The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 421: Fake daughter retreats to farm (3)



  As soon as Xu Yin rode to the door of Xu's house, grandpa... oh no, her own grandpa jumped off the tricycle and walked towards the yard briskly, shouting loudly.

   "Father? Didn't you say you went to the entrance of the village to solicit some business? Why did you come back so soon? Is there something wrong?"

  Xu Weiguo's daughter-in-law, Xu Yin's own mother Feng Cuiqin trotted out of the house with her apron on and wiping her hands.

   "It's okay, it's okay...cough, it's okay! Oops—it's not a bad thing anyway!"

  Grandpa Xu was so excited that he could hardly speak.

  Suddenly remembering that her granddaughter was still outside, she quickly retreated to the gate of the courtyard and waved to Xu Yin: "Come in, kid! I won't lie to you! I'm really your grandfather, this is your mother, your father..."

"Father, what are you talking about? it Yinyin? Is it my own daughter Yinyin? I remember Brother Yueyue calling your name." Feng Cuiqin burst into tears as she spoke, "Oh, Yinyin is back ! She is willing to go home..."

  Xu Yin was embraced by her, her nose felt a little sore.

   On the contrary, Grandpa Xu digested it all the way, and calmed down now, his dark and thin face was full of wrinkles, and he smiled happily: "It's a good thing to be back! Why are you crying!"

"Grandpa is right. It's a good thing for our family to reunite, Mom, don't cry." Xu Yin comforted Feng Cuiqin, "By the way, where is my dad? I heard from Brother Ding'an that he is sick, what is it? Did you go to the hospital?" ?”

"Your father..." Feng Cuiqin couldn't help but have red eyes again when he mentioned her husband's illness, "He was diagnosed with liver cancer. Fortunately, it was in the early stage. The doctor said that if you treat it aggressively, the chances of being cured are relatively high. No, Your sister-in-law's younger sister works as a nurse in the hospital, and she asked her to help contact the bed, and she moved in a few days ago. I have to go when I go home to pack some things. I didn't expect you to come back. Your dad must be very happy to know..."

  Xu Ding'an came to the door and said that Xu Yue and Xu Yin had the wrong hug, and when Xu Yue was his own sister, Xu Weiguo was diagnosed with liver cancer not long ago, and the family was devastated by it.

  Feng Cuiqin asked her nephew's sister-in-law's sister to inquire about it. If it was an operation, the operation fee would be conservatively estimated at 50,000 yuan, not including the follow-up chemotherapy, recuperation and other expenses.

  The family invested a sum of money in contracting the bamboo forest last year, but they haven’t seen any returns yet. They are already struggling financially, so it’s even more difficult.

Therefore, when Xu Yue was taken back to her biological parents' home a few days ago, Feng Cuiqin wiped her red eyes from crying, and hardened her heart and did not stay. It is said that her biological daughter chose to stay at her adoptive parents' home and refused to come back. She felt uncomfortable and had no time to guess. Why don't you want to come back.

  She just wants to support the family well and overcome the predicament in front of her.

   I didn't expect my daughter-in-law to come back.

  Feng Cuiqin held Xu Yin's hand tightly, and looked her over with a good look, afraid that this was just a dream. In the blink of an eye, her biological daughter disappeared again.

   " did you come here?" She clutched the hem of the apron awkwardly, "I didn't know you were coming back, and I didn't pick you up..."

   "Mom, I'm such an adult, is it not easy to find my own home?"

   "Is it easy? You almost got lost at the entrance of the village?" Grandpa Xu answered straightforwardly.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Speaking of this, she couldn't help asking the old man: "Grandpa, are you waiting at the village crossing to lure people to make money?"

  She thought it was a simple and honest old man passing by on a tricycle.

"That's not true! The town is five and a half miles from our village, and you can always meet people like you who can't figure out the way or carry heavy objects. Your father is currently lying in the hospital waiting for the operation. A lot of money. At my age, I can’t do anything else. It’s not a problem to ride a bicycle and pull someone. How much money can I earn?”

