The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 254: The vicious female supporting role fled to farm (4)

  Chapter 254 Vicious Female Supporting Escapes to Farm (4)

  Many villagers came to fetch water from the river.

  In the past, only one or two stepping stones were exposed, but now you can reach the small fish and shrimps at the bottom with your hands.

  The villagers who came to fetch water picked up some fish and shrimp by the way, but their faces were not very happy.

  God has not rained, and the rice fields are dry and cracked. If this continues, this year's harvest will be even worse than last year's.

   "Damn it! Last year it rained endlessly, and the harvest was not good. This year it didn't rain at all. This is going to starve us to death!" A village woman began to wail and curse.

  The third sister grabbed Xu Yin's clothes tightly, looking a little scared at this scene.

   "Don't be afraid." Xu Yin patted her head.

   "Sister-in-law, the chief is also here." Erlang tugged on her sleeve.

  Xu Yin raised her eyes and saw that the old man with white beard who was frowning tightly was the chief of this area?

   After thinking for a while, she put down the bucket and walked over.

   "Li Zhang, do you always think it will rain in the near future?"

"Who are you…"

   "She is Da Lang's wife." The village woman who recognized Xu Yin laughed heartily, "She is a hot little lady!"

   "Oh, it's Da Lang's wife."

  The head of the village had also heard about Xu Yin's behavior at noon. Although he didn't like her disrespectful attitude towards the elders, in detail, it was indeed the fault of the Li boss's family.

  Because I don’t like it, I still say my own opinion about Xu Yin’s question:

   "It doesn't look like it will rain this day, I'm afraid this year..."

  Li sighed and shook his head, the times will not be too good.

  Xu Yin said: "I used to hear from a merchant who traveled all over the country that the drier the place, the easier it is to attract locust plagues."

"Locust plague?" Hearing the words, the village chief turned pale instantly, and murmured, "Yes! The generation of our ancestors suffered from locust plagues, and the locust plagues crossed the border, and there was no harvest! What should we do? yes..."

  Young people don’t understand: “What is a locust plague? How can there be no harvest?”

  The older ones had heard their parents and grandparents mention it, so their complexion also became very bad.

"Li Chang, if there is a locust plague, our village may suffer the most." Xu Yin reminded them, "Our village is located in a mountainous area, surrounded by mountains on three sides. I heard from that person that locusts like to lay eggs on uneven highlands in mountainous areas. Once Our village bears the brunt of locust plagues."

  As soon as these words came out, the blood faded from everyone's faces.

   "How can this be done?"

   "Should our Lijia Village also be like the Beiguan people, fleeing everywhere and never returning home?" A village woman squatted on the ground, covering her face and crying.

   Someone took the lead, and many women wiped away their tears.

   "Daughter-in-law, I think you know a lot. Do you have any good ideas?" the chief asked Xu Yin.

Xu Yin pondered: "At the moment, I haven't thought of a better way, but if it doesn't rain and the drought is avoided, the follow-up locust plague is very likely. Instead of waiting until the last crop fails, it is better to harvest the millet as soon as possible. Find a place to take refuge."

   It is not very likely, but it will definitely appear.

   But she knows the plot, the villagers don't.

   A few people stared at her disapprovingly: "What? Harvest now? A lot of them are still green millet, so what can be harvested if they are not full? Are you not reassuring?"

  Xu Yin ignored his last sentence, and sincerely persuaded: "Even if the harvest is small, it is better than no harvest."

  Li Chang was silent for a long while, and then sighed: "That's all! Everyone go back and discuss with the family, and each decides!"

  Most villagers are unwilling to harvest rice now, although they are worried about drought and locust plagues.

  It’s only the beginning of May, at least half a month before it matures. One side of the millet is yellow, but the other side is still green, and they haven’t fully grown yet. All it takes is a heavy rain, and there will be a good harvest. Now accept, who is willing to!

  Aunt Li learned that it was Xu Yin's idea, so she ran to her house and yelled:

"What's your heart, you bitch? Let's harvest the unripe millet, what will we eat later? You're fine! One mu of land will take half a stone of grain from me, and we don't care how many stones we harvest in the field, you poisonous woman Ah! What a poisonous heart! This is trying to starve us to death!"

  Xu Yin's courtyard door was closed, when she was singing.

   That's all she said anyway.

  Everyone listens as long as they want, and she can't press their heads if they don't want to.

  Like Aunt Li, there are quite a few people who feel that Xu Yin has no good intentions, so they murmured in private:

   "Her family has no land, I'm afraid she is jealous of our landed family, and I wish our harvest would not be good!"

   "How can there be such a vicious person!"

   "No wonder her elder brother and sister-in-law wanted to marry her off even if she didn't want a bride price. If it were my sister-in-law, I wouldn't be able to bear it."

   "Poor Da Lang..."

  Although Xu Yin was behind his back, but not the children of each family.

  So, when these children were playing, they laughed at Erlang and Third Sister: "Your sister-in-law is a vicious woman! She came to your house. You two fools will be killed by her sooner or later!"

  Erlang spat at the speaker with a "bah": "You are a fool! My sister-in-law is a good person!"

   "Yes! Sister-in-law is very good to us!" The third sister touched her little cuff, then looked down at the cuffs embroidered with green bamboo, and nodded vigorously, "Yes! Sister-in-law is the best!"

  The child who was spat on didn't give up, and threw himself on Erlang, and the two wrestled together.

  Erlang was young and weak, and was soon beaten by an older child riding on the ground.

  Xu Yin heard from the neighbor next door that Erlang was being bullied, so she hurried over and pulled the child away.

   "No fights are allowed! Speak up if you have something to say!"

   "Poison woman! Bah!"

  The kid made a face at her and ran off with the others.

  The third sister cried in fright, crouched beside Erlang and choked with sobs: "Sister-in-law, second brother's face is broken, woo woo..."

  Erlang's cheek was scratched by the child.

  But he didn't cry, and bared his teeth and said, "I bit him, it's not a loss!"

  Xu Yin took the two of them home, wiped his face with a clean towel, and then disinfected him.

   "Sister-in-law, is this wine?" Erlang smelled alcohol and asked curiously, "Do we still have wine at home?"

   "Well, sister-in-law's dowry."

  When Yuan came, she brought a package. In fact, she only changed two sets of clothes, but anyway, only she knew what was in the package.

  The two children are young, so they have no doubts at all.

   "It smells so good! My dad loves to drink alcohol!" Erlang sniffed his nose, desperately smelling the unique aroma of alcohol.

  Xu Yin looked at his expression and couldn't help laughing. Even disinfecting him didn't feel a sting. This kid might be starving.

   "Sister-in-law will cook egg noodles for you tonight, do you want to eat?"


   "Do we have a face?"

   "Yes, my sister-in-law traded with someone else, but she is not allowed to tell."


  After this incident, Xu Yin, who was raising a cub independently for the first time, felt that she had to move.

   It is reasonable for Meng's mother to move three times.

  The living environment accounts for half of the success of a child.

  Although she didn't have the ambition to raise a champion, she didn't want the two boys to spend their childhood fighting with others all day long.

  In addition to the imminent famine, since there is no way to change the status quo, then escape to fight for a chance of life.

  (end of this chapter)

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