invite Xu Yin and Xueshen? Although the puzzle solving is too fast and not enjoyable enough, it’s better than not having any fun.”

   "Forget it." Lu Yunzhou said, "The two of them are even busier. I heard from Chen Yan that Jiang Youjin has entered the laboratory, so I can't contact him on weekends."

   "Huh? Just entered the laboratory as a freshman? So awesome?"

   "How else can you be called a **** of learning?"

   "Then Xu Yin is always free, right?"

   "I guess I don't have time either. Chen Yan found out about Jiang Youjin's entry into the laboratory only after contacting Xu Yin. I heard from him that Xu Yin cooks soup and cooks for Jiang Youjin on weekends. Sigh, look at his girlfriend..."

  Gong Xi's face was stern: "Yes, yes, yes! My girlfriend is good, then you can find a girlfriend like that! I just like to play, and I don't like to cook."

   "I didn't say you were bad..."

   "Didn't you mean that just now? You also said that Xu Yin can do everything, but I can only play secret rooms, and I can't play like anyone else..."

"I don't…"

   "You have it!"

  The two quarreled on this topic.

  (end of this chapter)

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