The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 336: The White Moonlight of the Surgeon (39) (Third Watch, Feeling

  Chapter 336 The White Moonlight of the Surgical Boss (39)

  The next day, Xu Yin received a call from her boyfriend as soon as she woke up from her biological clock.

   "Yinbao, I'm downstairs from you."


   Are you stuck waiting?

   "Why did you get up so early? I just woke up."

"I can not sleep."


  Xu Yin covered her face, regretting that she was impulsive yesterday and told him that she was married, look how excited he was.

  However, Yuanshen's mother did not achieve her goal this time, so she will definitely come again.

  Anyway, Gu Xijin and Gu Xijin are sure CPs, and they will get the certificate sooner or later, it is better to get it earlier to make Yao Yuzhu give up.

  While washing his face, he was thinking about what clothes his boyfriend might wear. If he was dressed formally, he couldn’t be too casual.

   After thinking about it, he dried his hands and sent him a message:

  [Did you wear a tie today? ]

[Um. ]

   Sure enough, as she expected, he was dressed quite formally.

  Xu Yin picked out a crimson red silk cheongsam that fit the occasion, with a string of lilac flowers embroidered on the neckline and slit skirt, which symbolizes long and lasting love.

  When Gu Xijin saw her, her whole body radiated light, and the pores on her body were filled with joy.

"very beautiful!"

  Xu Yin replied with a smile: "You are also very handsome today!"

  Suits, shirts, and ties are all styles for formal occasions.

   Tiptoe straightened the crimson tie for him: "It matches my cheongsam very well."

   "It means that we have a good understanding."

  The two looked at each other and smiled, and went to have breakfast hand in hand, and then went home to get the household registration book, and then went to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

   As a result, the guy said: "I went back last night and got the account book."

  Xu Yin looked at him in surprise: "Will my grandfather give it to you?"

   "I told him about Yao Yuzhu coming to you." Gu Xijin tightly interlocked her fingers, "You won't blame me for making my own decisions, will you?"

   "I suggested it, so why blame you? I just didn't expect you to rush over at night. Are you afraid that my grandpa will fall asleep?" She gave him an annoyed look.

   "I contacted you before going, and I went before I went to sleep."

   "You are really..." Xu Yin didn't know what to say about him.

  But the side reaction is that he cares about himself.

  Xu Yin shook his hand: "But I can say yes first, just get the certificate first. Others, you have to wait after the wedding."

   Gu Xijin chuckled: "What else? Huh?"


  Xu Yin pretended to be calm and didn't look at his playful smiling eyes, and asked fiercely, "Just say it's okay?"

   "Okay! My daughter-in-law can say anything."


  When I arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau, the door hadn't been opened yet.

  But there are quite a few newcomers who arrived earlier like them.

  Xu Yin picked up her phone and looked at it. 5·20, commonly known as "Internet Valentine's Day", no wonder there is a queue.

  Gu Xijin lowered her head and said close to her ear: "I find you the most beautiful among all the girls."

  Xu Yin was happy, and replied to him: "You are the most handsome of all boys."

  After speaking, Xu Yin was surprised to find that his ears were red. This is shy?

  Xu Yin raised her hand to touch it, but he grabbed it.

   "Don't make trouble."

  The security guard held back a smile and came over to remind: "You are tired of patronizing, aren't you? You didn't find it when you opened the door. Everyone went in, and you two were left standing."

   This time, Xu Yin couldn't bear it anymore, her cheeks flushed, and she rushed in with her boyfriend.

  Passing through five levels and beheading six generals all the way... After receiving the freshly released certificate, the two of them broke out in a sweat.

   Walking out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Gu Xijin put the suit on her hand, and was going to take her to buy a diamond ring.

  Xu Yin's cell phone rang.

  Picked up, it was Yao Yuzhu.

   "Yinyin, I'm mom. Are you resting today? Mom is here to pick you up for lunch? We're going to a relatively high-end western restaurant, so dress a little more formally."

  Xu Yin sneered inwardly.

  Let’s just say, this woman who has been immersed in the business world for many years will not give up until she achieves her goal, and she has made a comeback so soon.

   "Okay." Xu Yin replied lightly, "But you don't need to pick it up, I will go there by myself, and you send me the address."

"That's it..." Yao Yuzhu hesitated for a while as if she was worried that she would not go, and then said, "Okay, you come to the imperial court, the green bamboo and red maple box. Can you arrive before eleven o'clock? Or mother will come pick you up?"

   "Don't worry, I will be there on time."

  Xu Yin hung up the phone, turned her head and asked Gu Xijin: "Take the marriage certificate, do you want to go?"

   "Go." Gu Xijin replied with a low smile.

   There is a hidden pleasure of following his wife to do bad things.

  As soon as they entered the imperial court, the lobby manager recognized them both and greeted them with warm smiles:

   "Miss Xu, Mr. Gu, are you two coming to dine? Do you need me to arrange a box here?"

   "Thank you, but no need, we're here to meet someone and we'll be leaving soon."

   "Okay, feel free to contact me if you need anything."

   "Miss Xu! Mr. Gu! Please wait a moment, both of you!"

