The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 340: The white moonlight of the surgical boss (43)

  Chapter 340 The white moonlight of the surgical boss (43)

  Chuncheng came back, and Xu Yin sorted out the materials collected and recorded at the appreciation competition venue in detail to prepare for next year's competition.

   After this wave of work is over, the postgraduate school is about to start.

   Gu Xijin's summer internship ended, and a pot of red roses in full bloom was brought to her house, which was dazzling.

   "It's better to send you a potted plant than a bouquet of flowers."

  Xu Yin gave him an appreciative look.

   "The wedding room is almost decorated, have you visited it?" He washed his hands, put his arms around her and kissed her.

   "Of course, I went to see it almost every day. If there is anything unreasonable, I asked the master to change it on the spot. When you remind me, the day lily is cold." She glanced at him.

  Gu Xijin bowed her head and kissed her again: "Give me a small reward first."

   So there are big rewards?

  The next day, he took her to a camping base in the outskirts to watch fireflies, commemorating the first anniversary of their relationship, and was eaten by him in the couple-themed suite that night.

   Is this the reward the man said?

  The biological clock failed to wake up her who was exhausted last night, and it was already noon when she woke up.

  Xu Yin poked his chest angrily: "I won't believe you anymore!"

  He let out a series of pleasant low smiles, his chest trembling slightly.

   "You lied, the real reward is here."

  He took out a boxy little brocade box from nowhere and put it in her palm:

   "I see that you don't usually wear jewelry. I'm not sure if you like it, but even if you don't like it, it's my heart. Accept it, huh?"

  Xu Yin opened it and saw that it was a jade ornament again.

   This guy has no memory of reincarnation, but the aesthetics is really like several small worlds.

  Xu Yin picked up this ice species floating flower imperial concubine bracelet and played with it: "Why did you think of picking this?"

   "Mom said that girls who like to wear cheongsams usually like jade bracelets." He explained softly, kissing her eyebrows and eyes, "Don't you like it?"

   "I like it, help me put it on?"

"my pleasure."

  Before school started, Mother Gu took a three-day leave, took Xu Yin to Hong Kong City, and bought the gold ornaments and diamond rings needed for the bride price.

  Gu Xijin was going back to school for the exam. She didn't know that her mother even bought a diamond ring, which stole his job, and Xu Yin was amused by Yu Zu's expression.

   "I thought we would pick it ourselves."

   "It's okay, it's all the same." Xu Yin gently pushed him to the backyard, "I'll show you something good."

  The sunflowers are in full bloom.

  She planted the most classic black gold sunflower, with golden petals and black flower discs.

  It looks particularly dazzling under the hot sun.

   "Look! The country I have built for you!"

   Xiaohuatian, which is less than a third of the land, is jokingly called Jiangshan by her.

  Gu Xijin couldn't help laughing.

   "Didn't I lay it down myself?"

  When he is not busy, he is the one who loosens the soil, waters, and fertilizes, just like a dedicated hardworking flower farmer.

   "Oh, it's all the same!" Xu Yin waved her hand, "What's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine, regardless of the other."

  He put his arms around her shoulders, smiling uncontrollably.

   Laughed enough and proposed: "Transplant to our small family?"

   "Do you want to transplant it?" Xu Yin rubbed her chin and said, "But the yard of my new home is full of plants. It's okay to transplant one or two plants. If there are too many, I'm afraid it will be too crowded."


   When I went to my new home, it was really...

  A small glass greenhouse was built next to the wall in the front yard, almost full of potted flowers.

The backyard is like the Xu family’s, leaving a ridge along the east courtyard wall to grow vegetables, and the rest is designated as a flower field, where different seasons and different types of flowers and plants are planted in different categories. I’m afraid he doesn’t know them, and when the weeds are pulled out, he will still erect them on the side. I made a small wooden sign with handmade warm reminders.

   Gu Xijin looked down at her, her heart was filled with a sense of happiness called "satisfaction".

