The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 361: Jiangzhi Female Supporting Desolate Star Farming (20)

  Chapter 361 Jiangzhi female supporting star farming (20)

  Back from the trade fair, Xu Yin sat down and carefully sorted out the planting plan for the spring of the coming year.

   But before that, she had to build the waterwheel first.

   Therefore, before the cold season came, I took Kaxiu brothers and came back from cutting down a few trees in the mangrove.

  On the way to the mangrove forest, when I saw the bare pits surrounding the lake, I couldn't help but think of the oil palm trees that survived the saltwater lake. If you want to improve the water and soil, you still need to plant trees.

  Unfortunately, with her current balance of energy points, she can no longer redeem a few saplings. Then I looked through the system warehouse, remembering that I had stocked some fruit tree seedlings before.

   Searched around and found it!

  She still has a lot of various fruit saplings and old vines.

  The soil around the lake around the pit is much better than the saline-alkali land of the saltwater lake. If it is plowed deeply and then fertilized, it should be able to survive.

   Unfortunately, the cold season is approaching, and it is too late this year. Let’s wait for the spring to bloom before planting trees. At that time, plant a circle around the pit ring lake, and then build a circle of grape trellises.

  However, in this way, the bees that used to only live in the Insect Beast Forest and occasionally come to her vegetable field to collect honey will probably choose to settle here.

  Nothing else, except that the bees here are surprisingly big, one is six to seven times larger than ordinary bees, Xu Yin is a little afraid of these small things.

   But she was a little greedy for honey, and wondered whether to make a few beehives, and then put them in the fields and fruit forest areas, and it would be good to experience the daily life of a beekeeper.

  Being able to slowly overcome the fear of these little things through understanding, and harvest all kinds of fruits and honey, why not do it?

  After contemplating, she used the few remaining energy points to find a "Beekeeping Guide" in the system mall, which contained the blueprints for making beehives.

  So, this cold season, Xu Yin was busy making beehives and waterwheels.

  Others came to help when they were free.

  Xu Yin handed over some simple work to Simon and others. She was responsible for polishing fine work and core components.

   She saw an old carpenter beat the waterwheel once in the Yan Dynasty, but it was the first time to operate the beehive.

   Fortunately, the drawing steps provided by the system are clear, and combined with the "scene simulation" function, the tinkering is finally successful!

  After the cold season, she placed these beehives at a distance from the vegetable field and near the Kenghuan Lake.

  Before the fruit trees are planted, let’s plant a wave of **** first.

   Rapeseed flowers should also be loved by bees.

   Then put the waterwheel up.

   People in the interstellar age saw the waterwheel running and sending water bucket after bucket to the canal dug in advance, which was different from the surprise of the ancient people.

  They were curious because this thing was actually made of wood.

  This ancient craft that is about to be lost, Xu Yingxiong can actually know it? That's great!

  So he looked at Xu Yin, and his previous fear and admiration turned into admiration.

  Can't help guessing: Could it be because he is too capable, so the elders of the Mecha Association who reject the ancient craft joined forces to get the exile star?

   Regardless of whether it is true or not, Xu Yin has become one of the few inheritors of ancient craftsmanship in their hearts at this moment, and their admiration and admiration for her are like a pit surrounded by lake water that will never dry up.

   Xu Yin didn't know that during the interval between assembling a waterwheel, this group of people staged a love-hate drama between the two factions of mechs and traditional crafts in their hearts.

  She watched the water wheel run a few times with satisfaction, clapped her hands and said, "Go to my house to get rice seeds, and I will teach you how to soak hair and sow seeds!"

  Spring is the best time for farming, and she doesn't want to waste a moment.

  Everyone rushed to Xu Yin's house when they heard that they could grow soft, glutinous, delicious and filling natural ingredients.

  Xu Yin distributed the rice seeds to them and taught them how to soak them.

   During the soaking period, let them open the seedling land first.

  There are two steps to planting rice, first raising seedlings and then transplanting rice seedlings.

  Everyone followed Xu Yin, how she taught, they did.

  Some of these people used to live a life of licking blood, some used to be star thieves who lived without a fixed place, and some used to achieve brilliant achievements but fell into this situation due to a temporary slip.

  However, at this moment, everyone has the same identity, that is—newcomers in the farming world!

  Look at their cautious appearance when they hold the soaked seeds and go to the ground to grow seedlings, like a beast sniffing a rose.

   During the rice seedling raising period, Xu Yin divided the remaining wasteland around the Kenghuan Lake for everyone, so as not to disturb the harmony.

   After dividing up, let them go to the ground separately.

Her hundreds of acres of land that were planted before the cold season were planted with food, fruits and vegetables, and once the freeze was unsealed, the mud softened, and when the [Floating Light and Misty Rain] was activated again, it could be planted with a little flipping, so she It can be done by one person.

   Unexpectedly, everyone still spontaneously came to help. They dig their own land in the morning, and loosen the soil for her in the afternoon.

   In this way, within a few days, Xu Yin planted the first crop of vegetables in spring, and then planted ten acres of sugar cane.

  The rest of the land, wait for the rice to grow seedlings, and start watering the fields for transplanting.

   A group of people are very busy.

   They didn’t even bother to pick up the supply packages, so they finally sent Andrew, who had the best endurance and the fastest running speed, to take Kahn to the drop-off coordinate point, and retrieved everyone’s supply packages with big bags.

  Others gave them each a bottle of nutrient solution as errand expenses, but they were disgusted by them.

   "I don't even want to eat my own nutrient solution, so give me a catty of rice when the rice is ripe!"


  It only took half a year from looting to not fighting or grabbing and only taking my own share, and then not even bothering to take my own share.

   And the looting state before that lasted for several generations.

  If the people in the Supervision Office saw this scene, their jaws would probably drop in shock.

  Fortunately, they couldn't see that Xu Yin and the aborigines of the exile star worked together to open up wasteland and farm land to build their homes.

   It took a year to completely turn the wasteland around the Kenghuan Lake into fertile fields.

  Everyone owns a piece of land of their own, eats natural ingredients, and lives in a two-bedroom apartment just like Xu Yin's.

  However, the firmness of the foundation is limited. It is okay to live on the second floor, but the third floor is worried that it will collapse after living for a long time. Therefore, the highest building is only the second floor.

  After it was built, everyone thought it was beautiful, so before another cold season came, and after the grain was in the warehouse, they had nothing to do and collectively spent a lot of infrastructure addiction.

  Xu Yin couldn't help but build a small two-story western-style building next to the original two-bedroom bungalow. The original bungalow became her tool room and granary.

In the spring of the following year, she gave each family a bunch of flower seeds, which were planted in front of and behind the buildings. There were bougainvillea, coral vines, wall-climbing tigers, and lingering flowers...the vines climbed up the courtyard wall to the roof of the second floor, and they were planted in midsummer. , has become a unique landscape.

  This is a beautiful home built by them with their hands and labor. In such an environment, let alone live in it for a lifetime, they are happy to continue to live here in the next life and the next life.

   There is no more frustration, resentment, and despair when they first came. Now they have unprecedented passion for life, and they have endless energy when they open their eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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