The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 409: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (40)

  Chapter 409 Disturbing house spirits in the 1970s (40)

  Xu Yin lay on the bed, thinking of the stack of "betrothal gifts" under the pillow, her heart was sweet.

This guy! I thought she was a weak bronze chicken and needed her to save him from fire and water, but I didn't expect to be a king. With a pen, he could earn as much money as others would have to work in the dark for a year. The hidden depths are really deep!

  However, since he gave her his fortune so frankly, please treat him better in the future!

  The little girl's teeth grinding and dreaming: "Meat...meat..."

  Xu Yinhaoxuan didn't laugh out loud.

  This girl really wants to eat meat even in her dreams.

  Then I will go to cut a catty of meat tomorrow and come back to celebrate the addition of a king to her family.

   By the way, if you get married, how will the room be allocated?

  Her house has three rooms in total, excluding the main room and the bedroom of parents, only the boudoir of the three sisters is left.

  After the elder sister got married, she and the younger sister lived in this room. If it is a wedding room, the younger sister has to go to the back half of her parents to build a bed.

  Thinking of the couple wanting to do something when they are full, they can hear it through the wall with the door closed. If there is a shop in the same room... Xu Yin rubbed her arm and felt that the room must be settled before getting married.

   "What are you talking about? You want to approve the foundation and build your own house?"

  When having breakfast the next day, hearing Xu Yin talk about this idea, the youngest Xu stared wide-eyed, wondering if the second girl had gone adrift? Want to build a new house after earning full work points for a few months?

"Girl, don't you have a fever? Do you know how much it costs to build a house? Not to mention that bricks and tiles have to be stamped and approved, and you can't afford them when it's your turn. It's expensive! Otherwise, everyone will go to build a new house. Who wants to live in one or two huts with a large family? Don’t think that you can get a lot of money at the end of the year when you get full work points every day. First, you can borrow some from other people’s families during the famine, and then pay them back at the end of the year...I don’t even want to I think, the money you get at the end of the year will be good for a prosperous year. It’s not enough for you to approve the foundation and build the house...Your father and I could afford to build a house back then. It was my father’s money—your grandpa’s money, but you Grandpa had a job and wages at that time, but I don’t have one for you, so where can I raise money for you?”

  Xu Laosan quite understood, knowing that he could afford a new house back then, all thanks to his father. Now that his daughter is going to build a new house, he is empty-handed and powerless to support her.

  Xu Yin and Xu Chengjin looked at each other, and said with a smile: "Father, your son-in-law gave me a bride price, not much, but enough for our family to build two new houses."


Xu Laosan's eyes straightened: "Daughter, son-in-law gave you a gift? But our family is recruiting a son-in-law, why is he giving the gift? Don't you want to go back on your word and don't want to come to the door? No, no, no! What's the deal? Can I go back on my word!"

   "No regrets."

  Xu Chengjin put some porridge and side dishes with chopsticks for Xu Laosan, and said with a smile:

"If you think the dowry is inappropriate, then it's not a dowry, it's the food expenses I gave to my family. Since I broke the bone, I have been staying at our house. You don't dislike me, and you let me have enough to eat, I was touched. At present, my legs and feet are handicapped, and the only thank you gift I can get is this little money. Yinyin wants to add two rooms to her family, so that this money will have a chance to shine, and I am too happy."


  Xu Laosan's eyes sparkled after hearing this, and he gave this son-in-law a higher score in his heart.

  He came to be the son-in-law of the door and returned the money to the Yue family.

   On the road! This kid is so good!

   "Let's go! Dad will accompany you to the brigade headquarters."

  Xu Laosan took a few bites of food casually, and couldn't wait to urge his daughter to approve the homestead.

  Xu Yin couldn't laugh or cry.

  But the homestead must be approved earlier, it takes time to pick the land, and it also takes time to approve it.

   Then approve the note, buy bricks and tiles, and hire people to build the house before the autumn harvest. The time is really tight.


  When the villagers heard that Xu Laosan was going to build a new house for the second daughter who had recruited as a wedding house, they all wondered where he got the money.

   But thinking of old man Xu, they all felt relieved again, probably old man Xu borrowed it from his former co-workers.

   "Hey! Caifen, it's rare to see you come back. I heard that your Yuanyuan's marriage has been finalized? Is it the first day of August?"

  Zou Caifen took the time to go back to her mother's house, and stopped by the old house to have a look. I don't know if I have all the cotton I asked my mother-in-law to search for last month.

  Meeting a familiar woman, he slowed down and chatted a few words while walking.

  Since my daughter found the son of the factory director of the agricultural machinery factory as a partner and made this marriage, she really likes to chat with people.

   "Yes! When the time comes, you will all come to have a wedding banquet. We plan to do both, a few tables in the factory and a few tables in our hometown."

   "Hey! It seems that the two of you are very satisfied with this marriage! After all, you Yuanyuan's marriage is indeed well established! You can marry and live without worrying about food and clothing, and you can also promote your mother's family."

  Zou Caifen felt relieved when she heard it, and said modestly: "She has a good life as a child, we as parents can rest assured, and don't expect her to promote her natal family."

   In fact, how can I not hope, I am already planning now, I hope that after my daughter gets married, she can mention it to her in-laws and find a formal job for her eldest son.

   "Speaking of which, like Yinyin from your third family's family, it's not bad to have a son-in-law at home. And after building a new house, it's quite comfortable to live separately from the third and third couple."

  Zou Caifen didn't know about this yet, and her eyes widened when she heard the words: "What? Yinyin found a son-in-law at home? Who is it? Is it from our brigade?"

"You don't know yet? The wedding date has been set. It's the fifth day of September, a month later than your Yuanyuan's. That young man is an educated youth. He has been in our brigade for two years. He broke his leg when he went up the mountain a while ago. It's Yin Yin. Carry him to the health center, and then the two of them will be fine."

  Zou Caifen: "..."

  What kind of **** luck did the third family have? This is all right?

   "Your in-laws borrowed money to build the house this time, right? Speaking of which, it's great to have a worker earning wages in the family! No wonder you are a little fatter than before, you are fatter!"

  Zou Caifen didn't care to listen to the other party's jokes. She was **** off by "the second elder came forward to lend money to the third elder's family to build a new house", and went straight to the old house with a murderous look.

"Father! Mother! How can you do things like this! When the three sons were separated, you two subsidized the third child and helped him build a new house. Now it's the turn of the grandchildren, why are you still helping the third child? His family is Yinyin. Your granddaughter, isn't my Yuanyuan?"

  The two elders were dumbfounded: "What are you talking about?"

   "I said, you came forward to lend money to the third family's Yinyin to build a new house, this is not authentic!"

   "Why do you want us to borrow money? We didn't borrow any money! You're talking about the money for the third family to build a new house? Isn't that from his son-in-law?"



   Zou Caifen, who had figured out the situation, only felt her face hurt.

   He muttered puzzledly: "I heard that he is an educated youth? He is so rich, why can't he think about being the door-to-door son-in-law of the third family? The third family has no money and no power, what are you trying to do?"

  (end of this chapter)

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