The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1095: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (42)

  After Jin Xiaoting found out, she was stunned: "Impossible! How could you score 90 points in the interview? Did you cheat? Second uncle..."

   "Shut up!" Her second uncle sternly stopped her unfinished words, "As for your unrestrained mouth, it's a good thing to get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise it will bring the whole family sooner or later."


  Xu Yin came ashore after Kaogong, and the one she was most reluctant to part with was her agricultural college.

  In the future, we will no longer see robots running through the experimental fields, and we will no longer be able to eat the vegetables, fruits and experimental grains grown by Xu Yin.

   "Xu Yin, I will treat this place as my mother's home in the future, so come back more often!"

  The counselor was also very reluctant to part with this student.

   It’s not about the fruits and vegetables she sent, but I think Xu Yin is someone worthy of close friendship: “Remember to keep in touch after graduation!”

"That is required."

"Okay, go now! Your boyfriend has been waiting downstairs for a long time, so I won't occupy your time." The counselor patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Remember to notify me when you get married. I must drink the wedding wine! From the campus to the wedding dress, how romantic! There are not many couples in the whole school who have such a good relationship as the two of you."

  Xu Yin compared her heart to her: "Definitely!"

  Jiang Youjin came to pick her up for dinner, along with Luo Wenchao.

  The small house that I rented earlier belonged to Luo Wenchao's family.

  The unit and school she is going to report to belong to two districts, the distance is still a bit far, and it is unrealistic to go back and forth every day.

   Fortunately, the unit provides dormitories. If you are not used to sharing rent, you can also choose housing subsidies and rent a small single apartment nearby.

   And Jiang Youjin will be assigned to a single dormitory after graduate school. Even if she comes over on weekends in the future, she will have a place to live, so she plans to retire the small residence.

  I have been renting for four years, and the rent has not been raised much. Now that I have withdrawn the rent, I have to treat Luo Wenchao to a good meal.

"Actually, you don't need to be so polite." Luo Wenchao scratched his head and said, "My mother went to see the room you rented yesterday and said that you have maintained it very well. Not only did the house and furniture not be damaged, but the yard was also taken care of so beautifully. , she was reluctant to rent it out and wanted to move here and live by herself."

Luo's mother's original words were: "Hey! Ah Chao, you can get along with this classmate! The inside and outside of the house are cleaner than our own. I see that the vegetables grown in the yard are more juicy than those sold in the vegetable market. You Are you sure it was rented by your roommate? How can there be such a capable young man! I am reluctant to rent it out. It’s a pity that it’s a little small, otherwise I would like to take it back and live by myself.”

  Luo Wenchao explained to his mother: "The vegetables in the yard are not grown by my roommate, but by his girlfriend. His girlfriend grows vegetables in the Agricultural College of Agricultural University. For her, growing vegetables is just like a routine."

   His mother stared at him: "Then why don't you find an agricultural college? That's right, look at you, you can't find it if you want to find it?"


  Luo Wenchao was heartbroken when he thought of his mother's evaluation of him, and said to Jiang Youjin: "Fourth brother, you can't patronize your own happiness! When will you introduce me to someone!"

  Jiang Youjin gave him a strange look: "Don't you know if there is someone suitable for you around me?"


Luo Wenchao choked, yes, this guy joined the team led by Professor Jiang when he was a freshman, and almost all the people he came into contact with were of the same sex, and there were very few members of the opposite sex. , and he just wants to find a cute and cute girl, preferably like the fourth girlfriend, who can cook as well as a master chef in a five-star hotel.

  So he turned his head to look at Xu Yin, and said pitifully: "Sister and brother, if there is a gentle and beautiful girl in your workplace, remember to introduce them to me!"

  Jiang Youjin pulled Xu Yin: "Don't pay attention to him, he said that to everyone."

   "...Hey, wait for me! Didn't you invite me to dinner? What are you two doing so fast!"



   Treating Luo Wenchao to a star-level luxury buffet, Xu Yin began to look for rental houses near the unit, and packed them up to move after renting.

   After settling down, I rushed back to Jianglin with Jiang Youjin before reporting to work.

  Jiang Zuoyu finished the college entrance examination and was about to fill in the application form.

  Since he got an unprecedented high score in the high school entrance examination, he easily got into Jianglin Shigao, and felt that getting a high score was not as difficult as he imagined. With this confidence, after I entered high school, I got better and better every time I took the exam.

  This time he performed quite well in the college entrance examination. With his scores, he couldn't pass the top two universities, but he could apply to other 985 universities in the capital, but he said that he didn't want to go to the capital, but wanted to go to Xigong University.

   No, Jiang Youjin wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with her younger brother before filling in the voluntary form.

  After his parents left, he was not only a brother, but also shouldered the responsibilities of a parent.

   It's not that I want to interfere with my brother's choice, but I want to know why he chose a school in the west. Because two years ago, he was still saying that he wanted to go to the capital for the college entrance examination, so that he would be closer to his brother and sister-in-law, so that he could have dinner on weekends. For a foodie, that's a valid reason.

  Jiang Youjin was worried that what the uncle's family said in front of his younger brother, otherwise why did he suddenly abandon the paradise of foodies and go to the west to study?

   "What foodie?" Jiang Zuoyu didn't admit the nickname his brother gave him, "I just like food, I'm not a foodie!"

   "Then why do you suddenly want to go to the west to study in university?" Jiang Youjin frowned, "Did the uncle say something in front of you again?"

  Jiang Zuoyu rolled his eyes: "I'm not an idiot, I'll believe what she said to provoke our brother's feelings."

   "So, she really came to you?"

"It's not just my aunt, my cousin and sister-in-law have also come to see me. Am I an adult soon? They want me to take my parents' compensation from you so that I can lend them a house. You say cousin This person is really boring. I have been married for several years, and I still have to ask my cousin to borrow money to buy a house. Tsk! My cousin is also really good-looking, and she would actually fall in love with my cousin, what are you trying to figure out? Are you glib? ?”

  Jiang Youjin said helplessly: "You don't have to worry about other people's housework, just be aware of it yourself."

"Of course I know it! My uncle's family didn't even have a phone call to encourage me during my college entrance examination. When they learned that I would be an adult in two days, they didn't mind the heat and formed a team to come over. They really thought I was a fool! Or was it Uncle Xu? Auntie is good to me!" Jiang Zuoyu opened the phone photo album flamboyantly, "They accompanied me on the morning of the first day of the college entrance examination, and Aunt Xu even bought me a bunch of sunflowers for me. Brother, do you know the flower language of sunflowers? It's the best in one fell swoop! We also took a group photo at the entrance of the examination room. Hehe! You didn’t get this kind of treatment during the college entrance examination, did you? In those two days, Uncle Xu cooked delicious food for me every day. Look! I took pictures of them, with my classmate in the test center You envy me!"

  Jiang Youjin glanced down at the photo, indeed, he did not have the treatment of holding a sunflower to take a photo with his parents-in-law.

  At this moment, he was a little jealous of this silly brother. (end of this chapter)

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