  A young lady at the front desk chased after her holding a gift box.

   "This is the parent of that child, because you two couldn't be contacted, they left the gift with us."

Probably seeing that Xu Yin wanted to reject it, she hurriedly added: "The child's parents said that they are very grateful for your help, and if you don't accept it, she will not take it back. Miss Xu, look, such a valuable thing, It’s actually not appropriate to keep it by our side for a long time, and sometimes you have to worry about walking away, for fear of losing it.”

  Xu Yin glanced at her with a smile, and reached out to take it: "Thank you! Has the other party left their contact information?"

   "That's not true." The other party shook his head, and suddenly remembered that the lady had exchanged business cards with the housing foreman when she came to the imperial court, "Miss Xu, I will help you to ask, I should be able to ask."

   "Okay, then I will go to the front desk to find you before I leave."

  Gu Xijin took the gift box in her hand and led her to take the elevator.

   There was also a man in the same elevator with them, wearing a Bluetooth phone.

"Honey, I really have nothing else to do, just promise my mother to come to Yanjing to meet a friend, and then go back after seeing a friend. You also know that my mother is a soft-hearted person, and if she doesn't come with her, she won't turn around." What do you do if you invest money for me? I still want to buy jewelry for my baby...How is it possible! Don’t you know that my heart is on you? What do you still think of me? Die on you? Um?"

   Talking and laughing, the laughter is wanton and slutty.

  Xu Yin felt a little disgusted when she heard it, she pinched Gu Xijin's palm, but he scratched her instead, and her small movements diverted her attention.

  Until the elevator makes a "ding" sound, it arrives at the revolving western restaurant on the top floor.

  Xu Yin was looking for a box with green bamboo and red maple, when suddenly she heard a male voice behind her asking: "Hey waiter, how do I get to the box with green bamboo and red maple?"

  Xu Yin paused, and when she looked back, it turned out to be the man in the elevator just now.

   In my heart, Yuanshen's mother was completely blacklisted.

   Gu Xijin obviously thought of it too, holding her hand tightly, with a faint flash of anger in her eyes.

  In the green bamboo and red maple box, Yao Yuzhu kept praising Li Jiajun for being young and promising: "I heard from your mother that you started a software development company yourself? The annual profit is several hundred million, which is really good!"

   "Hey, it's a small company, just for fun. If Auntie is interested, I'll introduce you to a client next time."

  Yao Yuzhu was elated when she heard it, and said to Mrs. Li, "I am so envious of my eldest sister, how did you train her to be so outstanding!"

  Ms. Li was actually full of bitterness and had no place to pour out.

  She still doesn't know her son's virtues, the profits of hundreds of millions, hehe, are all piled up by the money she invested.

  But I can’t talk about it outside. After I talk about it, how can I find a partner for my son?

   It's not good for this brat to find any girl, he must find a bar stationed in Taiwan, and if he says that the Li family is going to become a joke of the upper class in Mingcheng.

   He could only smile dignifiedly, and took a sip of tea from his cup.

   "Oh, why isn't Yinyin here yet? I'll give her a call."

   "No need, I'm here." Xu Yin pushed open the door and walked in, pretending to be surprised, "Mom, you have an appointment with someone else? I thought it was just you and me having dinner, and I even brought my husband here."

   "What husband, don't yell." Yao Yuzhu stood up anxiously, and did not forget to explain to Mrs. Li, "This kid likes to joke, so don't take it too seriously."

   "Mom." Gu Xijin said calmly, "Yinbao and I just got the certificate today, and we wanted to have a meal with Mom to celebrate. It seems that you have something to do, so Yinbao and I will leave first, so we won't bother you."

   "What nonsense are you talking about!" Yao Yuzhu's face darkened, "Yin Yin is talking nonsense, and you are talking nonsense too?"

   "What nonsense?" Xu Yin threw out two marriage certificates, "What he said is the truth, we are married."

"What?" Yao Yuzhu stared at the bright red marriage certificate, her eyes tearing open, "You two really got the certificate? Just today? Did you do it on purpose? Ah? Did you do it on purpose? Xu Yin! What's going on with you! I told you clearly yesterday..."

"What did you say? Introduce me to someone? Which? Just him?" Xu Yin pointed at Li Jiajun with a cold face, and recited what she had just heard in the elevator, "Listen! How dare you introduce such a thing to me? Let alone I have a husband, even if I am single, I would not marry such a person, I would rather be single for the rest of my life!"

After finishing speaking, she pulled Gu Xijin to turn her head and left. After walking a few steps, she remembered something and said to Yao Yuzhu, "Oh, don't think that you can support me by paying me some living expenses every month. I will pay you back a lot later. , you will guard your current family in the future, don't bother me and grandpa."

   After finishing speaking this time, without pausing, he directly left the box and took the elevator downstairs.

   When Yao Yuzhu chased her out, the elevator door just closed. She was angry and anxious, but there was nothing she could do.

  Going back to the box, I met the angry Mrs. Li.

   "No matter how bad my son is, it won't be your daughter's fault. From now on, don't even try to accept any business in my family, let alone profit."

  Yao Yuzhu just felt dizzy.

  (end of this chapter)

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