The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 403: Disturbing house spirits in the 1970s (34) (three shifts, ask for the moon)

  Chapter 403 Disturbing Housewives in the 1970s (34) (Third watch, ask for a monthly pass!)

"Girl Yin, wait for me!" Aunt Chunhua, who had eaten pumpkins from her family last night, caught up and said with a smile, "Your family's pumpkins this year will definitely be saved for seedlings, right? Give a few grains to my aunt at that time! I will exchange it with you for other vegetables."

  Other women follow:

   "Yinyin, leave a few for me too."

   "Yinyin, and me..."

   "Yinyin, do you recognize me? I'm Jianshe's mother..."

   One by one, they squeezed in front of Xu Yin to brush their faces.

   I'm afraid I'm a step too late, the pumpkin seeds will be lost to them.

  Xu Yin: "..."

No! Hear me out! I grow really regular squash. It has nothing to do with melon seeds, it has to do with the soil... Hey!

   Shouldn't she have experimented with the soil of Taoyuan Star?

   Fortunately, I only experimented with pumpkin fields. If she had shaken her hand at that time, she would have mixed the Taoyuan star soil into the other vegetable fields. Thinking about the giant vegetables grown... Xu Yin patted her chest happily.

  Because of the pumpkin incident, Xu Yin became the most popular cub in the Seven Stars Brigade.

  People came to beg for pumpkin seeds twice in three days, and they never came empty-handed.

  You give an egg, I give a cabbage, she gives a small bowl of peanuts...

   She couldn't laugh or cry, and quickly asked the younger sister to return it.

Promised everyone: "I will save more pumpkin seeds, and I can get them if I want to plant them. If there are too many, I can still get a few seeds evenly. But I said something earlier, my pumpkin is really the variety of last year. I don't know why it suddenly grew so big, maybe I fertilized it diligently and fed it meticulously..."

  Speaking of fertilization, everyone said again: "Yes, yes, yes! The fertilization method you taught us is really effective. My vegetables grow very well!"

  Thinking about it this way, could it be because of the fertilizer?

  So those people who thought it was troublesome and didn't learn the new method of fattening came to ask Xu Yin for advice.

  For a while, the Xu family came and went, and the threshold was almost broken.

  Xu Yin wondered if there would be peace to hide from now on?

  After thinking about it, she asked Chen Lei: "You know how to make new-style fat?"

   "I know a little bit, but I still feel that it is not as good as yours. Our vegetables are also fertilized according to the method you said, but they are not as good as the vegetables in your private plot."

   "I'll teach you again, listen carefully."

  She brought out an apprentice hand in hand.

   "When you teach others, it's like revisiting it. If you teach it a few times, your ratio will be more accurate and your skills will be more proficient."

  Chen Lei thinks it makes sense.

  Thus, Xu Yin cheerfully became the hands-off shopkeeper.

  Chen Lei: "..." Could it be that I was tricked?

   "Looking back, I found wild eggs, and I will share half of the nest with you."

  Chen Lei: That's not too bad!

  Xu Yin, who had regained her leisure, decided to go up the mountain while it was still early.

   Doesn't this promise that Chen Lei's wild eggs haven't been found yet? A man can't keep his word (in fact, he's afraid that he will give up his burden).

  In the mountains in early summer, it is a bit sultry, and there are many mosquitoes when it is hot.

  Xu Yin sprayed mosquito repellent water on her body, and put an insect repellent sachet in her trouser pocket before starting to climb the mountain.

   Going to Caowozi, where wild eggs are often picked up, to have a look.

  While passing by a bush, I heard a rustling sound.

  She raised her eyebrows suspiciously, and was about to go over to have a look, when she heard a woman's voice:

   "Teacher Xu, I have really admired you for a long time, and finally got my parents to agree that as long as you are willing to marry me, you don't need a bride price, you..."

  Hearing this, Xu Yin understood: probably the woman loves the man, so she chose a secluded place to confess her love, then she should not go there to disturb him.

