The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1097: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (44)

  Chapter 1097 Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (44)

  On the contrary, instead of sitting in the office and looking at the computer and reading materials, writing reports, or just drinking tea and reading the newspaper and chatting with the elder sister, she prefers to deal with the fields.

   What's more, the system issued a task for her to go to the grassroots and go to the countryside. At present, she has only received 500 energy point rewards for Kaogong to go ashore.

  Expatriate preaching, right?

   She picked it up!

   "Director, since everyone has a heavy workload at hand, why don't you send me there! I just reported today, and I haven't arranged any tasks yet."

   Director Jin was waiting for her words.

Although it was his niece who failed the national exam because of her poor interview results, she was somewhat depressed, and she didn't want to give Xu Yin a hard time at first. Isn't this a good thing—the superior asked each department to send a person to give a lecture , Newcomers should suffer a little bit.

  He said cheerfully: "Since Xiao Xu recommended himself, and other comrades have work to do, then this time, Xiao Xu has worked hard!"

  With one experience, wouldn't there be a reasonable excuse for sending her to the countryside in the future?

  Director Jin's eyes sparkled, and the smile on his face deepened.

  Xu Yin nodded: "Then when will I go? What exactly will I do? Do you choose the place yourself or arrange it in the bureau?"


  Director Jin was dumbfounded by her question, does this person really not care at all?

   Or does she think it's an easy job to go abroad? And the reason why you can't wait?

   That's wrong! Expatriates seem to not need to sit on shifts, but it is much harder than sitting on shifts. At least one can go abroad and gain experience in other countries. What is so good about being sent abroad in China? It may be a bumpy day if the road is far away, and the seed management department at the grassroots level is not like other departments, so how can there be any profit?

  As for going to the countryside, it is even more of a hard job. Maybe you have to go to the field to check the germination of the seeds.

  Director Jin sneered in his heart, but praised Xu Yin like a flower on his face, saying that she has dedication and responsibility, and recommended advanced staff at the end of the year, and he was the first to recommend her.

   It is not known whether the other staff members were unhappy, but they clapped loudly.

In this way, Xu Yin became a young and energetic expatriate preacher of the Seed Management Bureau on the first day of registration. On the third day, she went to the local grassroots with a letter of introduction to promote new seeds and preach "Seeds are agricultural chips, agricultural The important carrier of scientific and technological progress has gone, and at the same time, it is also responsible for sampling the quality of seeds and seedlings circulating in the market and checking the germination rate of seeds in the field.

   These tasks, which other expatriate preachers see as extremely troublesome tasks, are like ducks in water to Xu Yin.

  The only distressing thing is - obviously admitted to the unit in the capital, thinking of dating Comrade Xiaojin on weekends, but in the first week of work, Jiang Youjin was released.

  Xu Yin made all kinds of coaxing plans of "ceding land and paying compensation". Unexpectedly, he is also very busy recently. He has a very urgent project at hand, and he is a core member of the project team. If she goes over on the weekend, he may not be able to make time to accompany her.

  Hearing what he said, Xu Yin quickly replied: "Then you can work overtime with peace of mind! Go back and bring you Fengzhou's special products."

  The place where she was sent to give a lecture this time is Fengzhou City in the middle of the country. It is famous for sorghum wine and jasmine tea, as well as the hairy crabs in Mingsong Lake.

  Although it is not yet the best season to eat hairy crabs, the local crabs in June Yellow, stir-fried rice cakes are delicious.

During the day, Xu Yin followed the grassroots staff to the market and went to Daejeon. She spent six or seven hours a day soaking in the outdoors and fields. In the evening, she went to the local night market and shopping malls when she was free. Buy it and bring some back to your parents and boyfriend.

   Fengzhou City's staff who received Xu Yin throughout the whole process was a young man named Shen Jianzhou who entered the system two years earlier than Xu Yin.

  After meeting, seeing that Xu Yin was a delicate girl, he had a bottom line in his mind: presumably, except for the preaching meeting, the rest of the itinerary was probably just a process, and he would not really go to the countryside or go to the fields.

  Even if I go, I will definitely come back after visiting the village committee under the leadership of the village cadres and eating a local farm meal. I will arrange some scenic spots for Xu Yin on my own initiative.

  He has never been to some scenic spots because of the high ticket price and long distance.

  Seeing that Xu Yin is beautiful and also a regular employee of the superior unit, he had a faint thought in his heart: It would be nice if he could fall in love with her.

  Although her unit is in the capital, if the two are really together, the post can be transferred. It is unrealistic for him to transfer to the capital, but it should be feasible for her to transfer to Fengzhou.

   In this way, the arrangements are more attentive and thoughtful.

  It's a pity that Xu Yin doesn't care at all.

  She still follows the established plan and itinerary. It is a trivial matter for her to go to the countryside to work in the field.

  Not to mention the past, in the four years of Agricultural University, even with the robot for going to the field, she went to the field quite a few times in person.

  In short, how did you plan before you came, and you didn’t miss any link after you came.

   On the contrary, individual villages stayed one more day if one day was not enough, just to find out the reasons for the low germination rate of wheat and the decline in peanut production year after year.

  Xu Yin stayed in the countryside, and the receptionist Shen Jianzhou had to stay, otherwise he was worried that he would be labeled as "poor reception".

  August is still the height of summer, there are many mosquitoes in the countryside, and there is no mosquito net in the place where he lives. He has been fighting wits and courage with mosquitoes all night.

The next day, I woke up with a pair of sleep-deprived panda eyes, and found that Xu Yin had already had breakfast with the people of the village committee. Looking at the breakfast on the table, it was full of multigrain porridge, potato cakes, and dry corn. Steamed buns and the like, not even the most common soy milk and deep-fried dough sticks, he has no appetite at all.

   But Xu Yin ate very deliciously, and when he saw him, he took the initiative to greet him: "Brother Shen, come and eat, the breakfast made by the villagers is very delicious, let's continue to go to the fields to have a look after eating."


  At first, I thought reception was an easy job, and I could go shopping with public money, but I didn’t expect to meet a workaholic full of seeds.

Shen Jianzhou wants to cry but has no tears: Today, Saturday, he could have slept in at home. He woke up naturally and wanted to drink soy milk, want to eat fried dough sticks and fried dough sticks. went in.

  Xu Yin either doesn't come, or wants to solve the problem when she comes.

  She stayed in the village for three days, and finally found out the crux of the low germination rate of wheat and the decrease of peanut production for three consecutive years.

How did the village committee members know that she was just a junior clerk who had just been admitted to the Seed Management Bureau, and they thought she was a seed expert. Write reports, make phone calls to help them obtain new seeds, and teach the village head to register an account on the smart agriculture platform.

   "In the future, if you have any questions, you can leave a message here directly, and there will be professionals to answer for you. If you have not been resolved, you can also call me."

  (end of this chapter)

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