The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 342: Jiangzhi Female Supporting Desolate Star Farming (1)

  Xu Yin didn't click to enter the next small world right away, she and Gu Xijin lived this life as lovingly as before.

It took her two years to complete her postgraduate study, and she was dragged by several tutors to read a Ph.D. in botany. public class.

   During the period, hundreds of rare flowers were cultivated. She does not need to sign up every year. The organizer of the rare flower appreciation competition will send an invitation letter in advance, inviting her to participate. As long as there are flowers cultivated by her, the popularity of such exhibitions and competitions will always be much higher, and it will be frequently searched every three days during the holding period.

  Xu Yin pondered: Which small world will I go to to complete the task in the future? If I deal with plants, even if there is no cheating device like the system, I don’t have to be afraid.

   Gu Xijin graduated as a Ph.D., and in less than half a year as chief surgeon in cardiothoracic surgery, she gained the title of "Gu Yidao". Patients from all over the world came to Yanjing No. 1 Hospital just to find him to perform surgery.

   Several other hospitals in Yanjing wanted to poach a corner of a hospital several times and invite Gu Xijin to sit in their hospital with a high salary, but unfortunately he politely declined.

  These hospitals are all confused: they can also give the treatment given by the first hospital; they still give it with all their heart and soul for the treatment that the other hospital does not have. Why does Gu Yidao not waver? What is the picture?

  Later, they found out—it turned out to be near his wife's work unit.

  The reason why Gu Yidao went to Yanjing No. 1 Hospital after graduation was because his wife worked in Huada Botanical Garden across the road.

  If the Botanical Garden was next door to a community hospital that couldn’t be smaller, maybe he would choose there.

  Other hospitals: “…”

   Damn it! This simply subverted their three views.

  In these days, is there still a man who loves his wife so much?

  For the daughter-in-law, work, salary, and career planning are all secondary?

  How can this be done? Start with his wife and invite his wife to work in a unit near their hospital?

  But near their hospital, there is no relevant unit that can compete with the Huada Institute of Botany.

  The dean of the first hospital is very grateful for this. Fortunately, there are no plants-related units near the hospitals that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Huada Botanical Garden. At the same time, I am also glad that there is no community hospital and small clinic next to the Botanical Garden, otherwise they will be bald.

  After that, whenever they saw Gu Xijin at some of the industry's top awards venues, these hospital leaders couldn't help but look at him with complicated eyes.

  Excellence is really excellent, and if they are not excellent, they can’t think of a high salary to recruit him;

But clingy wife is really clingy, a mature man in his 30s and 40s is still the same as a boy in his early twenties, unless there is a temporary business trip or the emergency department needs him, otherwise he will cross the road to go to the plant at noon He had dinner with his wife in the small cafeteria of the courtyard. As soon as the off-duty time came, I went to pick up my wife at the gate of the Botanical Garden on time.

  The dean of the first hospital didn't know the inside story at first, and wondered if the food in his unit was not as good as that in other people's canteens?

  So one time, he shamelessly followed Gu Xijin for a meal, and found out that it was not a matter of food. He was clearly accompanying his wife, and he had to peel shrimp and serve soup for her after a meal.

  If you say you just got married, everyone can understand the stickiness. After all, who didn't come from that stage?

   Being married for ten, twenty years, or even approaching retirement, with children growing up and getting married and still being sticky like this is not something ordinary people can do.

  Wen Heting just watched the two love each other until they grow old, but he was always alone.

   It's not that the family didn't offer him blind dates and marriages, but he rejected them all.

  After Qingya's kidney transplant, she resolutely divorced her elder brother because her elder brother cheated while drinking while socializing.

   Logically, he should be full of joy, finally being able to realize the dream of the young Mu Ai, but he is not happy at all, and he has no connection with Qingya beyond relatives and friends.

  I just live in such a muddle-headed way day by day, and when I am bored, I call friends and go to bars and clubs, surrounded by wine and wine, and the excitement is extraordinary, but my heart is always empty and lonely.

