The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 344: Jiangzhi Female Supporting Desolate Star Farming (3)

  Chapter 344 Jiangzhi female supporting star farming (3)

  After Xu Yin picked up one item, she quickly retreated to the outside, and put it in the system warehouse while no one was paying attention.

   While she was observing those people, a little boy who was less than ten years old ran over panting.

   "Brother, didn't you grab it? Oh, I'm so mad! Lao Pi made a wrong prediction, which made me go to Huankeng Mountain for nothing."

  Xu Yin looked at him: "Are you talking to me?"

The little boy gave her a strange look: "If you don't follow me, who will you follow? Aren't you the only one here? Brother, you are new here? No wonder you just stand there and don't grab them. You think you will get them one by one, right? You think too much There are so many! If you don’t grab it, there is nothing.”

  Xu Yin finally knew what was wrong: "You are so young, why are you here?"

  Aren’t all those who come here are exiles convicted of the ultimate crime?

The little boy shrugged his shoulders: "He came with my brother. We are the only two brothers left in my family. I have been following my brother since I was a kid in the Star Thief Group. Unfortunately, he was caught. According to the laws of the Emperor Star, if there are people in the family who need to be raised, they can come together." , I’ll follow along. At least there are free supplies here, and if you run fast, you won’t starve to death, so it’s hard to say at home.”


  Xu Yin finally followed the little boy to their residence.

   On the way, I learned that his name is Kahn, and his brother is Kaxiu. Both brothers died when they were young, and they lived with their grandparents in Bianwuxing.

  When he was three years old and his brother was sixteen years old, his grandparents fell ill and died one after another because they had no money for treatment due to radiation infection. In order to raise him up, his brother joined the Star Thief Group.

"Brother, what's your name? What crime did you commit? But I know it even if you don't tell me. You must have killed someone by mistake in a fight, right? Your face looks like it was injured by a fight. But it's not right, you can't kill someone by mistake. Sentenced to the ultimate crime, is it because the identity of the other party is unusual?"

   Kahn guessed complacently, and finally said:

   "Brother, you are fortunately not a woman. A man with scars on his face is called a man of dignity, but a woman with scars is disfigured. It is very difficult to find a partner if you are disfigured."


  You little brat, what do you know so much about!

   "By the way, brother, you haven't said your name yet."

  Xu Yin couldn't think of a name, so she simply picked up the pseudonym used by the vicious female supporting role in that life: "My name is Xu Yingxiong."

  From now on, all women who disguise themselves as men will be called by this name.

   "Xu Yingxiong? This name is so strange! Could it be that your ancestors were from the Blue Stars?"


   "Kane! You didn't grab the supplies?" A boy who was four or five years older than Kahn caught up, "I heard that the drop point this time is very biased, and it's almost at the entrance of the flight line."

   "Yes." Kahn was frustrated when he mentioned the missed supply package, "My brother should call me stupid again, and listened to what Old Pi said."

   "Your brother is back?"

   "Not yet, but it will be soon, this time I have been out for long enough."

  Xu Yin asked curiously, "Where did your brother go?"

"Oh, he followed Uncle Simon to fight insect beasts." Kahn said, "Brother Hero, how is your skill? But if you can defeat the opponent, you must be good at it, right? Next time you go to fight insect beasts with my brother and the others." , so that when the cold season comes, you will not be afraid of starvation. Although insect meat is unpalatable, it can hold you hungry. When there is no nutrient solution, you will not be afraid of starvation if you eat this."

  Xu Yin asked what the worm looked like.

  Kan looked at her in surprise: "You don't even know about worms and beasts? Which star did you live in before? Is there anything more **** than Bian Wu star?"

  Xu Yin had a bit of a headache, so she answered bravely, "Well, I live far away from here... very far away..." It's so far away.

   Fortunately, this kid didn't take it to heart, and after complaining, he described the appearance of a worm to her.

  Xu Yin listened, and felt a familiar smell: Why do they look like cattle and sheep?

   Talked all the way...Of course, it was mainly because the kid said, Xu Yin listened, and finally came to the place where he and his brother lived.

  The land here is very strange. When it is not raining, it is as hard as cement, but when it rains, the ground looks like normal soil.

The Kahn brothers, like the other exiles who were thrown here, dug holes and molded them when the soil softened after the rain, and when the sun came out (if the bright star in the sky is also called the sun), it hardened. In the future, they can live in cave dwellings.

   "However, a layer of red tree sap must be applied outside, so that it will not collapse when it rains."

  Xu Yin was thoughtful after hearing this.

  So, this soil is very useful. It is comparable to natural cement when paired with red tree pulp.

  However, she thought of a question and asked Kahn: "Is it impossible to grow crops in this soil?"

   "Naturally planted? I don't understand." Kahn scratched his head, "Natural ingredients can only be eaten by emperor stars?"

   "...Then what do you usually eat? Except insects and beasts."

"Nutrition solution! There is ten days' worth of nutrient solution in the supply package. If you can't get it, you have to eat insect meat, or go to the mangrove forest to pick mangrove fruit. But that is very difficult to eat, so I eat that when I am really hungry. .” Kahn wrinkled his nose in disgust.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  There is no food and green vegetables and fruits on this planet?

  She looked around, except for wasteland, which was wasteland, and there was really no greenery in sight. According to Kahn, green vegetation can only be found in the Insect Forest. The only vegetation in the surrounding area is the mangroves growing in the valley around the pit.

  The crater around the mountain is a large crater that was smashed by a meteorite tens of thousands of years ago.

  A forest grew at some point at the bottom of the pit. From the trunk to the branches and leaves, they were all dark red like maple leaves.

  The trunk that has been stripped of the bark will ooze red juice, which can be solidified when applied to the soil.

  The fruit on the mangrove tree is very big, according to Kahn's description, it is as big as a watermelon, and when you break it open, the inside is soft and tastes like chewing gum.

  The pit is surrounded by mountains and radiates in all directions, almost all of which are wastelands, leading to the woods where insects and beasts live.

   According to Kahn, there are a lot of vegetation in the insect forest, but many of them are poisonous. So going to fight insect beasts is risking your life.

   "It is because of the difficulty of survival that the supervision office threw us here!" Kahn said with emotion a mature sentence beyond his age.

   "Is the supervision office monitoring us all the time? Otherwise, how would they know how many material packages to deliver in each batch?" Xu Yin asked.

   If someone really monitors everyone's activities on the Exile Planet all the time, then she should be careful in the future and try not to use the system warehouse.

  Kan gave her an emoji of "you are stupid": "Everyone who comes here is implanted with a chip, isn't it? You also have one. The supply package is distributed based on the statistics of the number of active chips."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  She really hasn't.

  Because the original body was not thrown here by the Judicial Supervision Office, no chip was implanted.

   In this way, the material package that was dropped was actually not her share?


  Xu Yin has a guilty conscience.

  Forget it this time, don’t join in the fun next time.

  (end of this chapter)

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