  He couldn't help regretting that he chose the wedding date to the next summer vacation. He originally thought that she would be relatively relaxed during the summer vacation, but at this moment he couldn't wait to marry her back home.

   "How about the wedding be moved forward to the winter vacation?"

   "No." Xu Yin flatly refused, "I want to take Grandpa and Grandpa Gu to the southern seaside for a vacation during the winter vacation."

   "Just take grandpa and not me?"

   "Aren't you going to do an internship?"

   Hard-working medical students, no winter and summer vacations.


  What can Gu Daxue do? I had to look forward to the early arrival of the originally scheduled auspicious day.

  He is looking forward and looking forward, looking forward to the winter vacation and looking forward to the summer vacation.

   It’s another graduation season. Xu Yin, who finished her first year of graduate school, walked around the campus at the end of June with a pile of professional books in her arms, feeling indescribably relaxed and joyful.

  The golden epiphyllum she cultivated has formed flower buds, and six of them have formed. It is worthwhile for her to treat it like an ancestor this year.

  Six flower buds, two big and four small.

  Thinking about the rare flower appreciation competition in early August, it should be expected to bloom once. It just depends on the mood of the little aunt.

  However, Xu Yin set up a camera above the epiphyllum, even if it blooms quietly in the middle of the night, she will not miss it.

  In addition to Epiphyllum, in the past year, she has also completed many projects with several tutors in turn, and has published four high-scoring papers, averaging one paper per quarter.

  This speed can’t be compared with her family doctor Gu, but among the alumni of the same class, it can be regarded as a high-yielding one.

  In a good mood, Xu Yin hummed a slightly out-of-tune "We people, I'm really happy today", and walked briskly towards the school gate.

  Gu Xijin will pick her up in a while and go to Gu's house for dinner.

   "Xu Yin!"

  Qin Siyu stood under a verdant sycamore tree and stopped her.

  Xu Yin slowed down: "What do you need from me?"

   "Are you really married?"

  Seeing the diamond ring on Xu Yin's left ring finger, Qin Siyu looked complicated.

Originally, she also had the opportunity to enter the marriage hall from the campus, because it was not long after the start of her senior year, and she wanted her boyfriend to help post the photo of Xu Yin and Gu Xijin kissing in the movie theater on the Huada campus forum, so that Xu Yin would make a fool of herself, but The boyfriend was unwilling, and the two had a cold war.

  Qin Siyu felt aggrieved, thinking that her boyfriend didn't love her, and he didn't even want to do such a small favor, what kind of boyfriend was he.

  Wang Zhuoxing thought she was making trouble out of no reason, and through this incident, he could see that she was too calculating and aggressive, which was very different from the soft and beautiful impression he had when he first pursued her.

  Chinese-language wits love real white lotuses, not shrews in white lotus skins.

  In the end, the two broke up.

   Until then, Qin Siyu heard that Xu Yin and Gu Xijin had received their certificates.

   After receiving the certificate, it is equal to husband and wife. What is a kiss between husband and wife? Even if she posted the photo on the campus forum, it would only add to the love between the two, and it would not hurt Xu Yin at all.

   It was she herself who lost her beautiful love...

   "Are you proud?" Qin Siyu asked bitterly.


  Xu Yin couldn't figure it out, they were one by one, why did they always ask her if she was proud? Last time it was Zhang Qing, this time it was Qin Siyu.

  To be honest, if they didn't jump up to her, she wouldn't even remember their existence.

  There is no intersection at all, so it’s not good to go their own way, live their own lives, and not disturb each other?

   "What? You're so overwhelmed that you can't speak? Then my cousin will faint from excitement when he comes to see you?"

  Qin Siyu showed a mocking smile and turned sideways.

   Behind her, there is a tall figure leaning on the smooth trunk of a sycamore tree. Who is it but Wen Heting?

   "Long time no see." He straightened up, wiped out the cigarette **** in his hand, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and walked towards Xu Yin.

   "I only found out that you and Gu Xijin were married when I came back. There was no wedding, don't you feel wronged?"

  (end of this chapter)

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