The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 144: Reorganized family oil bottle (39)

  Chapter 144 Reorganizing the family's drag oil bottle (39)

   Immediately afterwards, the topic of #查查that man# also followed steadily.

The main reason is that the side face is too murderous, so everyone can't help but wonder which big guy actually took off the title of "boyfriend of curly girl" without making a sound, and also wonder how handsome his face is, or is it just a A handsome profile?

  Xu Yin rested her cheeks and was watching the judges' blind tasting scores. She didn't know the news on the Internet.

   Song Mingjin, on the other hand, received a message from Secretary Zheng, knowing that photos of the two of them had leaked out on the Internet, and there were still many speculations about his identity.

  Secretary Song asked him if he needed to withdraw.

  He glanced at the scarf and replied with two words: "No need."

  Secretary Zheng said inwardly: Mensao man, have you been waiting for this day for a long time? Can't wait for the netizens to turn into Sun Dasheng with piercing eyes and dig out your identity every minute, so that you can come up with a compliment of "you really match with Juanmei", right?

  So, when a rich and capable person talks about a sour love, he is the only one who can trick others, and others will tailor clothes for him as a marriage.

  Of course, as the other party is his food and clothing parent, no matter how courageous Secretary Zheng is, he can only complain in his heart, and never dare to talk bald.

Xu Yin finally got her jar of wine. There was a number plate on the jar, but it was very easy to identify—out of the hundreds of wines submitted for review, her packaging was a rough pottery jar sealed with yellow mud. .

  Whispering voices came from all around:

   "Whose wine is this? The packaging is too rough!"

   "I see that the codes are submitted by individuals, and those sent by the unit are all uniformly coded."

   "In such a packaging, I bet this wine is not good."

   "At most, it has the taste of glutinous rice wine sold in a bag of three yuan in the supermarket."


  Xu Yin wanted to cover her face when she heard it.

   She was careless! I don't know that wine packaging is so curly these days, her aesthetics may still be in the small world of the past.

  The cousin of "Yo yo Sui Ye" was called out to say something just now, and when he came back, he happened to see Xu Yin's jar of wine being pushed to the judging table, and he was immediately happy:

   "I'll go! There are still such honest people these days? Look at this mud-covered one, I'm afraid it hasn't been opened after it's been brewed. Even the wines sent for evaluation don't know how to change the packaging!"

   "Brother, who sent the wine?" Yoyo Suiye asked curiously.

   "I don't know, it's all coded, so stop cheating. I won't release the list until the results of another project are finished tomorrow."


   "Open, open!"

  At this time, there was a commotion from the judges' seat.

   "What happened? Couldn't it be a bad brew?"

   Someone below guessed so.

   But as soon as he finished speaking, the auditorium smelled a scent of aging wine.

  Looking at the judging panel again, the audience thought that bad wine made people avoid it, but they obviously felt that the wine was rich and full-bodied and everyone was scrambling to taste it.

   "Sweet and mellow, sweet and refreshing, good wine!"

   "I give full marks for the aroma, but it's not as spicy as the No. 129 just now."

   "It's not bad to return to Gan, and you won't have a headache when you're drunk."

   This is the evaluation of several domestic experts, and many sommeliers invited from abroad. After enjoying a few sips, they can't wait to rate it.

  Xu Yin watched the data bar scroll for a while, and finally a score jumped out: 93.

  The audience applauded thunderously.

   This is the fifth player to score 90 points in this game.

   You know, nearly 200 wines have been evaluated before, and only five have scored 90 points.

  So far, the highest score is 96.5, which is an eight-year-old red wine packaged in French oak barrels; followed by Sanhua wine submitted by Nanfang Jiaye Winery, with a score of 94.5.

  Xu Yin scored 93 points in the blind tasting, temporarily ranking fourth.

  She raised her eyebrows lightly. From the looks and expressions of everyone tasting the wine just now, it can be seen that the score of her wine is not too low, but she did not expect it to be so high.

   After watching for half a day, most of the wines were rated between 82-88 points.

   After all, it is a competition, at least the wine that the contestants themselves are satisfied with is sent for the evaluation, so the difference is not much worse.

  She estimated that the score of her sorghum wine would be around 85, but she did not expect it to be 90.

  Although there are more than 200 wines behind her that have not been tasted blindly, but in the end, there are only three wines that rank 90. One is half a point higher than her, and two are lower than her.

   Therefore, at the end of the first day, Xu Yin finished fifth in the blind tasting session.

   This greatly exceeded her expectations.

  Before she came here, she thought that with her fledgling skills, she would at most be able to get in the middle of a large-scale competition where brewing masters gathered.

   This also proves that the brewing formula produced by the system is really good. She is a layman, and the wine she brewed according to the recipe is not very skilled, and she has defeated many professional experts.

  The next afternoon, the scores of chemical and microbiological technical analysis also came out.

  Xu Yin scored 96.5, the highest in the game in a single event.

   But in the end, the two total points lost to the eight-year-old red wine with a slight disadvantage of 0.5 points, and won a silver award.

   This was quite a surprise. Before the second score was announced, she never thought of winning the prize.

  Sanhuajiu, which ranked second in the blind tasting session, actually only scored 82 in this item, and the final score fell out of ten.

  Xu Yin sent a message to the principal to tell him the good news. By the way, he asked what "chemical and microbiological technical analysis" does, and what role does it play in wine tasting?

  She relies entirely on this pull point, and she doesn't know how to feel itchy.

  When the principal learned that she had returned with a silver medal, he was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

   It's true that he recommended her to participate in this competition, but he didn't have much expectation for winning.

   After all, it is an international event, and the contestants come from all over the world. If they have no strength, they will not travel so far to participate.

   Let her go as a freshman, mainly to let her feel the atmosphere and open her eyes. Unexpectedly, she came back with a big prize.

  The principal cheerfully went to show off to old Fang with his hands behind his back.

  Professor Fang couldn't bear his virtue, and rolled his eyes: "What are you proud of? It's not the apprentice you brought out. I cooked a small stove for her and taught her how to make wine. Am I embarrassed?"

"The wine you taught her to brew is still buried in the soil, and the wine they brewed for the competition is the three-year-old brewed by themselves. Speaking of Lao Fang, when the wine you taught her to brew is released, it will not be as fragrant as anyone else's own brewing. Are you blushing?"

  Professor Fang: "..." This wave of attacks is really serious.

  Xu Yin returned home with the trophy, which made Grandma Xu very excited.

  The old man rubbed his hands on the apron again and then carefully went forward to touch:

   "Hey, is this really made of silver?"

  Xu Yin laughed to death: "Grandma, it's just a layer of silver plating."

   "Silver-plated?" The old lady's enthusiasm dropped a few degrees, but she was still very happy, "That's not bad, it's better than no award, the important thing is this honor."

  She has another topic to chat in the small park.

  The granddaughter won a world-class silver medal just by virtue of her strength in her freshman year.

  What a glorious thing, the green smoke from the grave of the old Xu family ancestors may have drifted to the west, Amitabha, Bodhisattva bless you!

  (end of this chapter)

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