The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 359: Jiangzhi Female Supporting Wild Star Farming (18) (Third Watch, Please

  Xu Yin thought that he had a share of the credit for catching such a large group of flying dragons and birds, so she let him do whatever he wanted, follow him if he wanted to, and go hunting if he didn't want to.

  Anyway, she didn't intend to hunt, she just wanted to plan bamboo shoots, pick up nuts, mushrooms, and dig herbs... The outer areas of the light worm forest are enough for her to search for treasures.

  Xu Yin fulfilled her promise and divided Pei Keqi into two dragons and birds.

   Unexpectedly, Pei Keqi only wanted one: "I'll take one home and stew potatoes for a taste."

  The other one refused to accept anything, saying that it hadn't thanked Xu Yin for the hospitality at noon.

  Xu Yin gave him some mushrooms and told him that the stew was delicious.

  Pei Keqi, like Kahn back then, was extremely surprised that these mushrooms were edible, and only happily accepted them when Xu Yin said that she could identify them.

  Xu Yin cut off the wings of the flying dragon bird, tied the feet with strong hemp rope, and planned to take it back to captivity.

  In the future, there will be a steady stream of dragon birds and bird eggs to eat.

  The Taobao three-person team instantly became a four-person team, and the efficiency has improved a lot.

Pei Keqi didn't know anything else, but he was much stronger than Meng Qi and Kahn, and he was able to plan bamboo shoots smoothly. After Xu Yin taught him how to identify bamboo shoots, he left a bamboo basket for him to pick up fungi and herbs by himself. went.

  I thought he would be busy for a long time before filling the bamboo basket. Unexpectedly, within half an hour, he came to her with the basket and said it was full.

  Xu Yin looked up and couldn't help but want to twitch her mouth.

   This is not full, it is obvious that the bamboo shoots are too big, one can fill half of the bamboo basket.

   But having said that, this giant bamboo shoot is still very tender. After peeling off the shell, the meat inside is white and crisp, a bit like the best quality bamboo shoots.

  Xu Yin just praised him a few words.

   Unexpectedly, a rough man in his 30s and 40s would not feel embarrassed when he was teased by Kahn, but his face and neck would turn red after being praised by Xu Yin, and he shyly carried the bamboo basket and ran to continue digging bamboo shoots.

  Xu Yin smiled.

  Actually, aside from the mistakes I have made, most of the people here are quite cute.

  The division of labor among the four is orderly:

   After Pei Keqi got to know the bamboo shoots, he concentrated on planing them;

  Kan is still persistently looking for rotten tree stumps to dig black truffles;

  Monch helped Kahn pull up the stump;

  Xu Yin, a little expert at Taobao, dare not pick up those who don’t know her. Anything she knows or is identified in the illustrated book of Chinese herbal medicine has medicinal properties, regardless of whether it’s on the tree, in the field, or on the ground.

  The process of Taobao was full of fun, and it was dark in a flash.

  The four of them lit a bonfire on the spot and set up camp.

  Dinner is still Feilong soup, but this time some chestnut meat is stewed together.

   All three said it was delicious, so Xu Yin taught them how to identify chestnuts.

  Pei Keqi was surprised: "So it's this bristle ball? Then I know where it is!"

  So, the next day they did something else—find the chestnut grove that Pei Keqi had mentioned, and frantically hoarded chestnuts.

  There are so many chestnuts here, and the chestnuts here are big and sweet...

  Xu Yin hummed a song unknowingly.

  It's a pity that she is tone deaf, and hums so badly that even she herself finds it unpleasant. Unexpectedly, the three little friends were especially supportive, and kept praising her for singing really well.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Could it be that the musicians in the interstellar entertainment circle are all out-of-tune singers like her?

   Then she can!

   Cough, it’s getting too far.

   Let’s continue picking chestnuts!

  After picking up chestnuts for a whole day, they still haven’t picked up the ripe chestnuts that fell from the chestnut grove, but there are many moldy ones covered underneath, so Xu Yin said not to pick them up. These are enough for them to pass the time in the cold season.

  The other three stopped.

  Back to the campsite, Xu Yin asked the three of them to peel some chestnuts. She cut the chestnuts with a knife, soaked them in clean water for 15 minutes, then dried them with gauze.

  Stir fry until the opening cracks, then add a handful of sugar and continue frying until the opening is wide open and the color of the shell turns dark, indicating that it is cooked. Cover the pot and simmer for a few minutes, turn off the heat and sift through the sieve.

   "Try it!"

  Xu Yin handed each of the three a fried chestnut just out of the pan.

  Kane felt hot, so he blew on it before peeling off the chestnut shell and putting it in his mouth.

   "Well, it's delicious!" His eyes lit up instantly.

  Monkey had the same expression.

   "I didn't expect this bristle ball to look ugly, but it tastes so good! The stewed soup is delicious, and it's also delicious when fried like this!"

   Pei Keqi closed his eyes contentedly while eating, savoring the aftertaste of chestnuts in his mouth.

  Xu Yin stuffed a pot full of chestnuts into his arms with a smile: "Eat more if you like it! You can fry it after eating. With the amount we picked today, it's no problem to fry it every three days throughout the cold season."


  Pei Keqi scratched his head and laughed: "I also decided to move to the place where you live, and I can visit you in the winter season. By the way, Kahn, how did you build your house? I don't want to live in a cave anymore."

  Kan twisted his body in a loud voice: "I can build! Brother Hero taught me!"

   "Then you teach me! Next time I will take you to catch the sharp-billed flying insect."

"Okay then." Kahn nodded, and then said with fingers, "However, you have to line up, in front of you, there are Lao Pi, Andrew, Ziox... Wow! There are so many people who want to move to our place Live together. Brother Hero, if we live in more than a hundred households, we won’t have to travel so far to deliver supplies in the future.”

  Xu Yin smiled and rubbed his little head.

  This kid really misses the supply bag.

  The four of them stayed at the outskirts of the Insect Beast Forest for five days.

  On the sixth day, Xu Yin was going to dig some herbs.

   The herbs here are really of good quality. Except for being eaten by insects and beasts, no one has ever picked them. The age is long and the medicinal effect is extremely good, so I want to stock up more.

  After passing this village, who knows if there will be a chance to meet again in the future.

  Just about to set off, Simon, Kaxiu and others came back from hunting.

   "Hero." Upon seeing her, Kaxiu ran over excitedly, "See what we hunted?"

   Xu Yin saw that it was a big fat black pig with more tusks than a domestic pig?

  If the worm beasts hunted before, except for giant beasts, tasted like beef or mutton, then this one definitely tastes like authentic pork!

ah! Pure Dongpo pork, here she comes!

"Not bad!"

  She gave everyone a handful of fried chestnuts.

  When I go back, I will make real lard, marinate real trotters, and fry real pork belly!

   "What is this? It's delicious." Kaxiu asked curiously after eating a chestnut.

   "Brother, this is the meat of the bristle ball, isn't it delicious? We have been picking it up for a whole day! Brother Hero said that it can be fried and eaten in the cold season."

"Brizzle balls? Can this thing be eaten?" Simon expressed doubts, but he peeled one and slapped himself in the face after chewing a few times. "It's so delicious! I know where there are bristle balls. I'll go see more tomorrow." Pick it up!"

  Xu Yin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "We've picked up a lot, enough for us to eat for a cold season. Let's also save some for the worms and beasts here who live on chestnuts."

   "The hero is right! We picked them all up, and the worms and beasts have nothing to eat. In the next spring, there will be no fat worms to hunt."


   She doesn't seem to mean that.

   Forget it, the effect will be the same.

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