The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 332: The white moonlight of the surgical boss (35)

  Chapter 332 The white moonlight of the surgical boss (35)

  During the first month of the lunar year, Mr. Bai came to Xu's house and brought along an old man who was about his age.

  The bodyguard behind him is holding a potted plant.

   But it was covered by a warm plastic film, so Xu Yin couldn't tell what kind of flower it was.

Invite the two old men to sit down, and the old man Bai cut to the point and said: "Xiao Xu, this is my best friend, Lao Zhong, but he doesn't like orchids but camellias. No, seeing that my ghost orchid has been rescued, I want you to try it." Let’s see if we can raise this pot of eighteen bachelors well.”

Zhong Lao nodded to Xu Yin: "little girl, I heard from my old friend that you are good at growing flowers, can you help me to see. This pot of eighteen bachelors has been with me for several years, and I will hold it in every winter. Warm room. My youngest son got married this year. Many guests came to the house. A relative’s child was too naughty. He ran to my greenhouse to play. He adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner to 35 degrees and turned on the dehumidification. When I found out, Two days have passed, and the flower has become like this..."

  He asked the bodyguard to open the plastic film.

  Xu Yin saw the appearance of the camellia clearly—the outer layer of the buds was dry and scorched, several leaves were curled up, and the branches were not so green, as if the water had been sucked out.

  【Ding—rescue eighteen bachelors, complete the task and reward energy points 50】

  Xu Yin didn't hesitate any longer and accepted the task.

  However, Mr. Zhong looked around the Xu family and asked worriedly: "Your house doesn't have a greenhouse, how can you grow warm flowers?"

Xu Yin smiled and said: "Don't think that camellia likes warmth and heat, but it is actually quite cold-resistant. And don't you think that flowers grown in accordance with the four seasons have more vitality than greenhouse flowers? It's like raising children. , the delicate and meticulously raised children are far less resistant than those who run around outside all day rough and raised."

  Old Zhong choked when he heard that.

Mr. Bai laughed loudly: "Not to mention, Xiao Xu's theory is really feasible. Since my ghost orchid has been naturally raised in Xiao Xu's house for a few days, after returning home, I didn't put up a greenhouse, and I was more energetic than before. So we Ah, it has to be changed, the more pampered it is, the harder it is to survive. You said that when the sons were young, didn't they all follow them around outside, didn't they all have a tight skin?"

  Old Zhong heard what he said, although he was still worried, and turned his head twice before leaving, but he finally left Camellia in Xu's house.

  Xu Yin sent them to the entrance of the alley, and waited for them to get in the car and leave before going home to inspect the pot of Eighteen Scholars.

  The flowers and leaves are scorched and the flower branches are yellow. According to the "Flower Maintenance Guide", it is indeed caused by lack of water. The reason why the water does not improve is because the soil is too dry and hardened.

  Xu Yin loosened the soil first, cultivated some nutritious soil on the surface after loosening, and poured a portion of rooting water. Start maintenance from the root, the root system will be developed and powerful, and the flowers and leaves will spread out quickly.

  After that, she filled the watering can with some Lingxuzong mountain spring water, and sprayed it on the buds and leaves every day.

   Within a week, this pot of Eighteen Scholars not only recovered, but also blossomed.

  The petals are layered, white as snow.

  Counting carefully, the adjacent petals are arranged in exactly eighteen rounds, which is the origin of "Eighteen Scholars".

  She rubbed her chin and couldn't help thinking:

   Would you like to try to breed the "Eighteen Scholars" mentioned by Duan Yu in Jin Yong's novel—

"A total of eighteen flowers bloom on one plant, and the colors are different. The red ones are all red, and the purple ones are all purple. Let's all open, thank you all when you thank..."

  If such eighteen bachelors can be cultivated, I don't know if they can complete the extra task of "surprising the world".

   Pat on the cheek, thinking too much!

  Currently, she might not even be able to cultivate "Second Qiao" or "Three Heroes", so she still hopes to be "Eighteen Scholars"?

   Bringing back the wandering thoughts, Xu Yin took a few photos of camellias and sent them to Mr. Zhong.

  Old Zhong saw that his baby had been rescued, and laughed heartily on the phone: "Is this really my Eighteenth Bachelor? Blooming? Hahahaha! Be brave! Really be proud!"

  He directly sent a huge red envelope to Xu Yin, forcing her to accept it.

   "Accept it! Otherwise, I will be ashamed to ask you about raising flowers in the future, old man."

  Xu Yin didn't refuse anymore, but accepted it graciously and thanked her.

   "Thank you! This is what you should accept."

  Mr. Zhong happily came to take the flowers away that day.

   After going back, I took a lot of photos of the eighteen bachelors and sent them to the group of flower friends.

  Someone in the group knew that the flower buds of his precious Eighteenth Bachelor were browned a while ago. When he saw the photos of camellias posted by him, he thought he had just bought a new pot, so they all teased him:

   "Old Zhong, what's the matter? So that pot is no longer good, so why don't you change it to a new one?"

   "Old Zhong, this pot is not bad, and it blooms so early? The flower buds in my pot are still small."

  Mr. Zhong said with a smile: "You all guessed wrong! This pot is the original pot."

   "Didn't you say that you were tortured by a monkey?"

"Yeah, this is not introduced by Lao Bai. I met a little girl who is good at growing flowers and rescued me. After a few days of raising at her house, this flower will bloom early, isn't it beautiful? The blossoming is as white as jade, Even better than last year."

   In this way, the group of friends all know that there is a little expert in Shijingfang Lane who is very good at growing flowers, and can save dying flowers.

  Xu Yin didn't know that she had become famous in Yanjing Flower Friends Group. She was packing her luggage and had to report to school.

  Although they are all in Yanjing City, the school is still a little far from home.

  In the second semester of senior year, there are not many classes, but there is a thesis defense and some trivial matters before graduation. It is inconvenient to go back and forth every day, but I promised Grandpa Xu to go home on weekends.

  Thinking that his granddaughter will not be able to live at home every day in the future, Grandpa Xu feels sour and very reluctant.

  Xu Yin brewed a pot of high-quality Longjing tea, sat with her grandfather under the eaves, drank tea and chatted in the sun, and cooked him his favorite halal beef noodles at noon.

  In the afternoon, Gu Xijin drove to pick up his girlfriend. Seeing that she was depressed, she pinched her cheek and asked, "What's wrong?"

   "Grandpa is reluctant for me to leave home, and I am actually quite reluctant for him."

"After that, how about we put the wedding room in Shijingfang Lane?" While waiting for the traffic light, Gu Xijin turned to look at her and said, "A few days ago, I heard from my grandfather that Mr. Lao at the end of the lane wanted to sell the yard. Yes, his son has found a partner, and he refuses to live in the alley, so he insists on buying a commercial house with all the money, otherwise the marriage will fall through."

  According to the current housing prices in Yanjing, how can ordinary people afford to buy a house with full payment, unless the old house is sold.

  Xu Yin was surprised and said: "But after selling the courtyard in the alley, where will Mr. Lao and his wife live in the future?"

   "I heard it's going back to the countryside."

  Xu Yin couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I raised my son and bought a house for him to get married. In the end, the two old ones have to go back to the countryside. Why do I think it's better not to have a son?"

  Gu Xijin laughed lowly: "From now on, we won't have any children, and we will live alone."

  At this time, the red light was flashing and the green light was on, and a car behind was honking its horn. Xu Yin patted him and said, "Let's drive your car!"

   After talking, I was embarrassed, this car is not the other car.

  (end of this chapter)

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