Chapter 382 The Housewives of the 1970s (13)

   But if you want the horse to run, you have to feed enough grass.

   If you don’t feed, I’m probably lazy again.

  Thinking about it this way, Xu Yin decided to go to the city and get some ingredients back. It's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice!

  The consignment point of the supply and marketing agency in the brigade sells too few things. Except for the daily needs of oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, others need to be lucky.

  For example, today’s dried tofu, I heard that the tofu factory has exceeded the production plan, and public canteens and state-owned units can’t eat it, so they distribute it to various consignment outlets, otherwise they can’t eat it if they want to eat it.

   Another example is the filter-tipped cigarettes that lazy dads often talk about. There are only two or three low-priced economical cigarettes on the counter at the consignment point. Better brands, such as Hongmei, Fenghuang, Hongtashan, etc., can't be seen here at all.

  As for fabrics and ready-made garments, there are no consignment outlets.

   In order to drive lazy parents to earn work points, I still have to go to the city.

  The next day when it was just dawn, Xu Yin made breakfast and woke the couple up:

"Father, mother, I have to go out. You should get up quickly and go to work. By the way, take a leave of absence for me and the captain. I have made breakfast in the pot. You can eat it after you work for an hour. Also, today you two If you don’t get full work points, after eating this meal of braised pork, don’t think about having another meal... No! If you don’t get full work in the morning, I’ll take the braised pork to grandma’s house and treat them to eat!”

  The couple who wanted to wait for their daughter to go out before slipping back to bed for a night of sleep: "..."

   Forget it, let’s go to work!

  Otherwise, the braised pork in the mouth will fly away.

   Seeing Xu and his wife come to work again, the villagers were not as surprised as yesterday, but...

   "Third brother, where's your Yin girl? Did you choose a son-in-law for yourself?"

   "That's right, Huilan, Yinyin is quite demanding, can you find it? Don't stay here and there and become an old girl."

  The villagers passed by the door of the consignment store last night and chatted for digestion under the big banyan tree, and they all heard Xu Yin's shocking words, and they couldn't help but joke about Xu Yin and his wife.

   Xu Laosan and his wife looked at each other wonderingly: "What request?"

"Your family's request to recruit a son-in-law, didn't you say it yourself? My son came back and learned how to treat her well. She said that a son-in-law doesn't say anything... Tsk tsk tsk! You say, so High requirements, can you find a son-in-law? Not to mention our village, it may be difficult to pick one in the entire Hongqi Township."

Xu Lao San was happy: "My daughter really said that? Hahahaha! That's great! I was worried that she would not want to recruit a son-in-law, so I didn't dare to mention it to her. So she is very happy? That's fine, nothing else! Isn't it a man's duty to listen to his wife nicely? Otherwise, why marry someone, right wife?"

  Chen Huilan gave him an appreciative look: "Yes!"

  The couple went to work happily.

  Xu Laosan even hummed a little song.

  Thinking that the second daughter agreed to recruit a son-in-law, no one will say that he is bankrupt in the future.

  Thinking of eating braised pork at noon, I suddenly feel that the sky is so blue, the clouds are so white, and the mood of pulling weeds is very happy.

   After thinking about it this way, it’s the same as going to work. Why are you tired? Not tired at all!

  Everyone: "..."

  Every time the couple opened their mouths, why did people have the urge to put them in a sack?

  In the other side, Xu Yin carried a matchbox in a snakeskin bag and rushed all the way to the intersection near the township commune.

   There are often collective bullock carts or tractors going into the city to pull goods, so you can take a ride.

   It's not lucky, there is a tractor ready to enter the city as soon as we arrive.

  Xu Yin grabbed a handful of melon seeds for the master, but the master said she was being polite. He also said that he would come back around 8:30, and if she wanted to take a ride, she would wait at the intersection of the road out of the city around 8:30.

   When Xu Yin heard that there was still such a good thing, she quickly thanked her.

  Going into town on a tractor is much faster than on two legs, but the bumps are real bumps.

  Xu Yin still needs to get a bicycle after thinking about it. Hiking a ride is not as convenient as owning a car.

  But it is only 74 years now, the price of bicycles is much more expensive than that in the early 1980s, and bicycle tickets are not easy to get.

  She glued the matchbox last night, and before going to bed, she took out the money and tickets left over from the mission in the 1980s, and found that many of them were useless.

  Especially the ticket, stamped on it, and the time written on it.

  If she dared to use the ticket ten years later, she would be arrested the next day as a fake ticket, believe it or not.

  However, there are a few banknotes that can be used.

   After all, after the new coins were issued in 1980, the old coins were not cancelled, and they were still in circulation on the market.

   Originally said to bring it back to future generations as a family heirloom, but now it can only be used for emergency.

   Arriving in the county seat, Xu Yin went to the match factory to hand in the task first, and took a bag of matchboxes back by the way.

  Although sticking matchboxes really doesn't make a lot of money, mosquito meat is still meat no matter how small it is, not to mention that this is an extra money project obtained by Grandpa Xu through favors, so it can't be left in her hands.

   "Hey! This batch is well pasted, flat and straight." The eldest sister who inspected her pasted matchboxes inspected her pasted matchboxes and nodded with satisfaction. "In the future, it will be like this batch handed in today. I will make it up to you to get more."

  Xu Yin was surprised and said, "Can you get more?"

"It is logically impossible. There is no employee's family member here. The mother-in-law is sick and she has to take care of her. Recently, I have no time to mess up, so I returned it. I don't bother to go outside to find someone for a while. There are too many people who know about it and fight for it." Noisy. I think the quality of your batch of paste is really good, so I might as well give it to you, a total of 2,000, take it back and paste it well! The quality is good, and I will keep it for you if there is another chance like this next time."

   "Thank you, big sister!" Xu Yin grabbed the melon seeds and gave them to her.

  In the last small world, at the request of Gu Xijin, sunflowers are planted every year, and more and more are planted. After they are cooked, they are fried into sunflower seeds of different flavors, and they can’t finish eating.

  In the era of poor materials, it is best to use it to get favors.

  The elder sister of inspection and acceptance passed the customs here, and Xu Yin took her note to the accounting room to collect the previous batch of money.

  Pass matchboxes every night, and only get 50 cents for pasting a thousand.

  Xu Yin suddenly felt that this job was too cheap.

  Fortunately, she has a solar-charged study desk lamp. When the curtains in the room are drawn and a blackout curtain is hung, neither parents know that her room is very bright.

   What if you really made this little money by working with kerosene lamps and working until your eyes were blind? Xu Yin felt that it was too worthless.

   But it is not easy to find an extra money project right now. It's matchboxes, they're all fighting for someone to paste them.

   Continue to receive and continue to paste!

  Fifty cents is not much, but at least it can feed the family a meal.

  There are quite a lot of people queuing up at the meat window of the Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

  Xu Yin asked a kind-hearted aunt if she must have a meat ticket when buying meat.

   "That must be! How can you buy meat without a ticket? However, if you buy pork trotters, stick bones, etc., you can buy it without a ticket, but it will be more expensive."

  Xu Yin nodded thoughtfully.

  (end of this chapter)

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