   Just as he was about to tiptoe away, a cold male voice with faint anger sounded:

   "Comrade Zhao Xuefang! Please respect yourself!"

  The woman's seductive voice came again:

   "Mr. Xu, you see that your feet are hurt like this. How can you walk by yourself? Let me help you down the mountain, and tell others that we are dating, and nothing will happen."

   "No need! I will solve it myself, please leave!"

   "You! Xu Chengjin! Don't be shameless! I'm stalking you today! Believe it or not, if I go out and say that you have stolen my innocence, others will turn to me. Don't you still have to marry me then?"

  Xu Yin has always paid attention to the word "Jin". When she heard this, she carefully pushed aside the thorny bushes, and looked at the man who was barely standing on the tree trunk: "Do you need help?"

  Xu Chengjin really couldn't hold it anymore, her body was hot and cold, and she was dizzy.

   Zhao Xuefang deliberately stuck to him while talking, disgusting but powerless.

   This is by no means a symptom of a foot injury.

  He thought of the glass of water he drank before going out.

   Is it Chen Binghui? An educated youth who jumped in line and came to Hongqi Commune at the same time as him.

  For the recommendation of a Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University, actually helping the captain's daughter to do this?

  So, what is so good about this world?

  Xu Chengjin bit the tip of her tongue tightly, not letting herself fall into a coma, otherwise, some people's wish would really be fulfilled.

   But he was about to give up.

   At this moment, he heard a cool and cool voice like summer mint: "Do you need help?"

  He forced his consciousness to look at the people who came by, and recognized the girl who gave a speech on the stage at the model worker commendation meeting, and also the daughter of a strange villager who insisted on asking him to taste the new rice on the first day of food distribution...

   "No need!" Before Xu Chengjin could speak, Zhao Xuefang opened her arms, stopped in front of Xu Chengjin, and said to Xu Yin: "He doesn't need your help. Mind your own business!"

  Xu Yin ignored her, and when she got closer, she saw that something was wrong with Xu Chengjin, so she didn't say anything more, and pushed Zhao Xuefang away, then turned around and carried Xu Chengjin on her back.

   "Have a fever? Caused by a fracture? Forget it, don't talk if you feel uncomfortable. I'll send you to the clinic."

  She picked up the man easily and walked down the mountain.

  Zhao Xuefang was stunned, and when she realized it, there was no shadow of Xu Yin.

  She stomped her feet: "Damn it!"

   Almost made it!

  Who is this? Dare to destroy her good deeds!

  Xu Yin ran all the way to the foot of the mountain, and met Xu Lan and her little friend who came to dig wild vegetables after school.

   "Second Sister!"

  Xu Lan saw her, dropped the basket, and ran over.

   Mainly because I was frightened by the man on Xu Yin's back.

  Xu Lan was amazed as she ran: The second sister is so bold, she dares to imitate Zhu Bajie.

   After running closer, I was even more surprised: "Teacher Xu? Second sister, why are you carrying Teacher Xu behind your back? What happened to Teacher Xu?"

   "He is the teacher Xu you talk about all day long? He has a sprained ankle, probably a fracture, otherwise he won't have a fever. I'll go to the health center, and you go home and tell your parents that I may have to come back later."

  Xu Yin didn't stop, but ran towards the brigade headquarters while talking.

"oh oh…"

  Xu Lan watched dumbfounded as her second sister ran away in an instant with Teacher Xu on her back.

   A thought flashed in my heart: It's over! Teacher Xu was taken advantage of by the second sister!

  When Xu Chengjin was pulled on Xu Yin's back to run, he didn't feel any repulsion or disgust.

   On the contrary, smelling the elegant fragrance on her body, the whole person seemed to be pulled into an extremely safe environment.

  Consciousness has reached the end of its strength, and he vaguely heard the conversation between her and her sister, and his spirit completely relaxed, allowing himself to fall into a coma...

  (end of this chapter)

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