The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 423: Fake daughter retired from the ring to farm (5)


  Xu Yin called him abruptly, and put the fruit basket in her hand on the low cabinet next to the hospital bed.

   "I heard from my mother that your condition is far from hopeless. Take heart, follow the doctor's advice, treat actively, and you will be discharged soon, don't you think?"

   "Yes, yes." Xu Weiguo nodded his head, his eyes moved with Xu Yin's movements, "Yin, Yinyin, right? Why... are you willing to go home again?"

   "I would have liked it! It's just that I was not at home when Brother Ding'an came to pick up Xu Yue, so it was a few days late."

   "Oh..." Xu Weiguo suddenly realized.

  He said, how could the biological daughter not want to come back to recognize the biological parents, I dare say something has delayed it.

   "Then do you want to go back now?"

   "I won't go back, I will stay with you at home."

   "Okay, okay!" Xu Weiguo laughed innocently.

   My wife laughed and scolded me "stupid" in disgust, but I didn't care.

  Feng Cuiqin thought that when the daughter said "not going back", she meant the short period of time when the family was in charge of the operation.

   After the head of the family is discharged from the hospital, the daughter will definitely return to Haicheng.

  She has her own business, how can she abandon everything in Haicheng just because she recognizes her biological parents, and stay in the countryside with them for the rest of her life.

  Even the young people who were born and raised in the village mostly went out to work, how many of them stayed at home?

   Unexpectedly, when Feng Cuiqin went out to fetch a pot of hot water and came back, the father and daughter actually chatted about the future bamboo products business from the bamboo forest behind the house.

  Feng Cuiqin was a little confused: "What are you two talking about?"

Xu Weiguo said excitedly: "Yinyin praised me, saying that I made the right bag in the bamboo forest! She also said that the bamboo strip products I weaved can be sold at a high price. After I am discharged from the hospital, my father and I will cooperate, and I will be in charge of weaving. Responsible for selling, not only selling to the city, but also selling abroad, playing the brand of our old Xu family, selling the style of our old Xu family..."

   "Stop, stop, stop!" Feng Cuiqin raised her hand to signal the man to shut up, then turned to ask her daughter, "Aren't you going back to Haicheng?"

  Xu Yin blinked: "Mom doesn't welcome me?"

  Feng Cuiqin: "..."

  What does she mean!

   "Mom." Xu Yin said with a smile, "Before I came back, I had already finished everything in Haicheng. I think Qingzhu Village is very good, with beautiful mountains and rivers and good air. Long-term living may prolong life. I like it here."

  She likes anything that allows her to escape the fate of cannon fodder!

   The more Xu Weiguo listened, the corners of his mouth widened, reaching to the base of his ears.

  When Feng Cuiqin carried his changed clothes to the water room for starching, Xu Yin sat by the hospital bed and peeled apples for him.

Whether it’s the relatives and friends who come to visit the patient in the next bed, or the doctors and nurses who come to make ward rounds, whoever praises that the child is as beautiful as a movie star and so sensible, Xu Weiguo will happily introduce: “My daughter, Yinyin."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Dad! You can rest easy and recuperate!

   Unexpectedly, a little nurse really recognized her, and excitedly ran over with her mobile phone and asked, "Are you the actress Xu Zhiyin?"

  Xu Zhiyin is the original stage name.

  Xu Yin shook her head firmly: "No! You've got the wrong person. But many people have said so, am I really that much like the movie star you mentioned?"

   "Aren't you?" The little nurse was stunned, she looked so similar! And they are all surnamed Xu, and they all have the word Yin in their names.

   "No." Xu Yin looked calm, "Otherwise, would my dad live in a general ward? I will definitely upgrade him to VIP and go to a large single-person suite."

   That’s right too!

  The little nurse suddenly realized: "But little sister, you are really beautiful and have a temperament! It's a pity not to enter the entertainment industry!"

  Xu Yin smiled without saying a word.

  Feng Cuiqin went downstairs to buy food and came back, wondering: "What's going on? Why are there so many doctors and nurses on this floor today? They are all young. Is it an old doctor who is taking care of apprentices?"

  Xu Weiguo leaned against the bed and sulked: he could see that the young male doctors and nurses were all here for their daughters, and the female doctors and nurses were here to watch the excitement.

   "Let Yinyin go home!" He continued to stay, he was worried that wolves would enter the house.

  Feng Cuiqin had this intention, and said to her daughter: "Yinyin, I will ask your cousin's sister to take you home."

   "Is Dad's inspection report coming out at 3:30? After it comes out, I'll go back when the operation time is set."

  Feng Cuiqin nodded: "Alright."

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the attending doctor came with a report, with a smile on his face: "Xu Weiguo, I have some good news for you, first of all, combining your enhanced CT, MRI and laboratory results, there is no need for a hemi-liver, just a precise resection is enough. Secondly, Director Wang Chengwu, an expert in hepatobiliary surgery at Haicheng Hospital, will come to our hospital for academic exchanges next week and will select several cases of liver cancer of different degrees for surgery. Precise resection was not originally considered, but today a temporary notice will be added for an early and precise case. You just happened to be in time for the resection operation."

  Xu Weiguo and his wife didn't understand, but Xu Yin understood. Hepatobiliary surgery expert at Haicheng Hospital personally performed a series of operations on different stages of liver cancer. Her father was also selected by him as an early case.

   Hastily agreed on behalf of the family: "Thank you doctor! This is our honor!"

   This may be the good luck brought by the random skill of [Prosperous Luck and Disaster].

  After the doctor communicated and set the operation time, he went back.

  The three members of the Xu family were left looking at each other.

  Xu Yin sneered: "Dad, Mom, this is a good thing! The experts from Haicheng performed precise resection for Dad, an opportunity that most people can't even ask for!"

  Feng Cuiqin asked: "Does this mean that the success rate will be greater?"

"That is required!"

  Feng Cuiqin's eyes turned red instantly: "It's a good thing! It's a good thing! It seems that before going out, I put a few sticks of incense on the ancestors and it worked."

  Xu Yin: As long as you are happy.

  After setting the operation time, Xu Yin went home first, and came back on the day of the operation.

   Dad Xu is here with Mom Xu, so there is nothing to worry about.

   It’s at home. I heard from Dad Xu that last month, I negotiated a bamboo mat business with a shop selling bamboo mats in the town, and agreed to deliver it by the end of June.

  Before he was hospitalized, he had already completed eight sheets, and there were still two sheets left before he could compose them, but the strips were all cut and piled up in the west wing.

   Ask her to go to the town, send the eight bamboo mats that have been woven, and ask the seller, can the other two be woven by veteran craftsmen? As far as the traditional weaving method is concerned, without new patterns, let the old man take over if it works.

  Xu Yin returned home with this task.

   "How is your dad? Is the operation time set?" Grandpa Xu asked.

   "It's settled."

  Xu Yin reported the good news that Haicheng experts were going to perform surgery on her father.

   "Good good good good!"

  Grandpa Xu nodded his head and blinked, removing the moisture from his eyes.

   Immediately, he showed the fruit of the day's labor—the bottom of the flower basket to his granddaughter: "How is it? Grandpa, can I make it well?"

  Xu Yin gave him a thumbs up: "You will always be strong!"


  The old man was amused.

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