The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 308: The white moonlight of the surgical boss (11)

  Chapter 308 The white moonlight of the surgical boss (11)

  The movement was so loud that neighbors in the neighborhood soon knew about it:

   There is a potted flower in the Mao family, whose root was scratched by a naughty cat, but was actually saved by the granddaughter of the old Xu family.

  In the alley, who doesn’t keep a few pots of flowers on the wall? They don’t know how to look at other people’s houses and think they are beautiful. They will buy a few pots during the New Year and holidays, but more or less of them are wilted or withered.

Hearing that the granddaughter of the old Xu's family can even revive flowers with broken roots, and they are more upright and delicate than those without roots, so this family is holding hyacinths with rotten roots, and that family is holding jasmine with yellowed flowers and leaves. ... came to Xu's house one after another to find Xu Yin to rescue them.

  【Ding—rescue the hyacinth with rotten roots, complete the task and reward 50 energy points】

  【Ding——Rescue the root-burning Jasmine, complete the task and reward 50 energy points】

  【Ding—rescue the diseased tulip, complete the task and reward 50 energy points】


  Before Xu Yin opened her mouth, she heard the system send out a series of tasks to save flowers. This was because she was afraid that she would reject the flowers brought by her neighbors!

   Missions need to be accepted, flowers need to be saved.

  The neighbors in the neighborhood happily left the flowers at Xu's house.

   "It's okay, it's okay, I'll let it go to your house. It's the best if you can save it. If you can't save it, it's okay. If I hadn't heard from Lao Mao that you saved his iris and came to try my luck, I would have planned to throw it away."

   "That's right! Yin girl, you don't need to be stressed. This flower has failed like this. I feel sorry for throwing it away. It looks uncomfortable if I don't throw it away. It cost me a lot of money to buy it."

  Everyone put down the flowers and ran away, as if they were afraid that Xu Yin would refuse.

  Grandpa Xu smiled and cursed at their backs: "It's really hard to save your life if you turn around, don't complain!"

   "No, no, no!"

   So she is busy.

  When the postgraduate entrance examination group was discussing early in the morning that the library was not available and had to go to the classroom for self-study, Xu Yin was already busy:

  Clean up the rotten root system of the hyacinth, disinfect it with the plant-specific disinfection solution exchanged from the system mall, put it in a cool place to dry, and replant it in the soil after a while;

  The yellow leaves of jasmine flowers are due to the inappropriate fertilizer applied by the flower owner, which makes the soil weakly alkaline. Xu Yin changed the pot of acidic nutrient soil and waited for a while to see;

  Tulip is easy to handle. Spend 500 energy points in the system mall to mix a flower and herbal treatment bottle of fungicide, and spray it every day according to the instructions...

  Busy so far in the morning, go back to the house, take off the straw hat, drink a glass of light salt water, and think about what vegetables to buy and what soup to cook for Grandpa Xu that day.

  The postgraduate entrance examination group began to shout at nine or ten o'clock in the evening:

  [Who goes to the canteen to buy food? Bring me a skewer, I plan to watch it all night, is there anyone with me? ]

  [I I I! I'm going to finish my ideological and political work all night, someone will bring me a cup of coffee. ]

  Xu Yin stretched her waist and ended her study for the day.

  After that, I took out the fabric and sneaked in to make a new dress for Grandpa Xu as a birthday present.

   Finish work on time at 10:30, turn off the lights and go to bed.

  Once, the class monitor @她 at 10:40: Xu Yin, have you downloaded the professional course materials?

   It wasn't until 8:30 the next day that I waited for Xu Yin's reply.

  After Zhang Qing saw it, he deliberately @她: Xu Yin, did you study late? Why are you getting up now?

  Xu Yin: …

  What does it mean to start now? She had finished tending the flower fields, went to the alley to buy vegetables, had breakfast, and just sat down at the desk to read, okay?

