The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 113: Oil bottles for reorganized families (8)

  Chapter 113 Reorganized family oil bottle (8)

  When I came to the private plot of Lao Xu’s family in the back mountain, I found that the weeds here almost caught up with the pines and cypresses that Grandpa Xu had planted in the past, and I couldn’t walk in without holding a sickle to clear the road.

  Xu Yin put down the basket, put on the little fox mask, put her mobile phone on the upside-down bamboo basket, took out the sickle and iron rake, and introduced to fans while weeding:

"This is my grandparents' private plot. The location is a bit off. When my grandpa was here, I used to come here to plant corn and sorghum. After my grandpa left, my grandma was alone. The food in the field was enough to eat, so I didn't come here." It’s planted here. But it’s a pity that it’s deserted, I’ll clean it up first, and look back to see what can be planted.”

   Netizens called Xu Yin's voice really nice.

  He has a good figure and a good voice, and he must be good-looking.

   As a result, netizens offered rewards one after another, begging her to take off her mask and show her face to everyone.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Isn't the point that she can do it?

   Ignore this request from netizens and continue weeding.

  There are many wild vegetables and medicinal materials in the weeds. When she encounters these, she will stop to collect them. By the way:

   "This is Malantou, this is shepherd's purse, but it's a bit old."

"Everyone knows this, right? Dandelion, a natural fireweed, is also a natural antibiotic. It has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. If a breastfeeding mother suffers from acute mastitis and it is inconvenient to take medicine, you can use dried dandelion to decoct water Drink. The leaves and roots can be used to make tea, and drinking it with water often has a curative effect on some chronic inflammation..."

   "This is Huoxiang, which is the Huoxiang used to make Huoxiang Zhengqi Pills. It is very effective in relieving heat, clearing turbidity and relieving vomiting. It is mainly used to treat summer colds, cold and heat headaches..."

  While explaining, she weeded the weeds, which can be regarded as cleaning up the private land of the old Xu family.

  Collected a few bundles of herbs such as dandelion, mugwort, and Huoxiang, and dug out a half basket of still tender shepherd's purse and Malantou.

  The harvest is not small.

   Netizens called her a "treasure girl".

   Know how to mix cement and level the ground, know how to build a kiln and how to cook, and now there is another skill - knowing herbs.

  Even if it is only a few common herbs, it does not prevent netizens from worshiping.

   At least they don't.

  Following the two topics last night, #宝宝女孩# rushed to the live broadcast hot list again.

  Xu Yin finished her work, sat in the shade of a tree, took out the army green water bottle used in the 1980s, unscrewed the lid and took a few sips of water.

  This kettle is made of aluminum, it is best not to hold hot water. Now that it's hot, she only uses it to pretend to be cool, and when the weather cools down, she plans to buy a thermos cup with a stainless steel liner.

   Netizens watching the live broadcast saw Xu Yin drinking water with her swan's neck up, and suddenly fell in love with the old-fashioned army green kettle in her hand.

  [This kettle has a sense of age! I remember that my uncle had a kettle like this, which was issued by the army when he was a soldier. ]

  [A military kettle that was popular in the 1950s, 1970s and 1980s! ]

   [Suddenly want one! ]

  [Buy one for my Dabao, he has recently become obsessed with the game of eating chicken, and there seems to be this kettle in it. ]

  So one by one, they searched on the Taomaimai website according to the map.

   This old-fashioned military kettle, which is about to retire from the stage of history, suddenly became a bestseller.

  The sellers were puzzled at first, how could the kettle, which was not sold before, suddenly sell so well? It even sold out.

  The stock is sold out, but there are still a steady stream of buyers throwing a screenshot of the live broadcast room, asking if there is a kettle of the same style.

  It was only then that I realized that the co-authoring was a live broadcast and the advertising effect was achieved, so I immediately contacted the manufacturer to order.

  However, most manufacturers have discontinued the production of this kettle long ago, and even the stainless steel liner style is not selling very well.

  Some factories even pulled off the production line to produce other things, so there is no stockpiling.

  For a while, out-of-stock old-fashioned kettles quietly climbed into popular searches.

