The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 407: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (38)

  Chapter 407 The House Spoiler in the 1970s (38)

   "Father! Is he really a door-to-door son-in-law for the Xu family? He would rather step in than marry me? Why is he like this!"

  Zhao Xuefang went to school early this morning to wait for Xu Chengjin, but she didn't expect that no one was waiting, but when she heard the news, she was shocked and angry, and ran home to find her parents crying.

   Zhao Youcheng is the production captain of the first team.

   There are six production teams in the Seven Star Brigade, and there were six natural villages before the establishment of the commune.

  Because of their good geographical location, the fields are flat and most of them are fertile fields. The annual grain harvested by them is counted as the highest yield.

   Gradually, under the subtle leadership of Zhao Youcheng, most of the members of the first team were arrogant and looked down on the members of the other teams, thinking that they were all dragging their feet.

  If the output of other teams is as high as that of the first team, the Red Flag Commune selects a pacesetter team every year, and there will definitely be a seven-star team.

  Because the production of several other production teams was sparse and slowed down, their seven-star brigade became the bottom of the whole commune.

   Zhao Youcheng, who is ambitious and unwilling to stop at the position of production team leader, hates iron but not steel.

  For this reason, he often went to the commune, hoping to show himself in front of the cadres, and maybe one day he would replace the branch secretary and become the leader of the Seven-Star Brigade.

   After such a run, the commune cadres knew him. Coincidentally, in the past few years, educated youths went to the countryside every year to join the team. Out of fairness, each team was evenly distributed, and a few were allocated to the Seven Star Team, and Zhao Youcheng brought them back.

  Zhao Youcheng felt that this was an opportunity—the commune cadres trusted him and gave him this task because they wanted to investigate him. Therefore, when the educated youth station was established, he strongly demanded that it be established in the first team.

  The other production teams had no idea about the educated youth.

  How many of the student children from the city can farm?

   If the first team wants to be the best, give it to the first team! They don't even care about it!

  Thus, the educated youth who come down every year are all assigned to a team, under Zhao Youcheng's supervision.

   This control made Zhao Youcheng's youngest daughter, Zhao Xuefang, very excited - she fell in love with Xu Chengjin, who came here to jump in the queue two years ago, and she wanted to marry him ever since.

   But the other party doesn't take hard and soft, but he just doesn't want to.

  This year, the Seven Stars Brigade got a recommended quota for the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University. Zhao Xuefang took advantage of the quota to take advantage of Xu Chengjin: "If you marry me, I will beg my father to give you the quota and let you go back to the city to study in college!"

  Xu Chengjin flatly refused.

   Chen Binghui, who lived in the same room as him, was moved.

  He was one of the first group of educated youths to go to the countryside. He is in his twenties this year, and if he does not return to the city, he is worried that he will really settle down in the countryside for the rest of his life.

  So, he seized this opportunity and recommended himself to Zhao Xuefang for discussion: He helped Zhao Xuefang get Xu Chengjin, and Zhao Xuefang persuaded Captain Zhao to give him the spot.

   Unexpectedly, Xu Laosan's second daughter was finally taken advantage of.

   "Father! You have to make the decision for me! If I can't breathe, I won't be reconciled in my life!"

  Zhao Xuefang cried and made noises, begging Zhao Youcheng.

Zhao Youcheng sighed, knocked on his pipe and said, "You've heard it all. Would others not know about it? With Mr. Xu's display of energy, maybe the whole brigade knows about it. It's a foregone conclusion. What can I do?" Method?"

   "But Dad..."

"Xu Chengjin seems to be a person who doesn't care about anything and doesn't care about anything, but in fact he is very deep-minded. You can't beat him. Even if you use the quota to win him and marry him, it is obvious that he will go to the city to study with the quota. University, what can you do with him if you don’t come back in the future? Isn’t it just a waste of money? Fortunately, he has not taken the place now, and our family has no loss. You just listen to your mother and find a local man with rich labor People, get married and live in peace and stability. As for you asking dad to vent your anger for you..."

