The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 123: Reorganized family oil bottle (18)

  Chapter 123 Reorganizing the family's drag oil bottle (18)


   "The curly girl is too curly! She knows a lot of things! By the way, Yanyan will show you her high-definition photo, which was taken by a police officer. It's super beautiful! It's really super beautiful! I love her to death!"

  The roommate said while sending the photos downloaded from the Internet to the group to show Zhang Bingyan: "Look! Isn't it so beautiful? The smile really kills me! If I were a boy, I would definitely chase her to her hometown."

  When Zhang Bingyan saw the photo, she couldn't believe her eyes.

   "You said she is the young lady farming who you mentioned last time with great strength and can do everything?"

"Yes, yes! We were all confused by her. She was wearing a little fox mask at that time. It was really hard to tell that she was a third-year junior high school student. And let me tell you, she is still a top student, math, No. 1 at the city level in the English double subject competition! It's amazing!"

Another roommate said: "I haven't seen her doing live broadcasts and studying. She doesn't do her job all day long, leveling the ground, painting walls, and building toilets; brewing wine, growing melons, stuffing sausages... just say she looks like a junior high school student, but her grades are not good. so good!"

   "Pfft ha ha ha..."

  Two true fans of Xu Yin laughed wildly over the phone.

   For the fans of "I Love Farming", today is like their festival, so happy!

  Zhang Bingyan stared blankly at the smiling girl in the photo, unable to believe that this was Xu Yin.

  But this face is indeed Xu Yin.

   After a pause, she turned to the sharing link sent to the group by her former roommate, and clicked in.

  The number of fans of "I Love Farming" has soared to 12 million after tonight.

  She casually clicked on an early popular vlog. Even though the owner of the video was wearing a little fox mask, she was sure that it was Xu Yin.

   On the inner side of Xu Yin's left wrist, there is a small red mole of rouge color, which is also found in "I Love Farming", and the position is exactly the same.

   If this is just a coincidence, what about the sound?

  Although Xu Yin didn't talk much when she was in Zhang's house, she was not dumb after all, and before leaving, she even said so much to her mother mockingly and sarcastically. And "I love farming" also has such a voice.

  In addition, height, swan-like slender neck, fair skin revealed by rolled up sleeves, which one is not Xu Yin's characteristic?

   Even though she was wearing a mask and wearing loose clothes, she couldn't see that pretty face, and also covered up that figure that was enough to amaze men and envy women, Zhang Bingyan still recognized Xu Yin at a glance.

  For a while, Zhang Bingyan couldn't tell what was going on in her heart.

  I thought that Tuoyouping returned to his hometown in the countryside, and since then he has been far away from Hengcheng and her circle of friends. It is best not to have any more intersections in this life. Unexpectedly, she also started a live broadcast, and the number of fans was much more than her own.

   Then click on the news forwarded by my roommate half an hour ago. The reporter who reported is also Xu Yin, who is also a schoolmaster, brave in righteousness, and has high force value... But, how is this possible!

  The oil bottle in her impression is beautiful, but because she has long bangs and cheek hair for many years, few people notice her delicate facial features and delicate skin.

   On the contrary, because of his well-developed body, he has too low self-esteem, and walks with his chest hunched over.

  The habit formed for three consecutive years, changed completely after changing the living environment?

  Became so beautiful, so confident, the light in his eyes, like bright stars, seemed to be reborn, and even his grades jumped from the bottom to the top?

  Zhang Bingyan couldn't believe it.

  She opened the door and asked Liu Meili who was coaxing her son to play:

   "Auntie, which school did Yinyin go to her hometown?"

  Liu Meili got angry when she mentioned a dead girl, and she stole 200,000 yuan away, and didn't even have a phone call during the Chinese New Year.

"Yanyan, why are you asking this? You still want to see her? There's no need! You're just too kind, but she won't accept your favor. The dead girl's stubborn temper is just like her short-lived father! I don't even bother Leave her alone, let her go! The future path, whether good or bad, is her own choice, even if she graduates from junior high school and moves bricks, she is to blame, and I will not care about it!"

  Zhang Bingyan: "..."

  He thought that she didn't need to move bricks. With more than 12 million fans, she can easily earn hundreds of thousands of millions a year by accepting a few advertisements.

   "I just asked her which school, not to see her."

   "I can't remember, it's from the town anyway."

   "Is it in Shuangli Town?"

   "It seems so, that town is called Shuangli Town, and there is only one middle school in the town."


   That’s Xu Yin, that’s right!

  Tug oil bottle=The top student in the double-subject competition=Rewarded for bravery=The live broadcast host "I love farming" with tens of millions of fans.

  Zhang Bingyan's mood is extremely complicated, and the sweet mood after talking on the phone with her boyfriend has been diluted a lot.

  The next day, Liu Meili came to knock on her door:

   "Yanyan, are you still up? It's time to go to grandma's house to pay New Year's greetings."

  Zhang Bingyan realized that she got up late.

  Last night, I kept thinking about how the oil bottle changed so much that I fell asleep in the middle of the night.

   "Yanyan, hurry up! Your dad's car is waiting downstairs."

   "Here we come."

  Zhang Bingyan's grandmother's home is in the suburbs of Hengcheng.

  It used to be very poor here, but since it was merged into the main urban area of ​​Hengcheng, it has gradually been developed. Even though her grandmother's house is relatively remote, it has also become an urban village favored by migrant workers because the rent is cheap.

  But recently I heard that some developers are coming here to demolish.

"Our four houses can be divided into four suites at least, and we will give Yanyan a set at that time." Grandma Zhang smiled and took Zhang Bingyan's hand and said, "When you get married, you will have a dowry. Go to the man's house I also have confidence!"

  Zhang Bingyan felt depressed all night, but she got better because of her grandmother's words.

   "When will the house be demolished?"

   "I don't know exactly when. Someone has visited the place before. I heard that it will be soon. There will definitely be news in the first half of the year."

   Zhang Bingyan happily told her boyfriend that her house was about to be demolished, and that she would be given several apartments, and one of them would be given to her as a dowry.

  Her boyfriend got up late and took a long time to reply: Not bad! My mother said that your family has good luck, and those who can be demolished are very lucky.

  When Zhang Bingyan heard this, the haze in her heart was swept away, and she smiled sweetly.


  During the first month, Zhou Yang's family came to visit relatives in the countryside, and brought a lot of things for Xu Yin's family.

  Xu Yin invited them to come home for lunch.

  She took out the raspberry wine that had been brewed before autumn, and poured a bowl for the village chief and Zhou Yang's parents.

   Zhou Yang yelled to drink too, Xu Yin took a sip, but fortunately he wasn't very drunk, so she poured him a small cup.

   "Yinyin made it herself? The level is not bad!"

   "It's delicious! It's much better than the bayberry wine my family brewed last year!"

   Everyone praised while drinking.

  【Ding—plant an acre of sorghum and an acre of wheat, use the sorghum and wheat harvested by oneself to make a pot of wine, reward energy points 50, and reward an additional energy point of 100 for every hundred people who praise it, there is a certain chance to open a random skill]

  Xu Yin: "..."

how? Do you think the wild fruit wine she brewed is not good? So even farming was arranged for her?

  (end of this chapter)

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