The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 131: Reorganized family oil bottle (26)

  Chapter 131 Reorganized family oil bottle (26)

   Seeing these comments, Xu Yin's face was surprisingly calm.

   Zhou Yang was so angry that he wanted to run away: "Everyone! They don't know anything, but they speak as if they are insiders."

   "Okay, let's eat first, don't let grandma know about these bad things."

   Seeing Grandma Xu come out of the kitchen, Xu Yin buckled her phone, put it on the table, and continued to peel the lobster.

   "Don't you want to die the crayfish I made? Why don't you eat it?"

  Zhou Yang glanced at her and sat down resentfully.

   After eating, when Grandma Xu returned to her room for an afternoon nap, Zhou Yang quickly sat beside Xu Yin and asked in a low voice:

   "Sister, what are you going to do? Why don't you ask my dad to help, he has a friend who works in a newspaper, ask him to help clarify?"

   "No need."

  Xu Yin turned on the computer, dug out the storage file of the recording pen, found the audio of the day when the bank withdrew money, then logged into the bib account, and sent a two-character comment—the truth! And sent out this audio together.

This is a complete audio, recorded for three hours, including her conversation with Liu Meili in the hospital ward, conversation with Liu Meili and Zhang Bingyan after returning home, and going to the bank to withdraw money and take a taxi to leave the whole process.

  The former is a tens of seconds of animation with the beginning and the end cut off and no sound, while the latter is a complete audio with no trace of editing or even double speed.

  After listening to the audio, which one is the truth, everyone who understands it.

  [I knew there would be a reversal, but fortunately I didn’t rush to comment, let’s see if I’m witty! (dog head)]

  [Woohoo, Juanmei is so pitiful! It's better not to have such a mother! ]

  ["Isn't it just being touched by someone? People didn't do anything to you, so you need such a big reaction?" Damn! Shocked me! Is this what a mother would say? My three views are shattered! There is still such a superb mother these days? ]

  [It’s me, and I punch it! When a mother is not facing her own daughter, she is also facing outsiders. Shameless! ]

  [I cried, it turned out that Juanmei and grandma had experienced verbal violence from their own mother before they lived together. In just three hours, I was scolded three times for being a "dirty bottle". This is still my own mother. Mothers think so. How can a second-married family be friendly to Juanmei? ]

  [With stepdad and stepmother! Touch the curly girl! don't cry! ]

  [Goubi marketing number! What people took away was the money that belonged to her and grandma, okay? That was her father's legacy. Why don't you take it with you? Do you keep it for your mother to subsidize the second-married family? ]

  [Chi! What kind of mother, she refuses to buy pajamas for her own daughter, and the third grader still wears sixth grade clothes. If she asks to buy something that fits, she will be scolded as a prodigal, I will go! My fist is hard! ]

  [I can tell that this mother's attitude towards her biological daughter is not as good as that of her stepdaughter. ]

  [Come on, curly girl! we support you! ]

how so!

   Zhang Bingyan, who has been quietly peeking at the trending news, saw the complete audio uploaded by Xu Yin and the reactions of netizens, and she was so angry that she swept the book off the table.

  Why does the drag oil bottle have the audio when the bank withdraws money? She didn't have a mobile phone at the time, and it was impossible to have electronic products such as a voice recorder.

   And the hospital ward and after discharge, all the dialogue recordings are clear and powerful, how can this be done!

  Netizens turned around and scolded Liu Meili.

   Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the upsurge of public opinion to release the video of Liu Meili going to Danhe Village to visit her daughter and being kicked out, but now it is useless.

  The second wave of naval forces bought became a waste of chess before the end of the game, causing her to pay a lot of money for nothing!

  That was the lucky money collected during the Chinese New Year. I originally wanted to buy a new bag, but now it was all in vain.

  At this moment, Zhang Bingyan couldn't tell whether it was regret or heartache, but she was furious anyway.

   At this moment, her roommate opened the door with her mobile phone in hand, and the camera in the live broadcast room was aimed at Zhang Bingyan's distorted face due to resentment.

  [Fuck! I am so surprised! Who is this? It's like a psychopath during an attack, it's terrible! ]

  [她哉哣! Isn't this the flower of the school of gods? What stimulated her? Why is it so scary? ]

  [Could this be her true face? (Dog head) Don't slap, you are right! ]


  Although it was only a few seconds, Zhang Bingyan reacted and quickly recovered her usual gentleness and elegance.

