The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 439: The Fake Daughter Retires to Farm (21)

   Apart from laughing, I gave her a super affordable package price: 360 yuan.

  Lu You is very happy, the goods have not been received yet, first take a screenshot of the picture of the bamboo fan and send it to the group of friends to share:

   "I recently found a treasure shop, look! Such an exquisite handmade bamboo fan, guess how much it is? It is purely handmade! Even the pictures on the fan are hand-painted, not printed."

  Her little sister sent a voice message: "If you bought it from a souvenir shop in a scenic spot, it would be at least one hundred and eighty. If you bought it from Taomai, it would be fifty or sixty cheaper? It's hard to say if it's a work of a famous artist."

"Wrong!" Lu You told the real price in a stern voice, "The average price is only thirty! I bought a set. It's the Twelve Hairpins of Jinling! Look! Is it exquisite? It's not too much to collect as a work of art, right? Let me tell you, the owner of this store is really a real person..."

  These little sisters of hers followed the link she sent to the group and clicked on "Country Green Bamboo".

"Hey! This vase is also made of bamboo? It's so realistic! The implication of the pattern of the evergreen pine tree is also good! It happens that my grandfather will have his 70th birthday next month, and Zhengchou couldn't think of what to give him, so I gave this to him! 518 One? For handmade bamboo products, it seems not expensive! I took it!"

   "My grandpa's birthday is still far away, but he likes fishing very much, let me buy him a fish basket!"

   "I really like this roller blind, it feels like Zen! Hang it in my tea room! Maybe it can attract a few more tea drinkers..."

   "I love this bamboo basket!"

   "I like this little vase of koi and lotus! It's so delicate!"


   Just like that, Guang Luyou, a group of girlfriends of No. 7 and No. 8, took a lot of pictures of the existing bamboo weaving products in Xu Yin's online store.

Xu Yin saw that Lu You was helping her get business again. In addition to giving her girlfriends a discount, she also planned to give her a set of folding fans of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, as a thank you for her tireless efforts. Promote your store.

  Pack up the goods that everyone wants and send them out in batches.

  Back home, Xu Yin smiled and said to her family:

   "Come, come! It's been more than two months since the online store opened, it's time for a wave of salary!"

  She pulled out the delivery orders since the opening, and after accounting one by one, she said:

"Let's take a look at our bamboo ware business first. So far, six pieces of bamboo ware weaved by my grandfather have been sold, and the total accounted for 1680 yuan. After deducting the operating costs such as packaging and shipping costs, my grandfather can finally get 1580 yuan. Come on! Grandpa, your salary! Receive it!"

  Xu Yin handed the old man a red envelope filled with money in advance.

  The old man squinted his brows and eyes with joy: "There are so many just after opening?"

   "Not much, not much! Just opened, the orders are still relatively small, and the price we set is not high, and there will be more in the future!"

"Haha! Good good!" The old man smiled from ear to ear, holding the red envelope and retreating to the side, "By the way, what cost are you talking about, only deducting 100? Is that enough? The printers and packing tapes you bought... all Want money?"

   "Those will earn back in the future, don't worry!" Xu Yin comforted the old man.

"It's Comrade Xu Weiguo's turn next!" Xu Yin counted the bamboo ware from her father according to the delivery order, "Although Comrade Xu Weiguo was discharged from the hospital early last month, he worked tirelessly to catch up and finally created three bamboo ware The turnover is 868 yuan. After deducting the operating cost of 68 yuan, this 800 yuan is Comrade Xu Weiguo's first salary! Please take it!"

   "Thank you, Nannan." Father Xu grinned from the corners of his mouth to his ears.

  Before he got sick, he worked in the dark to weave bamboo baskets, baskets, and baskets, and sold them in towns and counties.

   There are too many bamboo products in this area, and they cannot be sold at a high price.

  As for the online store, they had heard of it, but Xu Yue was not interested in it at the time, and the three of them didn't understand it, and they couldn't open it.

   I didn't expect my daughter-in-law to set up the online store after she came back.

   It has only been a month since he was discharged from the hospital, and he has earned 800 yuan with his own skills!

   No need to carry a heavy burden to go out early and come back at night, just sit comfortably at the door of the house, drink water when you are thirsty, and stop and rest when you are tired. In this way, you can earn 800?

  Xu Weiguo couldn't help being full of hope for his future life.

  At this rate, by this time next year, the money owed to my nephew will definitely be paid off! Then you can buy big items for your family and save your daughter’s dowry!

"Next is our Comrade Feng Cuiqin!" Xu Yin waved to her mother with a smile, "Comrade Feng Cuiqin worked hard and did whatever work he had. Gross profit! Everyone applauds!"


  Except for Feng Cuiqin, the three of Xu Yin laughed and clapped their hands.

  Xu Weiguo even blew a whistle: "Good job Cuiqin! I'm proud of you!"

   "Go away!" Feng Cuiqin blushed from the man's cheeky look, and cursed at him with a smile.

   But I have to say, she was happy in her heart.

   It has been many years since I saw such a cheerful and lively side of my husband.

  In my impression, the last time I was so shameless like this was when the two were dating.

   Xu Yin gave her mother 4,500 yuan after deducting the packaging fee and shipping fee.

   After receiving the heavy red envelope, Feng Cuiqin's eyes filled with tears.

  She felt that she hadn't done anything during this time, wasn't it the same as before?

   Except for a few days when she was building a bamboo house, putting up fences, and painting the bamboo doors and fences of the bamboo house, other times she either did housework, or fed chickens, planed bamboo shoots, and picked fungi. Which one was not what she used to do? At most, it took a little longer to fry the chicken fir oil.

  What is this little busyness to her as a housewife?

   Therefore, seeing her husband received 800 yuan just now, she couldn't help thinking: If she can also generate 800 yuan for the family, she will be satisfied. Didn't expect there to be so many!

  4500 yuan!

   It took less than two months to earn 4,500 yuan for the family!

  At this moment, Feng Cuiqin had mixed feelings in her heart. Like her man, she was full of hope for the good life of the old Xu family in the future.

"The next thing is me! I made a batch of bamboo pen holders and bamboo fans with my grandfather, and sold some money; I also made a small fortune with my mother picking and drying chicken fir mushrooms. Although not much, but Enough to treat the family to a good meal! Today I will be the host! Let's go to the town to go to a restaurant!"

   "What kind of restaurant are you going to!" Feng Cuiqin laughed and scolded, "If you have some money, you won't be able to keep it, right? I'll kill a chicken, cook half of the bamboo fungus, and half of the chicken, and eat it at home!"

  No one in the family wanted to go to the town to eat out, so Xu Yin had no choice but to give up.

   "Then I'll ride a bike to the town to weigh pork belly and come back, I'll make authentic Dongpo pork for everyone to try!"

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