  Zhao Youcheng took a deep puff of cigarette, squinted his eyes and let out a string of smoke rings, and said wisely:

   "It's easy to handle. Didn't he have a broken bone and can't go to class? Did he ask me for leave? Why don't he go to class forever, and let him go to the fields to do farm work in the future. At that time, the family of Xu Laosan may not know how to dislike him..."

  Zhao Xuefang felt a little relieved when she heard his father's move.

  Xu Chengjin was lucky, the year he went to the countryside, he happened to be recruiting teachers for the brigade elementary school.

  Because of his outstanding literary talents, he was recognized by the commune cadres, so he was re-elected as the teacher of the senior class for two years.

   During busy farming seasons, I only went to the brigade to help accountants count work points, and never went to the field or touched farm tools.

  Became the son-in-law of the farm family and lost his job at the school. Will Mr. Xu not let him go to the fields to earn work points? At that time, if he can't earn a few work points, Xu Laosan's family will give him a good face?

  Zhao Xuefang thought bitterly:

  Xu Chengjin, Xu Chengjin, if there is a way to heaven, if you don’t go, there is no way to hell! Do you think it's easy to be a door-to-door son-in-law? You will suffer in the future! I look forward to seeing you in dire straits in the future, regretting today's choice!

  Holding his breath, Zhao Xuefang agreed to her parents' proposal: she fell in love with a wealthy young man in the next-door brigade with three older brothers who all earned full work points.

   Also intentionally let out rumors, wanting to let Xu Chengjin know: Zhao Xuefang is not someone who wants her! On the contrary, she is very popular, and some younger generations are vying to marry her!

  After hearing the gossip from Mr. Wang who came to visit him, that Zhao Xuefang was engaged, and the wedding was scheduled for September, Xu Chengjin, who was peeling peas with downcast eyes, didn't even pause.

   Another piece of news made him raise his eyebrows: "Captain Zhao asked Chen Binghui to teach the senior class?"

"No, other people are making trouble." Wang Zhibo expressed helplessness, "I think you and I were selected by the commune cadres at the beginning. What is he, Chen Binghui? Why did the captain let him take over your post with a word. He can Why can't others? Sigh... The Educated Youth Station has been very noisy recently. It is very wise for you to move out! If I have the opportunity, I would like to move too."

   "You can. It's just a marriage, isn't it?" Xu Chengjin raised her eyes and glanced at him with a smile.

  Wang Zhibo choked: "That's all?...Let's forget about this! I'm worried that my parents won't recognize me as a son if they find out."

   While talking, Xu Yin came back from work to make dinner.

  Seeing Wang Zhibo, he greeted with a smile: "Teacher Wang will stay for a light meal before leaving."

  Tonight she is going to steam pea rice.

   A little bit of bacon that was marinated a while ago can be eaten, and there are too many peas in the private plot to eat. It is eaten with bacon, dried bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, and potatoes for a meal of bean rice.

Xu Chengjin handed the peeled peas to Xu Yin, and glanced at her blushing pretty face after working for a long time with a smile: "Mr. Wang still needs to help me send letters to the commune, so I won't eat them. Right, Mr. Wang? "

  Wang Zhibo: No! I want to eat! What kind of bacon and pea rice, it sounds delicious!

   "I can't catch up with today's postman if I go to the commune now, and it's the same if I go to the commune tomorrow morning."

  Xu Yin looked at Xu Chengjin and said.

  Since you want people to run errands, you should keep them for a meal. Does this guy have an EQ? After dinner was over, people were sent to the commune to post letters.

  Xu Chengjin responded with a friendly smile: "Daughter-in-law is right! Then Teacher Wang will stay and have dinner before leaving."

  Wang Zhibo: "..."

  Xu Chengjin, you should change your name to Xu Gou!

  (end of this chapter)

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