  Seeing that she didn't make a sound, Zhang Qing said to himself: That's not right either! If you study late, you should have seen the message sent by the monitor last night! Why did you come back now?

  Xu Yin rolled her eyes, ignoring her.

  Others saw that there seemed to be some tension between the two, and it was not like the relationship between good sisters who were glued to each other before, so they didn't dare to say anything.

   Zhang Qing saw that no one replied to his two messages, so he patted the table angrily.

  Forgot it was in the study room, the girl opposite looked over with a straight face:

   "What are you doing! I want to take a picture of the table and go home! Everyone is reading a book! Is it annoying! What's wrong!"


  Although she didn't dare to make any noise anymore, but the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, she turned to the address book and found out the number that she had stored so well in her heart a long time ago but never dared to contact.

  He walked out of the study room with his mobile phone in his hand, walked around the corridor twice, and finally dialed.


  Wen Heting's impatient voice came to mind on the other end of the phone.

   "Wen, Wen..."

   "Buzz what buzz! You're a mosquito!" Wen Heting looked at the call, but didn't recognize it, so he pressed the end button casually, and threw the phone on the table with a snap.

  He was losing his temper at the attending doctor in the doctor's office: "What do you mean? You are the largest general hospital in the city, and you don't even have a matching kidney source? You are lying to a three-year-old child!"

"It's true!" The attending doctor patiently explained to him, "The existing kidney source is indeed not compatible, and our hospital has nothing to do about it. You can mobilize your immediate family members when you go back, and there may be a match. Dialysis, waiting in line for a kidney source."

The doctor said so much, and patted Wen Heting on the shoulder comfortingly: "As a doctor, I can understand the feelings of your family members. But we will not give up any chance. But the shortage of kidney resources, the objective conditions are limited, There is really no way."

   After finishing speaking, he left for rounds.

  Wen Heting sat alone for a long time holding his head.

  On the other end of the phone, Zhang Qing held his breath after listening, and pressed the end button carefully, before letting out a long breath.

  Wen Heting probably didn't know, he didn't hang up the phone, right?

  God! Who in his family is sick and needs a kidney transplant?

   Could it be because of this reason that Xu Yin gave up her pursuit of him?

  This Xu Yin is too snobbish!

  Zhang Qing secretly scolded Xu Yin.

  Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration and knew how to get close to Wen Heting.

  Xu Yin didn't know about Zhang Qing's coquettish operation. After she put away her phone, she concentrated on reading a book.

  Generally, I read the key content drawn the night before in the morning, brush up the questions in the afternoon, and continue to mark the key points in the evening, and the cycle repeats.

  Learning enriches her and makes her happy.

  But someone wanted to interrupt her immersive study.

   Seeing that it was still an unfamiliar call, she thought about it and picked it up. What if it was a courier? She bought a lot of things online a few days ago.


   "Not good." Wen Heting's slightly decadent voice came from the other end of the phone, and the background seemed to be an empty basement.

   "You actually blocked me?" He gritted his teeth when he mentioned this, and he borrowed the driver's mobile phone to call.

  As soon as Xu Yin heard that it was him, she immediately wanted to hang up.

   "Do you dare to hang up!"

"This is what you said!"

  Xu Yin decisively pressed the end button, and blocked the call.

  Outside the window, Grandpa Xu seems to be chatting with the neighbors across the door: "Shhh—speak softly, Yinyin is studying for the postgraduate entrance examination at home!"

   "Yinyin is at home? No wonder I see you smiling these days. Your son and daughter-in-law are not as happy as you when they come home."

"How can a son and daughter-in-law be so filial! You don't know, I had a cough a few days ago, and she sent me to the hospital, and made me lily tea to relieve my cough, and said she wanted to grow lilies herself to make tea for me. , about nourishing the lungs..."

  Hearing Grandpa Xu's angry and deliberately lowered voice, Xu Yin smiled, lowered her head, pushed the phone aside, and continued to immerse herself in the book.

  (end of this chapter)

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