The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 176: World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (27)

  Chapter 176 World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (27)

   "Uncle, are they treating you like a monkey?"

  Han Cheng added fuel to the fire, wishing to punish Zhao Xujin's spot in the trials now and replace him with himself!

   Except for Lu Chengfeng who was frowning, everyone else had weird expressions.

  Xu Yin took the pad from the steward, clicked on the air freight food ordering app, opened the column of order records, and handed it to Guo Yongda with a blank expression:

"I don't know if my family is the richest man. After all, my dad is a very low-key person, but why can't you eat the airlifted ingredients you mentioned every day? The meat dishes on my family's table have always been ordered from this restaurant. But what do you mean? I understand that it’s really not good to always have to be transported by air, and our money has been earned by foreigners. So I plan to open a purely ecological farm and ranch by myself, and provide logistical support for my family, Jin.”


  Guo Yongda was dumbfounded when he saw the pages and pages of almost daily order flow and the corresponding amount in front of him.

   Converted into renminbi, the sums surpassed his one-month salary plus bonuses, and several sums even surpassed his annual income.

  Han Cheng's face was also blue and red, and his jealousy towards Zhao Xujin reached its peak.

   Damn it! How many times has this kid been lucky?

  Is his girlfriend blind? How could you fall in love with him?

  Isn't he much better than him?

  At least my family’s conditions are okay, and my parents are not divorced.

  Thinking of this, he adjusted his attire, raised his hand to brush his hair, and cast a confident glance at Xu Yin thinking he was handsome.

  Xu Yin: "..." Isn't this guy's eyes twitching?

  Zhao Xujin moved her steps, blocking Han Cheng's sight.

  Xu Yin was happy, and she held her boyfriend's arm and smiled sweetly at him.

   "Cough." Lu Chengfeng interrupted the weird silence, "Since the safety of the food source is guaranteed, the inspection is unnecessary. What do you think, Lao Guo?"

  Guo Yongda: "..."

   What else could he say?

  It was only at this moment that I realized: Zhao Xujin's girlfriend is really a **** rich daughter. Regardless of whether he is the richest man or not, he is not something he can offend.

  His greatest advantage is his flexibility, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stay in the first team for so many years.

   Picking up the detector, he kicked his nephew angrily: "I'm going back! Do you still want to stay here?"

   Cheng Guodong glanced at Xu Yin, saw her nodding, and politely asked: "I've already ordered this, why don't you go back after eating?"

   "No need, I have something else to do." Guo Yongda didn't look at him, but looked at Lu Chengfeng, "Old Lu, are you going?"

   "I'll have a good drink and food before leaving." Lu Chengfeng also wanted to ask Cheng Guodong what happened today.

   "Okay. Let's go first then."

  Guo Yongda dragged his nephew and turned away.

  He felt very uncomfortable. In fact, he was also greedy for the 82-year-old Lafite, the 93-year-old Yu Duo, and the king crab that was bigger than his face, and the big lobster that was as long as a stick.

  But I offended people thoroughly before, and now I can't let go of my old face.

  Muttered in his heart: Why didn't Cheng Guodong stop persuading him? If he tried to persuade me a few more words, or came over and directly dragged Lao Tzu to sit down, Lao Tzu would definitely give him a face and leave him a light meal.

  Cheng Guodong is not so careless. Inviting someone once is enough to give the other person a face. If he doesn't appreciate it, no one really wants to keep this uncle and nephew for dinner.

   After Guo Yongda's uncle and nephew left, the scene became jubilant again.

  Lu Chengfeng is the most popular first-team coach with Lu Hui and the others, and they scramble to fill him up with wine.

  Cheng Guodong drove them away: "Okay, okay, let's do it ourselves, you can eat by yourself. It's rare to have a holiday, don't come to me, it hurts."

  Looking at their master and apprentice bickering, Lu Chengfeng laughed.

  In that room, Xu Yin shared the cake with everyone.

  Master Ding’s various snacks are also out of the oven.

  Everyone drank watermelon juice, ate snacks, gnawed on cakes, and from time to time, authentic steamed seafood was served on the table, so happy.

   "Miss Xu..."

   When Xu Yin went to the bathroom, two members of the women's team followed.

   "Just call me Xu Yin, I'm about the same age as you."

"Well, that's it..." The two of them stammered out the reason why Guo Yongda knew about it, "Lizi also accidentally forwarded the video to the group, and when she found out that the timeout had expired, she was caught by Han Cheng." I saw it. Lizi blamed herself and kept asking me if I was okay."

  Xu Yin smiled at the two of them: "This matter has been resolved, so you don't have to worry about it."

   There were waves in my heart.

  Pears? Li Yuening?

   Isn’t that the original heroine? At the end of the article, he confessed his love to Zhao Xujin...

  After going to the bathroom, she hurried back to her seat, as if carrying an invisible murderous aura.

  Zhao Xujin glanced at her inexplicably, then poured a glass of lemonade and pushed it in front of her.


   This air is like a leaky balloon, slowly deflated.

   "I'm hungry." She looked at her boyfriend and said.

  Zhao Xujin got up and brought her a plate of dim sum, including durian crisps, lotus cakes, radish cakes, and shrimp dumplings.

   "It's too dry. I want something with soup."

  He went to Master Ding to cook a bowl of seafood noodles.

  Others pretended to go back and forth to get this and this, but they were actually paying attention to this young couple quietly.

  Seeing Comrade Zhao Xiaojin, who has always been aloof, sat down and got up again after a short while, serving him tirelessly one after another with food and drink, I couldn't help but want to boo him.

  A daughter-in-law said that she has a partner: This is not serving a girlfriend, it is clearly serving the Empress Dowager. If you have a family dinner in the future, don't share a box or a table with Comrade Zhao Xiaojin. What if you start a family revolution later?

  The bachelor who didn’t have a date expressed his shock: From this point of view, being single seems to be pretty good.

  Xu Yin finally let go of the anger in her heart.

  When he came back with a plate of snapper sashimi she wanted to eat, she pulled him to sit beside her, put her hands around his waist, and leaned into his arms contentedly:

   "How can you be so nice! You are not angry when I make such a fuss."

  Zhao Xujin looked down at her, with puzzled eyes: "Why are you angry?"

   "I'm doing it, I deliberately ordered you to take it one by one."

   "If you want to eat, take it."


  The awkwardness in Xu Yin's heart was instantly wiped away.

  Where is the anger, it's too late to like it.

   Smiling, she kissed him on the chin.

   Seeing his Adam's apple rolling, she buried her head in his arms and laughed uncontrollably.

  The two who were hiding in the corner and making love to each other didn't blush, but those who quietly watched their interaction did blush.

   "Oh..." Lu Hui sighed, "Nothing can compare, Xiao Jin is the winner in life."

   "I found that it's good to have a girlfriend. When I'm lonely, I have a companion. Why don't I find someone else? I'd like to serve her tea, meals, and juice..." Fang Zhaoyang said enviously.

   Before he could finish his sentence, he was met with collective stares from a group of single big brothers.

  Crap! It's up to you to find it!

  (end of this chapter)

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