The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 449: The fake daughter retreats from the circle to farm (31) (three shifts, ask for the moo

  Xu Yin was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses, and hurried to make amends: "I think, the price of 15,000 is indeed too outrageous, so high that it can be described as the price of killing a dragon. Dad, are you right?"

   Dad Xu knew nothing, nodded subconsciously: "Yes."

  Xu Yinchao Fu Yingdi laughed twice, and changed the topic: "So my house is really affordable, right? Food, lodging and tour are all included, less than a thousand yuan! What do you want to eat tonight? You are allowed to order!"

  Fu Hanjin tilted her head and laughed.

  Xu Yin was inexplicably guilty of being laughed at by him. Out of compensatory psychology, she asked him if he wanted to go to the town.

   "I'm going to send a courier later. If you want to go, I'll take you there. There are few tourists here, so it should be safe to wear a hat and a mask."

  Film King Fu has been here for more than half a month. Except for Zhushan, it is her home, and he has never even gone out of her courtyard. Thinking about it, I feel sympathetic to him.

  Public figures are bad at this point.

  Fu Hanjin raised her chin towards the motorcycle she parked under the carport in the front yard: "Ride me on it?"

   "That's right! Are you worried about my skills?" Xu Yin gave him a "reassuring" look, "Don't worry! Let alone flat roads, I can fly on mountain roads."

  Mother Xu sat under the eaves to pickle old cowpea sticks, ready to soak sour cowpea. Hearing this, she turned her head and said to her daughter:

"Yinyin, don't drive too fast on mountain roads! Especially when turning, it's easy to overturn the car. A few days ago, I heard from your aunt Meifang that there was a man driving fast on the side of her natal Jiudaogou. Fortunately, there are trees below, and luckily people are all right..."

  Feng Cuiqin became more and more worried as she talked: "But they drive a small bread, and your car has no shelter at all. What if you fall down..."

  Xu Yin: "...Mom, I'm just making an analogy."

   "Don't use this analogy in the future."


  Fu Hanjin smiled and smoothed things over for her: "Okay, I'll go out in your car, just to trouble Boss Xu."

   "It's easy to talk about."

   When he went back to the bamboo house and took a peaked cap, she did have a mask, which was the same style as the peaked cap—classic black.

  Xu Yin handed him the helmet she bought for her family, put on the helmet herself, and started the car: "Sit tight!"

  Fu Hanjin sat behind her, not knowing where to put her hands, so she simply leaned back, resting her elbows on the cargo basket behind her, which felt quite comfortable.

   Xu Yin rode slowly on the road from the gate of the house to the entrance of the village, for fear that her mother would chase her out and shout, "Slow down! Slow down!"

  Out of the village, it is the world of Xu · Drag Racing · Yin.

  Fu Hanjin: "..."

  Didn’t you just promise your mother not to ride a fast car before going out?

  Xu Yin felt that she was not riding fast.

  When she came to town alone, in order to catch the express delivery of the day, it was much faster than now.

   Entering Qingshan Town, the flow of people gradually increased.

  Xu Yin slowed down, went to the courier station first, and sent the goods to be delivered today.

   Then he drove Actor Fu along the Zhenxin Highway for a drive.

   Don't want to meet a bunch of motorcycle gangs.

   The yellow-haired youth headed by drove the car in front of Xu Yin: "Sister! It's a good drive! Do you want to compare?"

  Xu Yin: "No."

   "Brother Dali compares himself to you, that's why he thinks highly of you!"

   "That's right! Brother Dali is the **** of racing in our area! He has never lost in any competition. Are you afraid that you dare not compete?"

  The few social youths who were with Huang Mao also had a motorcycle, and surrounded Xu Yin and Xu Yin with a playful smile, as if they would not let them leave after a fight.

  Xu Yin was worried that the delay would be too long, and it would be troublesome for Fu Yingdi to be recognized by them, so she asked, "Compared to what?"

   "Let's compare the mountain road in Xiqingshan, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, bypass the pine tree on the top of the mountain, and then return to the foot of the mountain. Whoever is faster wins."

   "What about the bet?" Xu Yin asked.

  She didn't believe it. These people stopped her just to compete with her.

"Happy!" Huang Mao smiled and wiped out the cigarette in his hand, tilted his head and looked at Xu Yin, "The loser, promise the other party one condition. I, I have a crush on you, sister, and I win and you will be my wife .”

  Xu Yin sized him up from head to toe, then shook her head: "I don't want it! You don't fit my aesthetics!"


  What the **** is that tone? You do not want? Is there any reason why you said no to your loss?

  Huang Mao spat, and cast a provocative glance at Fu Hanjin behind Xu Yin: "Competition now? Feng Quan, come up!"

  The skinny young man on the black locomotive responded, pulled the car to the side of the road, and sat in the yellow-haired back seat.

  Huang Mao turned his head to look at Xu Yin: "Brother also carries someone else, isn't this fair?"

  Xu Yin frowned: "Why don't you carry people?"

   Behind her is Fu Yingdi, although she is confident in her riding, what if? She can't afford it.

  Fu Hanjin said: "It's okay, I just want to see a motorcycle race."

  Xu Yin thought for a while and said, "That's fine! You sit still! I'll make it quick, and we have to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables!"

   These words are not very harmful to Huang Mao and the others, but extremely insulting.

   Immediately exploded with anger: "Get ready, start!"

  Xu Yin is really in a hurry to go to the vegetable market to buy meat and vegetables, and her mother is still waiting for the meat to be put into the pot!

  So as soon as she set off, she stepped up and galloped.

  Two locomotives went side by side on the road and soon came to the foot of Xiqing Mountain.

  Xu Yinlai has ridden this mountain road.

  She originally wanted to get the achievement "Mountain Road Riding", so that she would really be a little expert in cycling.

  But I've been really busy recently, so I'm still only A-.

   Fortunately, the mountain road in Xiqingshan is a mountain road, but it is poured with smooth cement, which is not too different from the flat land. The main difficulty is the winding mountain.

   But she is good at cycling around mountains.

  She has ridden mountain roads in Qingzhu Village that are more winding than this one, and the winding mountain road in West Qingshan is simply child's play in her opinion.

   "Boom boom..."

  The gas pedals of the two locomotives were pulled to the maximum by their respective owners.

  Xu Yin stared intently at the front, and gradually distanced herself from Huang Mao.

   Huang Mao took a look: Hey! This girl really has two brushes, no wonder she uses the motorcycle as a mount. These days, there are not many girls who can drive a car.

   This made him even more eager to move.

   There is a beautiful horse who can drive a car, and his level is comparable to his own, how face-saving it is to say it!

   As for being more than ten meters behind others, he is not in a hurry at all.

  When we reached the top of the mountain, we didn’t finish the race, and we had to go around the green pines before going down the mountain!

  Mountaintop drifting is his main battlefield.

  Girls can't bear it, they must slow down when the time comes, and he will catch up.

Fu Hanjin looked back at the yellow hair behind his eyes, and turned back to look at the girl in front of him. The hair under the helmet danced gently in the wind, and the elegant and pleasant scent filled his nose, which made him dazed for a moment. It's not bad to think that it's not bad to ride to the end of time.

  A strand of hair playfully got out of the helmet and brushed against the tip of his nose along the wind.

  He subconsciously stretched out his hand, trying to push down her hair, only to realize that he was walking fast on the mountain road.

  His hand was numb due to tension.


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