  Xu Yin still didn’t know about it. She drank the water and got up to continue working. From time to time, she heard the pleasant sound of rewards issued by the system:

  【Release 10 grams of physical strength, reward energy points 20】

  【Release 50 grams of physical strength, reward 100 energy points】

  【Physical release...】

  Xu Yin was full of energy, and the **** in her hand flew up.

  After hoeing the ground deeply, he went to the stream to wash his face and hands, and then left the live broadcast room without hesitation despite the fans' barrage of "Don't turn off the live broadcast, I haven't watched enough".

  Because she found a clump of orchids on the other side of the creek—if I read it correctly, it should be a lotus crown with a plain crown.

  As for medicinal materials that are difficult to distinguish, she has to rely on the "Illustrated Book of Chinese Herbal Medicine" to know and understand, so she is too familiar with orchids.

  In the last small world, Yan Kejin saw that she liked flowers and plants, so she sent people outside for a long time to search for flowers that were not commonly seen in Beijing, and even built her a glass greenhouse the size of the Imperial Garden to house rare flowers from all over the world.

  Suguan Heding is an extremely precious species of orchids. Its petals resemble lotus and lotus, and the anthocyanin is pure and elegant, so it has this name.

  However, the unblooming orchids look like leeks at first glance, and they are unremarkable growing in the weedy mountains, which is why she is cheap!

  Xu Yinxin said that this trip to the mountain was very rewarding!

   Orchids, herbs, wild vegetables... oh, there is no time to pick wild fruits.

   Forget it, I dug out the raspberries, wild pears, and wild grapes I had stockpiled from the system warehouse. These are easy to find in the mountains, and I went down the mountain excitedly.

  When I got home, I poured out the wild vegetables and herbs, picked out wild onions, wild garlic, and water celery, and poured a bucket of well water to rinse them and eat them at noon, and clean up the rest later.

   But the orchid couldn't wait. She found an old earthen pot with gaps and cracks, dug some soil, mixed some vegetable cake residue ecological fertilizer stored in the system warehouse, and planted the orchid.

   I heard from Grandma Xu that the village head came when she was going up the mountain and brought a duck that had been dissected and cleaned. It was still early, so I went to the field first. The village head's wife fried twist at home, and came over when it was fried.

  Xu Yin didn't wait for them, set up her mobile phone and started cooking roast duck.

  First massage the seasoning on the net duck, and pour honey water twice during the marinating process.

  Then fill the duck belly with wild onions, wild garlic, and shiitake mushrooms soaked in the morning, seal it with thin bamboo sticks, and hang it into the roasting kiln.

  After the stone slab on the lower floor of the roasting kiln is pulled out, the space is much larger, more than enough to roast a duck.

  She specially picked the dead wild fruit trees on the mountain to roast. It is said that the roasted duck skin is crispy and has a natural fruity fragrance.

   "Has Yin Yin been grilled? It smells so good!" The village chief's wife came with a large plate of freshly fried twist, followed by a sleepy Zhou Yang.

"Look at Yinyin, and then look at you." The village head's wife gave her grandson a disgusted look, "You don't remember to sleep when you play games at night, and you don't remember to wake up in the morning. After school starts, your parents won't know you. Tell me Like a steamed bun…”

   Zhou Yang complained: "Grandma, I haven't gained weight."

   "It hasn't increased yet, but it will soon."


Zhou Yang waited for her grandma to go to the kitchen, and jumped to Xu Yin's side: "Sister, the bread you made is so delicious, I ate half of it in one go as a supper last night. Do you still make it today? I think you can do it Pull it to the town to sell, you are too busy and I will work for you, no salary, just two breads a day for me as a meal is enough!"

  Xu Yin was speechless: "There is a bakery in the town."

   "But what you make tastes better than what they sell."

  Two hours later, when he eats roast duck—

"Fuck! It's so delicious! Sister, sister, I think you can make roast ducks and sell them in the town. I'll work for you! It's absolutely no problem to sell hundreds of ducks every day! I don't need wages, you... one every day Is there too much roast duck? Then half...a quarter of it! I'm afraid I won't be full..."

  Xu Yin: "..."

The village head waved an iron sand palm and slapped his grandson on the forehead: "What are you doing! I will give you something good to eat and then yell at your sister to set up a stall to sell it. She is only two years older than you! Going to school when school starts!" studying."

  The little fat man blinked innocently: "I forgot..."

  (end of this chapter)

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