The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 322: The white moonlight of the surgeon (25)

  Chapter 322 The white moonlight of the surgical boss (25)

   Gu Xijin came out of her girlfriend's house, called Fu Shaowei, and asked him to make an appointment with Wen Heting: "I have something to talk to him about."

  Although Fu Shaowei was wondering, what is there to talk about between these two? But he did it anyway.

  Out of curiosity, he also came to the park where Xueshen and Xiaocao met.

  The person who has been chasing after school belle for four years but can't get it, has a private appointment with her serious boyfriend now, what will they talk about?

  Fu Shaowei rubbed his hands, and ran excitedly after parking the car.

  Run to the scene... Fuck!

  His jaw almost dislocated: Damn these two people got into a fight when they disagreed!

  This is not an appointment, it’s more like a fight.

   Xueshen PK school grass, which side will he stand to win or take out his phone and quietly record a video?

  Forget it, let’s persuade the fight first! Don't bring in the security guards, then tomorrow's social news might have a place for the two of them, anyway, they are both dignified people!

   Fu Shaowei bit the bullet and went over to persuade the fight: "Gu Shen! Wen Shao! If you have something to say, talk it out! What can a fight solve? Isn't it? Ouch!"

  He got punched.

   With a sad face, he continued to persuade: "Really stop beating! If someone sees you and call the police, you two will be screwed! Ouch!"

   Another punch.

do not care!

   Fu Shaowei rubbed his face that was numb with pain, stepped aside and angrily took out his mobile phone: "I can't persuade you anymore, I'll let the school belle persuade me!"

   As soon as the voice fell, Gu Xijin withdrew her hand, and glanced at Fu Shaowei faintly, her eyes were full of threats of "you dare to call and try".

   Fu Shaowei put away his phone with a smirk, who would dare to do this!

  Wen Heting raised his elbow and wiped his face, and with a "hiss", he was punched on the cheekbone, "Gu Xijin, there's something **** wrong with you!"

   Without saying a word, they would start a fight when they came up, it is simply inexplicable!

   "I'll return this sentence to you!" Gu Xijin glanced at him coldly, "Next time you chew your tongue in front of Yin Yin, you might as well stop taking your tongue!"

"Oh! I said it." Wen Heting touched his swollen cheekbones and sneered, "Dare to be suspected? So you became angry and asked me to settle accounts? But did I say something wrong? What the **** are you afraid of if you don't do bad things? Knock on the door?"

   "Do you think everyone is like you?"

   After Gu Xijin finished speaking, she picked up the coat hanging on the bushes, threw it on her shoulder, turned and walked towards the exit.

  Wen Heting pursed his lips tightly, staring at the distant figure, and suddenly shouted: "There is a kind of waiting for me to come back, fair competition."

  Gu Xijin paused, turned her head and looked at him with weird eyes: "You've already been out of the game, don't you know?"

  After that, without further pause, he walked straight back to his car, started the car, and drove away from the lonely park in the night.

  Wen Heting kicked the tree trunk angrily: "Fuck!"

  Fu Shaowei quietly took a photo of his disfigured face and sent it to Xu Yin:

  [School belle, persuading a fight to persuade me like this, isn’t it super miserable? ]

  Xu Yin didn't see the news until the next morning, and sympathized with him.

  Fu Shaowei wanted to say: I was punched by your incumbent at the corner of my mouth, and punched on my forehead by half of your ex who seemed to have a crush on you before going abroad after four years of chasing you.

   But he dared not.

  He was afraid that Gu Xijin would talk to him in the middle of the night.

  He is fat, but he is purely puffy. He has never won a fight since he was a child.

  The school grass has been going to the gym every day for a while, and she has developed a six-pack abs, but she didn't win Xueshen either. He didn't even dare to challenge the **** of learning, the challenge was equal to being beaten!

   Chatted a few words with Xu Yin in a gag, but didn't dare to tell the truth.

  Xu Yin naturally didn't know that her boyfriend, who was calm, dignified, and good student, ran out to fight in the middle of the night last night, and even won the fight.

  In the past few days, she has been busy reading during the day, and at night, she moved a small horse to set up a street stall in the small night market at the entrance of the alley, selling three or five potted flowers every day, and earning a wave of energy points.

  Grandpa Xu was chatting with others.

   "Old Xu, is this flower really planted by your granddaughter? It's really good!"

   "That's right! Girl Yin is good at raising flowers, and all the hyacinths with rotten roots in my family were rescued by her."

   "The tulips in my house cost a lot of money to buy, but for some reason they are getting weaker day by day, and they were also saved by Yin Yin."

  Grandpa Xu loves to listen to neighbors complimenting his granddaughter, and said cheerfully: "Yinyin is ingenious, not only flowers and plants, but also the vegetables that are eaten at home are all grown by her."

   "Really? Last time, the water spinach was also grown by Yin Yin? The second crop and the third crop are still tender than the first crop in my house, amazing!"

"Oh, Yin girl is really capable! Do you have a match?" Li Granny, who likes to match people in the alley, said with a smile, "I have a few guys in my hand who are in good condition. If you don't have a match, you can introduce them to Yin." Girl."

   "The target is not yet." Grandpa Xu, who didn't know that his granddaughter was married, said cheerfully, "But she wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination, so don't rush it, so as not to delay her exam."

   Elder Gu, who was holding his heart on the side, heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this.

  He said in his heart that it's okay, otherwise his grandson would have a few more competitors.

  Xu Yin sold the five potted flowers she had moved out, and returned home with a small horse and Grandpa Xu.

  After washing up, I put on a beautiful nourishing facial mask. I was going to listen to the English news before going to bed. I received a selfie photo from my boyfriend.

  The slender hand is comparable to that of a pianist, and the **** wears a platinum ring, which is obviously a pair with the one hanging around her neck.

   She realized after thinking about it for a while, and just as she couldn't help being happy, his call came in.

   "Does it look good?" It was his laughing voice on the other end of the phone.


   "Does the ring look better or the hand?"


  Xu Yin poohed him lightly, causing him to muffle a low laugh.

   "Grandpa just sent me a voice message, saying that the alley is very lively tonight, and several matchmakers want to introduce you to someone?"

  Xu Yin was confused: "I don't know."

  She really doesn't know.

  At that time, I concentrated on selling tweeds, sold a pot, and heard the sound of energy jingling into the account, not to mention how beautiful it was.

   "When will I tell Grandpa?" He tried to persuade, "How about Mid-Autumn Festival?"

  Xu Yin thought about it seriously and said: "I'm afraid you will be kicked out by grandpa, and then the festival will be ruined."


Sun Shuming came out to pour water, saw Gu Daxue, who seemed to be a different person when he was in love, leaning on the small balcony, softly coaxing his girlfriend on the other end of the phone, and wiped his face deeply, it was too cruel ! I just couldn't see it!

  Sneak into the room of the other two roommates: "Hey, did you see the ring on his finger?"

   "I see, not only our department, but also the nurse station know that he has a girlfriend, which broke the hearts of many people."

   "I don't know who is sacred, but it has captured the heart of our God Gu Daxue. It's amazing!"

  Sun Shuming vaguely guessed, but he was not sure: "Let him bring his family out someday, and treat us to dinner!"

   "Yes! In the past, whoever found a partner in the dormitory would treat them to guests. During the internship period, the people were scattered, but the few of us are together anyway, so we must let him invite you!"

   "Anyway, the few of us don't know how long we will be bachelors. It's a meal for nothing!"

   After a pause, someone said weakly: "Actually, I would rather treat guests than be a bachelor."

   "Says like I want to be single forever."


  (end of this chapter)

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