The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 160: World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (11)

  Chapter 160 World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (11)

  Just when he was talking about being high, Xu Yin called the police.

  The automatic alarm system in her home is very sensitive, and the ending is as smooth as she imagined.

  Zhang Peng was arrested and Yamei Technology was investigated.

  Chen Fuhai, the boss of Asia and the United States, has been doing a lot of illegal transactions with overseas countries in recent years.

  In the name of Bitcoin, he set up scams one after another in the country, causing many people to fail in their investments, ranging from bankruptcy to bankruptcy, and even family ruin.

  However, he used various means to transfer the cheated money to overseas accounts, so that the eldest wife and the younger wife can live freely. His crime will not be lighter than that of Zhang Peng.

  Xu Yin didn't say that Zhang Peng came to the door and was tricked by her, or else he would be so afraid that he would not be able to sleep after being appointed by cheap parents.

  She only said that she handed over the evidence anonymously to the police, which was the result of a thorough investigation by the police.

"Dad, Mom, Zhang Peng has been arrested. If you don't check, you won't know. If you check, you will be shocked. Who do you think is his behind-the-scenes boss? It turns out to be the boss of Yamei Technology, and he is also involved with some criminals overseas. We guessed right. This is really an organized fraud group with a division of labor. The police found a lot of them. Before Dad, they had succeeded in five cases in China, and they caused five families to go bankrupt. The company and Not to mention that the money is gone, the house I live in has been taken away by debtors, and I live on the street, which is miserable..."

  Xu Yin sent a voice message to the chat group of the three of Xu's family, packed her schoolbags, and went to school.

   If she doesn't go back to sell her vacation, the counselor is afraid that she will go to the house to catch her.

   Fortunately, when she went abroad this time, she bought a lot of original books that are rarely bought in China. She took this gift to see the counselor. She would not be criticized, right?

  In the other side, father Xu and mother Xu, who were abroad and always cared about their family, were relieved to hear the news from their daughter after waking up.

"Did you hear that? It's thanks to Yin Yin's visit to the winery on a whim, and a new friend she met during the trip, who helped us a lot, otherwise you would be the sixth unlucky guy who went bankrupt and slept on the street!" Xu's mother said nothing. She glared at her husband angrily.

   "Yes, thanks to Yinyin's friend, when you go back, you can bring Yinyin to pick a gift, and come to thank her."

   "It's up to you! Go buy a gift today!"

   "Today? Yinyin is not here again."

   "Isn't there you? You choose with me."

   "I won't..."

   "If you don't know how to learn! If you don't trust strangers to invest blindly in the future, see if I don't confiscate your annual dividends!"



  Language University’s final exams are considered late, starting at the end of June, with one or two exams every day, with a weekend in between. By the time all the exams are over, it’s already July.

   After the last exam on July 5th, the real summer vacation began.

   "Xu Yin, are you going home after the exam? Don't you want to play for a few more days?"

  The roommate watched her come back from the last exam and started to pack her luggage, poking her head out of the bed.

  In the past, the relationship between the three of them and Xu Yin was not so close, mainly because Xu Yin didn't spend much time in school, or she came back very late, got up very late in the morning, and often missed classes.

  At first they would call her to go to class together, but later they heard that Xu Yin’s family was very rich, so rich that the college teachers turned a blind eye to her truancy, so they stopped calling her.

   This time Xu Yin returned to school and gave each of them a box of ice cream and chocolates in ice packs. They felt that their relationship with each other was suddenly shortened, and the unfamiliarity of the past was gone.

  Xu Yin returned to her while tidying up the desk: "My parents returned to China today and called me home for dinner. Anyway, after the exam, I will take back what I don't need for the next semester, so as to save another trip."

   "Oh, then you go back quickly, I will tell you if there is anything in school."

   "Thank you! Then I'll go first, see you next semester!"

  She waves to her roommate.

   "See you next semester!"

  Just after leaving school, the plastic flower girlfriend called again.

  A few days ago, Xu Yin changed the status of Moments to "exam in progress", and those plastic flowers were so clever that they didn't bother her.

  Maybe she was worried that her parents would confiscate her pocket money if she failed the exam. If she had no pocket money, they wouldn't be able to get a bargain.

  No, I just came to harass me after the exam.

  Xu Yin thought about blocking them, but when she thought about the money she spent on them and the unequal treatment she received, her teeth itch. A group of white-eyed wolves!

  She picked it up lazily: "Hello?"

   "Miss, have you finished the exam? Come out and mess around!"

   "If you don't have money, you can't waste it."


   This answer was a bit unexpected.

  Zhou Nanxue looked at Fang Anqiong and Cheng Keshan beside her, and asked, "What should I do?"

  They have been waiting for a call from Xu Yin for the past few days. At first they thought that she would go abroad to play and would definitely bring them gifts when she came back, but they waited and waited but nothing came.

  Later, when I saw her posting a status of "exam in progress" in Moments, I didn't dare to disturb her, thinking that I should be able to come out to play after the exam, right? There is no foolishness to pay the bill, and they have nowhere to go during this time, and they are almost suffocated.

   Unexpectedly, the phone call is "no money", so silly Baitian will have no money? Who would believe it!

  Cheng Keshan is worrying about the reconstruction fee for the next semester.

Her family is not so poor that they can't pay the tuition fees, but her parents value sons over daughters and treat her brother better than her. They didn't want to send her to art schools with expensive tuition fees. If they knew that she would have several If she failed the class or failed the make-up exam at the beginning of the semester, she would have to retake it, which might make her drop out of school.

  She asked Zhou Nanxue to ask Xu Yin out because she wanted to borrow some money from Xu Yin.

   Said it was a loan, but in fact, I had no intention of repaying it at all.

  Silly Baitian has tens of thousands of fixed allowances a month, and her parents often send her money whenever she is happy, and borrowing a mere 10,000 yuan is nothing.

  But I can't get out of the silly sweetness, what should I do with the money?

   "Yinyin..." Cheng Keshan came up to her, "I haven't made an appointment for a long time, let's go out together, I'll treat you to milk tea."

   "It's too hot to go shopping. If you treat guests to the Mentaiko club, then I will come out."


  Where is the Mentaiko clubhouse? The average per capita starts at five figures, which is what they can afford. Every time I go there before, it's just silly and sweet.

   Finally let it go.

   Cheng Keshan was so annoyed that she didn't get a loan and scratched her hair.

   "What to do! Didn't you say that she would definitely borrow it from me?"

   "We didn't expect that she would have no money." Fang Anqiong said embarrassingly.

   "It's really not possible, you sell the shoes and bags that Silly Baitian gave you before." Zhou Nanxue advised her.

  Cheng Keshan: "..."

How can she be willing, it is a luxury that she can't afford at this stage anyway, usually she is not willing to use it, she hides it in the closet, and only takes it out to wear when she goes to some high-end places with Silly Baitian. What do you use to support the facade?

  But both Fang Anqiong and Zhou Nanxue persuaded her: "Silly Baitian has no money now, and he is probably the same as us. He failed the exam and was restricted by his family. It will be fine after a while. When she has money, let her give you one."

  Cheng Keshan makes sense after thinking about it, let's get over the difficulties in front of me first.

  So I went home and took out the clothes, shoes and bags that Xu Yin had given me over the years, and hung them up on the second-hand platform of Xianwu for sale.

  (end of this chapter)

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