The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 346: Jiangzhi Female Supporting Desolate Star Farming (5)

  Chapter 346 Jiangzhi Female Supporting Desolate Star Farming (5)

  The next day, with the help of Kahn, Xu Yin took mangrove sap from the mangrove forest, and smeared a layer on the surface of the hole. After drying, it was really firm.

   Then she activated the skill of [Floating Light and Misty Rain] again. The sky started to rain lightly, and then the rain became heavier. When the soil was as soft as arable land, Xu Yin wore a coir raincoat sewed with red fruit leaves, and turned the ground with a hoe.

   "Brother Hero, what are you doing?" Kahn ran out and asked, "The rain hasn't stopped yet, why are you digging? Why is it raining so much recently? It only happened a few months ago..."

  Xu Yin pretended not to hear the following words: "I'm not digging, I'm digging."

   "Turn the ground? What are you doing?"

   "Try to see if you can grow vegetables."

   "..." Kahn was stunned for a few seconds, then jumped up excitedly, "Ah! Brother Hero, are you talking about natural ingredients? Do you know how to grow them? Do you have seeds?"


   "Ahh! Brother Hero, which star do you live in? Why are there so many good things!"


   How many packets of vegetable seeds are good things?

  People in this day and age are really pitiful.

  Xu Yin turned over a small piece of soil, and the rain stopped.

  She deliberately counted the time, and found that when [Floating Light and Misty Rain] was activated, it rained for six consecutive hours, with light rain for the first and last two hours, and relatively heavy moderate rain for the middle two hours.

   But to moisten the land, this kind of rainfall is enough, if it really rains torrentially, she can't stand it.

  She fished out the cabbage seeds that had been soaked for most of the night, and sprinkled them evenly on the soil.

  For experiments, only a small ridge was opened, and the vegetable seeds were not sown too much to avoid waste.

  After sowing, cover it with a shallow layer of nutritious soil to see if it sprouts and grows.

   After finishing these tasks, she came back from cutting a mangrove tree, and made some rectangular boxes without lids from the plywood.

   While the soil is soft, dig it into a box and compact it. When it is poured out, it will become a mud brick. After it dries, apply red tree pulp, and it will become a solid cement brick.

  Kan thought it was fun, so he came to help her.

  The boy I met on the road before was called Monkey, and he came to play with Kahn.

  He lives in the north of Hanghuan Mountain.

  Same as Kahn, when he was very young, his father committed a crime and was convicted of the ultimate crime. His mother ran away overnight, and there was no one at home to take care of the young him, so he came here with his father.

  The days on the exile star are always boring for children, so he often comes to Kahn to play.

   Knowing that it was building a house, he, like Kahn, had sparkling eyes: "Brother Hero, can you build a house?"

"know a little."

   "You are amazing!"

   "Let me just say Brother Hero is amazing! He can make delicious red fruit!"

   "Really? Brother Hero is amazing!"

   All fans big and small are online.

   "Yo! What is this doing?"

   Andrew was bumped by Xu Yin when he was grabbing supplies, and he held a grudge.

  He couldn't breathe, and he couldn't sleep well these days.

  But he inquired at the gathering place, and they all said that he had never seen this newcomer, so he didn't live in the gathering place.

  I heard Meng Qi occasionally say yesterday that Kahn met a big brother who can make delicious food with red fruit pulp. I suspect that it is the newcomer. So today I secretly followed Monkey to find him.

   It turned out to be the brat who bumped into him that day!

  He hooked his fingers at Xu Yin: "Hey! Disfigured face! Let's fight alone!"

  Xu Yin: "..." Are you sure?

   Kahn looked at Xu Yin worriedly: "Brother Hero, he is the Andrew I told you about. Except for Uncle Simon, it would be good if the others don't lose to him. My brother can only draw with him..."

   "Yes, brother hero, he is very strong." Meng Qi also said, "You..." He looked at Xu Yin's slender figure, there was no comparison at all.

  Xu Yin moved her wrists to comfort them: "Don't worry, I have great strength."

   "Hahahaha!" Andrew thought she was bragging, and laughed wildly, "I was bumped by you last time because I didn't pay attention. Do you really think you can beat me? Come on kid! I must teach you a lesson!"

   Less than a minute later, Xu Yin threw Andrew onto the hard wasteland, causing stars to stare in his eyes.


who is he? Where is he? When did he become so weak?

   Was defeated by a kid who was not as tall as him, not as strong as him, and looked like a weak chicken?

  The one who was taught became him? ? ?


This is impossible!

  The humiliation made him grit his teeth and stand up.


  He didn't believe that he couldn't kill this kid.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Gently moved his wrist, and kindly reminded: "Why don't you forget it?"

  Sister is afraid that you will be disabled.

  The other party thought she was afraid, and squinted at her: "What? It was just a coincidence just now? Now that you are exhausted, don't dare?"

  Xu Yin shrugged helplessly, it was this guy who forced her to do it.

   So she stepped forward and pushed him.

  It seemed that a slight push was useless, but Andrew was pushed staggeringly, staggered back several steps, and finally failed to adjust himself, and sat down on his buttocks.

  Andrew: "…"

   What a shame!

   When did he, Andrew, encounter such a shameful humiliation!

  Even when he was arrested by the Supervision Bureau, he was coerced by the opponent with a laser gun before he had to surrender.

  Today, he suffered two defeats in a row at the hands of such a weak boy.

  He...he got up and ran away.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Run away if you can't fight? This guy knows the time well.

  Kan and Monkey were stunned for a while, then reacted and cheered:

   "Brother Hero, you are amazing! You even beat Andrew!"

   "Brother Yingxiong is really strong! Andrew is deflated now! See if he dares to bully others with his own strength in the future!"

   "Okay, let's get to work!" Xu Yin rubbed Kahn's head, "After finishing this wave, I'll make something delicious for you."


  Two and a half-year-old children laughed and re-invested in novel labors such as making brick embryos.

  Xu Yin made brick embryos in the morning, baked red fruits and stocked up flour in the afternoon, and made pasta for the two children as a reward for them. Five days passed like this.

On the morning of the sixth day, while she was still sleeping, she heard Kahn shout excitedly: "Brother Hero! Brother Hero! The natural ingredients have grown! They have grown! So tender and beautiful! My God! I have witnessed a miracle! "

   Seeing her coming out, Kahn dragged her to the vegetable field.

   "Look, Brother Hero, it has grown! Green! Tender green! So beautiful!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Look how happy this kid is.

  Where is this? When it grows into a Chinese cabbage, don't you want to be overjoyed?

  Xu Yin knelt down and touched the field where the cabbage grew, and found that the ridge was obviously much softer than the field without vegetables.

   Could it be that these lands are so hard because there are no plants? After planting plants, it is not easy to dry out and harden?

  (end of this chapter)

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