The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 355: Jiangzhi Female Supporting Desolate Star Farming (14)

  Chapter 355 Jiangzhi Female Supporting Desolate Star Farming (14)

  The three-month cold season finally came to an end when the group ate, drank, and played mahjong.

  It was as sudden as it was when it came, and it was withdrawn quite quickly—overnight, the freeze was unblocked, and the spring returned to the earth.

  Xu Yin went to the vegetable field for the first time, and found that the land where food and vegetables had been planted, even if it was frozen for a cold season and the temperature rose, it was still arable land that could be planted immediately.

  The land that has not been reclaimed is soft only after it rains, otherwise it is as hard as cement. It seems that in order to change this peculiar property of the soil, we still have to cultivate it.

  So, after the first rain fell, Xu Yin picked up the **** and called to her younger brother Kahn: "Go! Open up wasteland and grow vegetables!"

  She wants to open up more wasteland and plant more crops.

  Furthermore, the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, how can you be addicted to the mahjong table!

  As soon as they heard that they could grow natural ingredients, Simon and others thought of the deliciousness of sweet potatoes and potatoes, and stopped playing once the cards were collected.

   Others have been waiting for Xu Yin for a long time.

  This year's cold season, relying entirely on Xu Yin's natural ingredients to hang them, they gathered together to roast and talk about it.

   In previous years, the group fights were so boring that they almost didn’t happen this year, just waiting for Xu Yin’s call.

  As soon as they heard that she was going to open up wasteland, they scrambled to sign up.

  Xu Yin saw that there were quite a lot of people who signed up, so she simply divided them into areas:

  Groups of five people reclaim wasteland from near to far. For every acre completed, five catties of sweet potatoes or three catties of vegetables will be awarded to the five-person team.

  The reason for the group of five is because she doesn't have many hoes, iron rakes and other agricultural tools in the system warehouse, and there are not many sets of Quyuanli in total.

   Everyone heard from Kahn that Xu Yin's space button escaped detection.

  But it’s just what I heard, and it’s still shocking to see her take out so many things at once.

  The space button that can escape the detection has such a large capacity, and combined with the natural food seeds she owns, I can't help guessing that it must come from a big family of Emperor Star, right?

   Therefore, I became more and more afraid of Xu Yin.

  But hearing her say that opening up wasteland can be exchanged for natural ingredients, I am happy again.

  So easy to get natural ingredients? Just one word!

  Many people are powerful—the summarization of the working people's experience can't be wrong!

  No matter how strong Xu Yin is, but she alone has a limited area to open up wasteland. When there are more people, the big guys are more motivated. The wasteland as far as the eye can see becomes an acre of deep-cultivated fertile land at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Xu Yin took Kahn in charge of planting.

  No way, among these people, only Kahn has planted with her for two seasons, and can handle simple crops independently.

  Cash and Simon are still adapting.

  Xu Yin asked them to follow Kahn, and they would do whatever Kahn did. She wants to speed up the planting herself, and has no time to teach.

  So much wasteland has been opened up, if you don’t plant something as soon as possible, triggering a [floating misty rain], the soil will harden again soon.

   Just like that, leaving early and returning late, I was busy for several days.

   If someone suddenly thought: "Is it time to deliver the supplies?"

  Everyone almost forgot about it.

  A group of five people, open two acres of land every day is no problem, the natural ingredients they receive, eat with insect meat, they are full and satisfied, because Xu Yin taught them how to handle insect meat is more delicious.

  The natural spices that make insect meat delicious, such as ginger, fennel, perilla, basil, coriander... can also be planted in the ground through their hands.

  Thinking that there will be a steady stream of delicious food waiting for them soon, who still remembers the nutrient solution!

  At this moment, I suddenly remembered: "..."

   I don’t even think the nutrient solution is fragrant anymore.

  You can take it for nothing and not take it for nothing, they already have their share.

   It’s just that no one has snatched it. With that physical strength, wouldn’t it be good to save it for land reclamation and exchange for natural ingredients?

  So, every 10 days, there will be a looting contest. In severe cases, the day of material distribution that turns into a life-and-death fight with punches and kicks is the first time in history that it seems so peaceful and harmonious.

   "Hey, dude, you didn't get the supply pack? I got one more, here you are!"

   "Brother, we are in the same team. Thanks to you for pointing me out, otherwise I don't know how to open up wasteland. This material package is for you."

   "Andrew, have you changed your mind? You only got one when you ran so fast?"

"I'm not in a hurry to come back to open up wasteland. Let me tell you, Lao Pi, I opened an acre of land by myself today! It can be exchanged for five catties of sweet potatoes. It tastes so delicious roasted! It tastes better than insect meat. That's it. Well...cough, fart."

   "Hahahaha! I like that yellow pimple called what bean. The stewed insect meat is so fragrant and delicious!"

   "It's called potatoes. But I prefer to eat roasted meat wrapped in Chinese cabbage. The fat of the worm meat penetrates into the crispy and refreshing cabbage, and it sucks... I can't get tired of eating it!"

   After receiving the material package, everyone returned to the wasteland talking and laughing, and continued to cultivate.

Kahn came back with two supplies bags on his face with an unhappy face: "Brother Hero, do you think it's strange? Everyone was very friendly this time, and no one robbed them. Everyone only took their own share, but the supplies package turned out to be It's so strange that one is missing!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Inexplicably a little guilty.

   "It's okay, I don't lack supplies, it doesn't matter if I have them or not."

"How can we do that! We are here to guard the exile star for them, and we have made a contribution. Why did we miss the delivery of the promised material package. I suspect that the people in the supervision office have secretly made it up. Hmph It would be great if I could complain, I will definitely complain that he loses his job."

  Xu Yinxin said: Don't! Then my sister will reveal her stuff.

   It was Kaxiu who heard his younger brother bluffing, and met Simon's eyes.

   Behold! They said that Xu Yingxiong was definitely not an ordinary exile.

   First of all, he has a large number of natural food seeds that can only be owned by the upper echelon of Emperor Star.

  Secondly, there was a discrepancy in the number of material packages, which indicated a possibility: he was not in the identification system of the Supervision Office.

  Not in the identification system, which means that he is not an exile at all. Why come to the exile star if they are not exiles?

  The two looked deeply at each other again, but didn't say anything.

   At present, it seems that things are not bad for them, why not turn a blind eye and close your eyes as if they don't know?

   Throughout the spring, Xu Yin led everyone to open up wasteland and farm in full swing.

  There is not much rain, so she activates [Floating Light and Misty Rain] every few days, rustling the next night, and clearing the next day, so the crops should not grow too fast.

  The newly opened wasteland has not had time to be cultivated, and the first batch of planted crops such as cabbage, radish, and amaranth have matured.

   "Remember to come to my place after work today, I will send you some fresh ingredients."

  Hearing what Xu Yin said, everyone is more motivated, and they seem to have inexhaustible strength. For natural ingredients, go for it!

   This rush lasted until evening, and as soon as the work was over, everyone rushed to the door of Xu Yin's house.

   "Don't quarrel, don't rob! Everyone has a share! Line up and get it."

  Everyone lined up obediently into two long queues.

  (end of this chapter)

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