The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 183: World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (34)

  Chapter 183 World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (34)

  Many students from the University of Physical Education came to watch the game, but they all bought 3 types of ordinary tickets.

  When buying tickets, they noticed the VIP seats in the prime location below, but none of them were sold, so they picked a seat closer to the 1st and 2nd category tickets.

   After the start of the game, if no one comes, just grab a golden throne and watch it up close to save money.

  Unexpectedly, when they entered the venue with tickets, they found that the VIP seats in the prime location were almost full.

   Not only the 1st category ticket area, but also the 2nd category ticket area is almost the same.

   "What's the matter? So many people rubbing their seats? It can't be that they all bought VIP tickets to come in?"

   "That's right, why are there so many people?"

   Several boys in the same class as Zhao Xujin were very puzzled seeing this scene.

  When passing by the VIP seating area, I couldn’t help but ask a boy in the aisle: “Brother, is this your seat?”

   "Yeah. How else could I sit here?"


  Sports college students glanced at each other: Could it be that the price of the VIP ticket was reduced later?

   "How much did you pay for the tickets?"

   "No money spent."


   "We sent flowers from our college." The boy added.

  The university students looked at each other in blank dismay.

   Damn it! Which school actually has such a generous courtyard flower?

   "Brother, which school do you go to?"

   I don’t know if it’s too late to transfer to another school?

   "Large language."


  Forget it, they won’t be able to transfer in time, and they can’t get high in the cultural class score of the language university.

   "Are these people from your school? Are they tickets from the courtyard flowers like you?"

   "That's not right! Our dean gave us a day off, and I don't feel the pressure of skipping classes, which is very refreshing."


  They also want to have fun.

  However, the reality is only sour.

  At this time, the athletes entered the arena one after another.

  The language college students, funded by Xu Yin in advance and fully prepared for the support, pulled up the banners and clapped the support sticks:

   "Hua Guo team!"

"come on-"

   "Hua Guo team!"

"come on-"

  Sports college students and other individuals who bought tickets to watch, couldn't help but be mobilized and shouted.

  The momentum is so huge that foreign players look sideways.

   It was the first time I saw such a full auditorium in the preliminaries.

  In the past when they competed in their country, it would be nice to have such a momentum to cheer for them in the finals, the preliminaries? It's a big deal to fill up a district.

  I can't help but envy Hua Guo players, so many people come to cheer for them.

  In fact, the Huaguo team themselves were puzzled: "What's going on today? There are so many people here."

  The assistant inquired about the reason from the booking office: "It seems to be booked by some rich man."

  Hearing "rich man", Coach Lu couldn't help but look at Zhao Xujin, don't be this kid's girlfriend again, right?

   Fu Fu forehead: "Okay, get ready, go through the precautions in your heart again, and it's time to play."

  Xu Yin has her boyfriend's match schedule in her hand, and before her boyfriend's match has started, she shows it to Xu's mother:

   "Look, mom, he has six races today, 1,000-meter preliminaries and preliminaries in the morning, 1,500-meter preliminaries, 500-meter preliminaries in the afternoon, 3,000-meter preliminaries, and a 5,000-meter relay preliminaries in the evening."

   Xu's mother smacked her tongue: "There are so many competitions in a day? Is it bearable? It's too hard."

   "It's his first time to compete in a competition. The coach saw that he has good stamina, so let him try it out. He will not be nervous after participating in more competitions. The coach still wants him to compete in next year's World Championships, so he urgently needs to gain experience in competitions."

   This is one of them.

  Secondly, Coach Lu quietly told her that her boyfriend had broken or tied several world records during team training, so she signed him up for the men's all-around.

   Naturally, it is much harder than other players.

   "Is that the kid?"

  At this time, Xu's mother saw the athletes entering the field one after another, skating around on the ice rink to warm up, she couldn't help laughing and said:

  "I think he is the most handsome and tallest among all the athletes."

  Xu Yin smiled without saying a word.

   Needless to say? Her boyfriend is the most handsome in the world!

  The large screen gives each athlete a super clear close-up.

  When the picture of Zhao Xujin appeared, all the girls screamed and cheered: Ahhh! So handsome!

  Wen Lisha has never met Zhao Xujin in person, but she has seen the photos in Xu Yin's album. Seeing this, she elbowed her best friend: "Your boyfriend is so popular!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Suddenly regretted giving the ticket to the female classmate, and if she didn't watch the game, she would only see her boyfriend's face.

   "Hey, this is my classmate, my buddy, who is in the same class as me."

   Under the hard-working publicity of several boys from the University of Physical Education, all the students of the University of Language and Culture knew that this handsome guy with a cold temperament on the field was a freshman of the University of Physical Education.

   "Ahhh! Others win glory for the country at the age of eighteen, but I spent all the money at the age of eighteen."

   "Sisters, spending all the money is also honoring the country, according to economists."


  As Zhao Xujin advanced to the first place in the group for three consecutive preliminaries, the cheers of the audience almost broke through the sky.

  The girl who had no interest in this kind of competition and just came with her boyfriend/best friend made a "really fragrant" smashing sound when the game was over.

   They all expressed that they would come again in the afternoon, especially tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the final is even more exciting.

  This is the first time that sports events are so exciting and beautiful.

  Xu's father and Xu's mother didn't plan to come to see it every day, and they came to save face for their daughter on the first day.

   The result is also "really fragrant".

   He simply opened a presidential suite in the hotel where Zhao's father stayed, and used it for food and lodging during the competition.

  Xu Yin wanted to send a message to her boyfriend several times, but she refrained from sending it, for fear of distracting him.

  Unexpectedly, at night, he took the initiative to call.

  It seems that today's game is no different from the previous training, it is nothing more than that the teammates have been replaced by players from other countries.

  Lu Chengfeng originally wanted to remind him a few more words, but seeing him take out his mobile phone to report his daily routine to his girlfriend as soon as he arrived at the o'clock, he was... very speechless.

   "All right, all right, talk to your girlfriend for a while, let her compliment you well, and then go to bed early when you feel happy. Tomorrow's game schedule is also very tense. I have to turn off the lights at 9:30."

  Xu Yin couldn't help laughing when she heard Coach Lu babbling beside her.

   Waiting for his end to calm down, Xu Yin said, "Today is great."

   "Have you come to see?"

   "Of course! Didn't I tell you? Not only me, our dad, but also my parents came to see our dad. Guess where we are now?"


   Upon hearing that his future parents-in-law would also come to watch his game, Zhao Xujin couldn't help tensing up.

   "The hotel next to the venue was mentioned by my dad. He praised you several times, saying that you skate so beautifully, so the kimchi country and the bullfighting country are all far behind."

   "They... know me?" His voice was a little rough.

   "Of course." Xu Yin chuckled, "You are my boyfriend. My mother also said that after your game is over, invite our father to have a meal, and the two families will have a reunion. It's a pity that you can't come out."


  What a pity, he thought.

  The next second, I heard my girlfriend say: "It's okay, I will eat more for you."


  (end of this chapter)

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