The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 425: Fake daughter retired from the ring to farm (7)

  On the way up the mountain, Xu Yin sorted out the connections of these relatives of the Xu family, and slowly exhaled:

   It’s okay, it’s okay, there is no one who is particularly superb. At least my family of four, as well as my aunt and cousin are all good.

   Unlike the last Small World, she was given a pair of lazy parents who needed to be reformed at the beginning, which really cost her a lot of brain cells.

  In this small world, as long as you don’t get caught up in cannon fodder, bring your family members who are advancing hand in hand, rely on mountains to eat mountains, develop bamboo forests, and don’t even think about making a fortune. Isn’t it better to get a little rich than it was in the 1970s?

  Xu Yin was thinking while climbing to the top of the mountain along the winding mountain road.

  Looking up from a distance, it is all green.

   I took a deep breath, the air is so good!

  Crossing the mountain, there is a small trumpet-shaped valley below, and the mountain on the other side of the valley is also her home.

  In addition to the overgrown grass in the valley, the two hills are covered with straight and verdant moso bamboo.

  Xu Yin went down to the valley and found that the weeds had grown to knee height.

  The reason why weeds can grow so luxuriantly is because there is a small stream bubbling in the corner of the valley, which should be groundwater seeping from the cracks in the mountain wall.

  There are streams that irrigate year after year, how can the vegetation not be lush?

  She took a sickle out from the system warehouse, cut the thatch first, and came back tomorrow to turn over the land and plant some alfalfa grass, which will be used to raise chickens then.

  Pure ecological bamboo forest chicken, if sold online, there will be a market, right?

   But in this way, will she have to open two online stores?

  One specializes in exquisite bamboo wares; the other sells agricultural products, such as bamboo shoots, dried bamboo shoots, bamboo fungus, chicken fir mushrooms, dried bamboo shoots, bamboo forest chicken, etc.

   Think and do it!

  After returning home, she explained to Grandpa Xu that she wanted to go to the city to choose a computer tomorrow, and then went to several departments to get the sanitation permit.

   There is no need to go to the site to sell bamboo wares alone, and it is over after passing the review online. But if you also sell imported food, you have to go to the scene to handle it.

  The old man knew that she had plans to open an online store, and he supported her very much.

   "It costs a lot of money to buy a computer, right? Come here! Take it!" The old man took out the coffin book he had saved, "I gave it to your mother before, but she refused to take it anyway, so I will give it to you."

  Where is Xu Yin willing to ask for it: "I have money! To tell you the truth, I used to act and make movies! Do you know how much a film is worth? At least this amount!"

   She compared a number with her fingers.

  Grandpa Xu was happy: "Hey! I didn't see it! Then granddaughter, if I go to filming, old man, how much can I earn?"


  You always make it clear that you don’t believe me?


  The next day, Xu Yin got up early.

   Unexpectedly, Grandpa Xu got up earlier than her, and had already made breakfast and was weaving flower baskets.

   "Grandpa, don't worry about this, you don't have to hurry, don't burn your eyes."

  Grandpa Xu didn’t know whether his granddaughter was in a good mood when he came back, or the tea given to him by his granddaughter was very refreshing. In short, his energy was very good. Hearing this, he said with a smile:

   "Don't worry, I don't weave patterns, I can do it with my eyes closed just for the base. Aren't you going to the city? Eat your breakfast."


  Xu Yin drank a bowl of millet porridge and ate a scallion egg pancake.

   "Grandpa, your omelette is so delicious!"

   "It's delicious and I'll make it for you tomorrow!"

  Xu Yin thought of the chickens in the bamboo forest, and asked tentatively: "Grandpa, why don't we raise more chickens? The bamboo forest is so big, and a group of chickens can be raised in the mountains, and they can be sold for money when they grow up."

  Grandpa Xu said disapprovingly: "Every household in the village raises chickens, who buys them? People in the town go to the vegetable market to buy them. There are chickens pulled from the chicken farms, which are fat and cheap."

   "The chickens from the chicken farm are not as delicious as the free-range ones!"

   "That's true." The old man agreed deeply, "That's why our family never buys from the market, and raises them for food by ourselves."

  Xu Yin: "..."

   It feels like we chatted for a while.

  Forget it, it’s still early to raise chickens, and the valley hasn’t been tidied up yet, so let’s discuss it another day.

  After breakfast, she rode Grandpa Xu's tricycle to the town, took an urban and rural bus to the South Bus Station, and then changed to a bus to go to the Computer City in Wenpu County.

  On the way, she wondered whether she should buy a driver's car.

   But she didn't seem to see anyone in the village with a car. The most common ones she saw were electric tricycles, followed by battery cars.

  The older generation like the old man is used to the three-wheeled manpower pedal.

   And even if you buy a car, it seems that you can't get to your door.

  The road from the village road to her house is a one-meter-wide stone road.

  Xu Yin thought about it, and finally decided to buy a small electric donkey for transportation.

  So, I went to the computer city to get off the car and bought a computer, and went straight to the battery car store with the computer bag on my back.

   As a result, before entering the store, I was fascinated by the motorcycles sold by the car dealer next door.

  She suddenly remembered that when packing up the pile of personal belongings in the original body, there seemed to be a motorcycle driver's license.

   It seems that I took a movie before and needed to be able to drive a motorcycle, so I passed the test temporarily.

  Then just buy a motorcycle.

   After all, the small eDonkey is not as powerful as a motorcycle in terms of battery life or carrying people and goods.

  Xu Yin paused and turned to the motorcycle shop next door.

  The clerk of the battery car dealer who is soliciting business at the door: "..."

  What are you doing?

   Isn’t it here to buy a battery car?

   Still think that the ones selling next door are also battery cars?

  He snickered secretly, waiting for the customer who went to the wrong door to return.

   As a result, I waited and waited until Xu Yin came out pushing a four-cylinder, 680cc displacement, handsome and cool silver motorcycle.

  Battery bike store clerk: "..."

   Damn it! Are you really going to buy a motorcycle?

   Or did you buy it for the cool appearance of the motorcycle?

  Will you ride?

   As soon as the words were finished, Xu Yin put on the helmet and stepped on the motorcycle. After starting it, she seemed to get used to it first, and then rode out with a whimper.

  A petite beauty, driving a cool and handsome motorcycle, seems to be shooting a beautiful advertisement.

  The clerk touched his face, he had a bad start today, the left cheek hurts and the right cheek hurts...

  What he didn't know was that Xu Yin was actually a little uneasy.

  Although she "has" a motorcycle driver's license, it is her first time on the road.

   Unexpectedly, the system actually rewarded her:

  【Ride 2 kilometers, reward 1 energy point, store or exchange? 】

   Is this encouraging her to ride?

  It's just... isn't the energy point a bit low?

  Xu Yin glanced at the system mall, and couldn't help complaining: An egg costs 5 points, so what can I exchange for your 1 energy point?

  Although it is negligibly small, it is better than nothing. Of course, choose storage.

   Then she turned on the "scene simulation", and under the guidance of the system, she first went to the nearby empty road to practice a few times back and forth, from D+ at the beginning to A-.

  A- level is more proficient than a novice who just got his driver's license, so he went on the road with confidence, driving safely in his own lane.

  2 kilometers, 4 kilometers, 6 kilometers...

  Energy points will also be credited at 1 point and 2 points.

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