  But the live broadcast has memories, the face changed in that instant, and the spoofed netizens made emoticons and posted them on the Internet.

  For a while, the homepage of the campus forum of the University of Foreign Affairs was full of overturned posts by Xueshen schoolgirls, as well as face-changing emoji packs that swiped the screen.

  When Zhang Bingyan knew about it, all the other schools whose posts had gone viral knew about it.

A netizen from Hengcheng High School revealed that Zhang Bingyan is Juanmei’s step-sister. She also said that Zhang Bingyan had invited her classmates to her house to play, and she was also invited. She was fortunate to have witnessed the living environment of Juanmei. .

  It was a small space remodeled from a narrow balcony, and it was difficult to turn around after entering. The bed was a door panel on two benches, and the writing desk was a square stool. There is no air conditioner, and the entire room is less than one third of Zhang Bingyan's bedroom.

  It is understandable that the second-married family has a large population. There are not enough rooms, and the sisters can share one room. Why do you let the younger sister live on the balcony? If Juanmei is an oil bottle, then isn't Zhang Bingyan? They are all children brought to the new family by their second-married parents. Who is more noble than the other?

  Following this whistleblower, several Hengcheng Middle School alumni IDs came out:

  [When my step-sister was in high school, she often went shopping with her classmates to buy clothes, and the bags she carried were famous brands. ]

  [I know about Juanmei's hospitalization, and I have a buddy who is a witness. The reason is that the step-sister graduated from high school for a dinner party. After the end, several volunteers who volunteered to protect the flowers sent them home. When they met a curly girl who went downstairs to throw garbage, everyone knew how good the curly girl was. One of them was drunk The boy saw the color and wanted to touch Juanmei, but Juanmei took a few steps back in fright. It had just rained and the ground was very slippery. When she fell, she hit the back of her head and passed out. ]

  As soon as these posts came out, Zhang Bingyan, the step-sister, quickly became a hot search.

   Immediately afterwards, the screenshot of Zhang Bingyan buying the navy black Xu Yin was posted by an anonymous netizen who hid his merit and fame.

  #Pure Love School Flowers Overturned#

  Combined with the face-changing emoji before, many netizens scolded Zhang Bingyan for green tea:

[Oh my god! Was it the step-sister's black hand? ]

[grass! I also followed her for the photo of her holding a placard at the school sports meeting, but it turned out that she is such a person? ]

  [After reading the previous Hengcheng alumni’s breaking news post, at most I think the stepsister is not good enough for Juanmei, but after all, she is a stepsister without blood, so we can’t force her to be good for Juanmei, right? But I never expected that she would actually hire a sailor black curly girl, everyone! Detailed! Juanmei wants to go back to the countryside to live with her grandma, and when Liu Meili wants to leave, the money that should belong to her and grandma will be blackmailed by her step-sister. How much grievance. ]

  [I really know people, know faces, but don't know my heart! ]

  [In the future, be sure to wear glasses when selecting school beauties, who would choose such a disgusting one? ]

  [Zhang’s family is just an ordinary middle class, right? It's not a wealthy family, so what's the benefit of oppressing a child brought by a stepmother? ]

  [The advantage is probably to drive away a strong control group, right? Anyone with a discerning eye can see how good Juanmei is, but those who are narrow-minded can't bear it. ]

  Zhang Bingyan really panicked now.

  She didn't expect that the trumpet of the hired water army would be cracked by a computer expert. She was linked to the Internet and became a green tea **** that everyone shouted and beat.

  She was so flustered that she didn't dare to go back to the dormitory, so she found her boyfriend in a hurry, and fell into his arms crying:

   "I didn't do it on purpose! I really didn't do it on purpose! I just... I was just temporarily infatuated. I think she took away what should belong to me... Husband, help me, I will listen to you in everything from now on!"

  Jiang Pinghan really likes her.

  For her sake, she changed from being an **** before, and kept herself clean from now on.

  Even if I saw the truth revealed on the Internet, and the face-changing pictures made into emoticons, I couldn’t help but like them.

  How can he help with this matter?

  The overwhelming information on the Internet is not fake news, but what she has actually done!

   Add a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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