  Xu Yin heard the back of her nose sore: "Grandpa, I will do this kind of work next time, I have great strength."

"You are really strong!" Grandpa Xu cheerfully praised her with a thumbs up, and then said to his daughter-in-law, "You don't know, Yinyin drove me back just now, and also pulled a load of luggage. Oh yo-"

  He suddenly remembered that the luggage was still in the car: "Hurry up! Cuiqin, hurry up and bring it in, don't be walked away..."

  After the luggage was brought in, the tricycle was also placed in the shed at the corner of the courtyard wall. Feng Cuiqin slapped her forehead: "Oh! I forgot that there are still vegetables stewed in the pot."

  Xu Yin followed in: "Mom, let me help you."

   "No, no, you go back to your room and rest. I cleaned up the room Yueyue used to live in, but I didn't know you came back, and the mattress and quilt haven't been dried yet..."

   "I have it." Xu Yin pointed to the woven bag, "I also brought some things for my family."

  Feng Cuiqin turned off the stove and was quickly stir-frying the stewed beans and potatoes that were almost dry. Hearing this, she showed her first comfortable smile in a while:

   "It's good that you come back, what are you bringing! Waste of money!"

  The gifts that Xu Yin bought for her family were the same as usual for everyone else; except for Xu’s father, when she took it out, she secretly replaced it with a bottle of wine in the system warehouse—a bottle of medicinal wine that can cure cancer.

   This was brewed by her in the oil bottle world, but the medicinal materials needed are all natural treasures, the brewing cost is too high, and the promotion is not so easy.

  However, when Feng Cuiqin saw the wine, he smiled bitterly: "If your father hadn't been sick, I don't know how happy he would be to see the filial wine from your daughter, but it's a pity that now..."

   "Mom, this is medicinal wine, which can improve the body's immunity. When Dad returns home from the operation, drink a small cup every day, which will help the body to take care of itself."

   Hearing it was medicinal wine, Feng Cuiqin didn't refuse any more, and accepted it for the head of the house, and placed it on the chest of drawers where he used to keep wine bottles.

   Look at the gold jewelry my daughter bought for herself: "Why do you buy this?"

   "I wanted to buy you a set of clothes and a pair of shoes, but I don't know the size. If it doesn't fit, it will be troublesome to return it, so I bought you a pair of bracelets."

  The main reason is that if the family needs money urgently, the gold bracelet can save the emergency, what can the clothes and shoes do?

   "Mom, do you like it?"

  Feng Cuiqin nodded vigorously, her voice choked up: "I like it..."

  How could you not like it!

  In her life, she has never worn gold jewelry.

  When she married Xu Weiguo, both families were poor, especially her natal family, because her brother gambled and owed a lot of debts, so they had no money to save her dowry.

   Therefore, the dowry gift from Xu's family was used by her mother's family to pay off her younger brother's gambling debts, and she didn't leave a penny for her. She has nothing but a small bundle in her hand and two changes of clothes in the bundle. She is married into Xu's family.

   Fortunately, neither the parents-in-law nor the head of the family disliked her. On the contrary, the head of the family told her that when she became rich in the future, she would buy her a set of outfits.

In the past few years, life has become better. Seeing that other families in the village are planting torreya trees and fruit trees at Baoshantou, he was worried about contracting the bamboo forest behind the house, so he gritted his teeth and spent all the money he had saved. I invested in it, thinking that I would chop more bamboo strips to weave some bamboo products and sell them in the city.

   I just didn’t expect that not long after I got the bamboo forest bag, he was diagnosed with liver cancer...

  Feng Cuiqin covered her mouth, trying her best not to cry.

   "Mom didn't cry, she was just happy..."

   It was the first time in her life that she wore gold jewelry, and it turned out to be bought for her by her own daughter who had been separated for 23 years.

  Xu Yin hugged her and patted her back comfortingly: "Mom, our family will be fine! Trust me!"

   "Well! Mom believes it!"

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