  He thought more than once: If he hadn't been obsessed with Qingya back then, and had seen Xu Yin's kindness and obsession with him earlier, wouldn't the happy life of children and grandchildren around his knees and a loving husband and wife belong to him now? Instead of Gu Xijin?

  It's a pity that life can't be repeated, he is destined to die alone in this life.


  【Ding—trigger a long-term task: open up wasteland and farm land to build a home, and create a paradise that will amaze the world! Complete the reward Small World Vacation once! 】

   This time, the dog system went online earlier than her?

  Xu Yin supported her dizzy head and sat up from the ground.

   There was burning pain on his face, and when he touched it with his hand, it was bloody.


  She took out the mirror from the system warehouse and took a look at her face.

  Damn it! It's so **** and bloody, it's too scary!

   No wonder it hurts so much, how can it not hurt if the skin is worn out!

  What kind of opening is this?

  The task released is to open up wasteland and farm land. Could it be ancient times again? Famine or war?

  Xu Yin found iodophor and treated the wound in the mirror while accepting the plot.

  Almost half of his face was broken. Enduring the pain, he cleaned it up little by little. After disinfection, he wrapped it in gauze and gave himself two anti-inflammatory drugs. The wound was too big to cause a fever.

  At this time, the plot happened to recall the key point, and she trembled in fright, the capsule got stuck in her throat, and she took several sips of water before swallowing it.

  This time she is wearing a romance novel that is dressed in science fiction, labeled as getting rich, but actually has a partner—"I Got Rich When I Traveled to the Interstellar".

  The heroine opened a small restaurant with her grandfather before time travel, and learned good cooking skills; after transmigrating into the neighbor sister who grew up with the hero's childhood sweetheart, she fell in love with the hero, and made a fortune with food that no one in the interstellar world can cook.

  The original body of Emperor Xing grew up, Bian Wuxing, who passed by the life of the hero and heroine once, fell in love at first sight with the hero who was sweating profusely repairing a number of malfunctioning mechs, and since then his IQ has dropped and he has been incapable of doing anything.

The possessive original body, in order to catch up with the male lead, exhausted all means, and even used his own identity to suppress and exclude the female lead, and even bribed the star robbers to kidnap the female lead from Bian Wu Xing, and threw the female lead into Tian Tian Ying, It is called the exile star that is not working well.

Unexpectedly, the male lead found out and used the repaired mecha to annihilate the star thief in one fell swoop, rescued the female lead, and threw the original body to the Exile Star in his own way. When he fell down, his face hit the ground first, his face was **** and disfigured!


   So she is really disfigured?

  Xu Yin touched her gauze-covered face, this was a terrible start!

  Didn't she just vomit something when the heroine spent a whole chapter writing only tomato scrambled eggs, and it's worth sending her here?

  Isn’t it okay to get rid of the bald mouth problem in the future!

   A few minutes ago, I was enjoying my old age in a peaceful and prosperous age. A few minutes later, I fell to a desolate and desolate planet with few people.

   No wonder the system regularly arranges a small world of cultivation for her to recuperate.

   Every time there is such a large span crossing, who can bear it! It's good if you don't lose your spirit, and you still expect her to complete the task?

  Xu Yin read aloud, logged into the personal center of the system, and checked the settlement rewards of the last small world.

  Energy point balance: 30000.

   Task progress bar: 17%.

   Maximum time ratio: 1700:1

  Currently possessed random skills:

  【Permanent divine power】

  【Floating Light and Misty Rain】(can be excited)

  【Universal voice actor】

  【Concealment (non-permanent)】: There are 8 chances left, and each time is limited to 0.5 hours.

  【Avoid water】

   Huh Huh Huh Huh?

  【Floating Light and Misty Rain】Is it exciting in this small world?

  Curiosity drove Xu Yin to click on it.

  I want to see what kind of skill it is, and it has such high requirements on the environment.

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