The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 377: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (8)

  Chapter 377 Disturbing house spirits in the 1970s (8)

"The second girl cooked the meal this morning. She picked up a few wild eggs yesterday and cooked a bowl of vegetable egg noodles for me and her mother, and put some chili sauce on it. You don't know, there is meat in the chili sauce Mo Xingzi, ouch, it makes my stomach feel better! If I don’t earn full work points for it today, I won’t be able to use all my strength!”


  Damn it! If I had known earlier, I would not have asked!

  Hearing the word meat, even if it’s just minced meat, the sweet potato porridge that I ate in the morning is almost digested in an instant, so I quickly tighten my belt.

   "Third child, your second daughter is competing with others, why don't you cheer her up?" A villager joked.

   "What?" Xu Laosan spat out the thin bamboo stick in his mouth, "She competes with others? What kind of competition?"

   "Turn up the land, let's see who can finish the two rows first. The captain is also here, and he is serving as a referee for them."

  Xu Laosan was about to go and have a look, but was grabbed by his wife.

   "Did you forget what Yinyin said?"

  Yes! The second girl asked the two of them to earn full work points today, and quickly got the money for sticking matchboxes, and gave them braised pork.

   Meat! Fragrant meat!

  Between braised pork and watching the fun, Xu Laosan resolutely chose the former.

"What's better than turning the ground." He waved his hand and walked towards the soybean field, "Our Yin Yin turned the ground quickly and deeply, yesterday the captain even praised her, no woman in our seven-star brigade can compare to her. "

   "It's not a comparison with female compatriots, it's a comparison with the youngest sons of the Jinjin family."


Youngest Xu was ashamed for them: "There's nothing to see here. Yin Yin won, and that brat from Jinjin's family should die of shame? He won, so Yin Yin won't be ashamed. Speaking of which, those young people won't be ashamed. What do you think, that you can actually compete with the girl's house? That's all it takes!"


  The other party was speechless by him.

  I said in my heart that you are a big man, and you compete with women for work points all day long, so you are very promising?

  Xu Laosan didn't know about his mental activities, but even if he knew, he would probably reply cheekily:

  My family Yinyin said, as long as I pull weeds, don’t do heavy work if you have a bad waist, do some light work, and get 7 work points, which is also considered full work points with her, and you can eat braised pork later.

   "Braised pork... Fragrant braised pork... Soft and glutinous braised pork..."

  On the way to the soybean field, Xu Laosan, who was full of braised pork in his mind, hummed a song he made up, which made Chen Huilan amused.

  Xu Yin's side was still the same as yesterday afternoon, easily turning over two ridges in less than half an hour.

  The production team leader smiled and gave her a thumbs up, and at the same time shouted at Chen Jinjin's youngest son, Chen Lei: "Lei Zi, are you willing to bet?"

  Chen Lei and the youngsters could hardly believe their eyes: "She turned it over? So fast?"

  Looking back at the result of their hard work: it’s only half a row! And the turning is obviously not as deep as the opponent.

   This gap... is properly crushed.

  The point is, how did she do it?

  It takes half an hour to turn half a row, even if they let their old-fashioned father do it, it's only at this level!

"Okay! Let's go to work after the competition!" The captain pushed up the onlookers, "Today I want to praise Xu Laosan. I heard from Ah Guang that he and his wife have already pulled weeds in the soybean field. You don't want to do it yet." Hurry up and go to work? You don’t want work points anymore, do you?”

   Ah Guang is the scorekeeper.

  He was quite surprised when he saw Mr. and Mrs. Xu who were serious about pulling weeds in the soybean field. Is it going to rain red today? ? ? Xu and Lao San, who used to work as foreign workers, have become diligent!

  Look at Xu Yin who turned over two ridges of land in half an hour...I thought this family was restrained before co-authoring? Once you put away your laziness, you are actually a capable person!

   "Hey!" Chen Lei called Xu Yin, "I lost, tell me, what do you want me to do?"

  Xu Yin had already thought about it: "I don't need you to work for three days, just once today, and help me pick two buckets of manure after work."




   The younger students who were with Chen Lei couldn't hold back their laughter.

  Chen Lei blushed: "You can't pick a better job? If I win, I won't let you do this kind of job."

   "What's wrong with this kind of work? Doesn't this kind of work need people to do it? As long as it is done by people, it is normal work." Xu Yin said seriously, "Do you want to do it or not?"

   "...Do it!" Chen Lei gritted his teeth, "I, Lei Zi, keep my word!"

  Xu Yin suppressed a smile and nodded: "Not bad, good, manly! Then it's settled. After work, help me pick up two buckets of dung to the back of my private plot."

   "Didn't you choose to go to the brigade?"

  Xu Yin asked in surprise, "What are you going to do with the brigade?"

  Think carefully: Oh! These days, handing manure to the brigade is also counted as work points, and the work points are not low. Because this is a kind of fertilizer, it is needed for field composting in brigade tasks.

   "I'll talk about the team later, first choose my private plot, and I'll wait for you in the private plot."

  She intends to put some farmyard manure to fertilize her plot.

  The dining table of a family of three depends on these six private plots.

  In recent years, rapeseed cake residues are mixed with wheat bran and bran meal to feed task pigs. They are used very thoroughly, but they are not as good as those in later generations.

  Others still had to continue to work to earn work points, so Xu Yin went back after finishing her morning share.

  Looking at her handsome back, Chen Lei and the others all showed envious expressions.

  It's so **** good to be strong! They really want to finish work for half an hour like her, and then do whatever they want, and still get full work points. Not only is it comfortable, but it also saves face!

   But the reality is—

   "Lei Zi! Why are you so dazed! Do it well!"

   "Tiger! Didn't you have enough for breakfast? Look at the land you dig. I don't expect you to be as capable as a girl, but can you grow a little longer? A young and strong young man, hoeing the ground is like scratching an itch."


   What a shame!

   were scolded like dogs by the production team leader.

  In the other side, Xu Yin came to the private plot, first pulled out the small weeds left over from yesterday, and then pulled off the vegetables and vines that were not fertile enough and obviously dead, planning to replant them.

   Before planting, loosen the ground again.

  The soil quality of the private land is obviously not as good as the mission field, thinking of the fertile soil of Taoyuan Star, which is comparable to the loam, quietly crossed out from the system space.

  Two points of land close to Tianlong, mixed with some fertile soil from Taoyuan Star, I plan to set up a test field to see.

  Considering that the leafy vegetables are relatively delicate, and not sure whether the crops here can adapt to the soil of Taoyuan Planet, they did not dare to grow leafy vegetables, but planted a batch of pumpkins.

  Her family has the most pumpkin seeds.

  The couple don't like to take care of the vegetable field. Xu Sang is afraid that they will be hungry and have nothing to eat, so he will plant a batch of pumpkins every year.

   No wonder this morning when I asked cheap parents what they disliked the most, the couple said in unison: pumpkin. Co-authoring is scary.

   After finishing all this work, Chen Lei came over carrying two dung buckets.

  One morning, there were competitions and excrement pickers. This young man was very tired. What a crime!

  (end of this chapter)

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