The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 451: The fake daughter retired from the circle to farm (33) (five watch, ask for the moon)

  Going to town with her a few days ago, when we came back, we passed by a food stall, and casually glanced at the fast food dishes displayed at the entrance of the shop. The oily meat dishes made him feel faintly nauseated just by looking at them.

  Back to Qingzhu Village, drank a few cups of tea boiled by clear spring water, and tasted Dongpo pork she made for dinner, the nausea seemed to heal without treatment.

  Xu Yin comforted him: "That means it's done! Come on, help me move these meats in. I mean, you bought too much! Fortunately, I bought a freezer at home, otherwise, where can I put it..."

  Fu Hanjin came back to his senses, looked at her busy figure and smiled, rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, and helped her move the beef and mutton into the kitchen.

  Feng Cuiqin learned that the beef and mutton were bought by Fu Hanjin, so she asked her daughter:

   "Then did you give him money? So much meat, it costs several hundred?"

  Xu Yinxin said more than that!

  She has raised beef and mutton before, organically raised, deacidified and packaged, which is at least twice as expensive as ordinary beef and mutton on the market.

   Shaking his head, he said, "He didn't want it. He said that our family killed chickens and bought meat for him to eat, which exceeded the room price standard. These should be used as extra food expenses."

"That's too much!" Feng Cuiqin said with emotion, "Mr. Fu is really an honest man! I think he likes chicken fir oil very much. If you can still pick it this month, make a few more bottles for him. Winter bamboo shoots in a while Now that I can plan, I will go dig some winter bamboo shoots and come back, use the beef he bought to cook a winter bamboo shoot meat sauce, do you think he will like it?"

   "I definitely like it!" Xu Yin browsed the backstage of the online store, her mouth was bald, "If you don't like it, you don't know the goods! My mother's diced bamboo shoots and meat sauce are so delicious! I can finish three bowls of rice in one go."

  Feng Cuiqin was amused: "You just have to be skinny!"

  Speaking of winter bamboo shoots that can be planed, Xu Yin thought of the interplanted golden clematis, which seems to be harvesting soon.

  She needs to contact the local herb dealer.

  The yield per mu of clematis is generally about 200 kilograms, not to mention that she applies ecological fertilizer every half a month, I believe the yield per mu will only be higher than 200 kilograms.

  About ten acres of bamboo forests are interplanted with golden clematis. Excluding the growth range of bamboo, there must be eight acres of golden clematis.

   In other words, at least three thousand catties of medicinal materials are about to enter the harvest period.

  Xu Yin found the phone numbers of two relatively large local medicinal material purchasers from the Internet.

   The first one to open their mouths offered a one-buy price: "Clammatis? 300 yuan per kilogram."

  Xu Yin wanted to ask a few more questions to understand the market, but the other party said impatiently: "This year's clematis is only at this price, do you want to sell it or not!"

   Then it seemed that a customer came to the door, and he was busy greeting the customer, so Paji hung up the phone.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Forget it, let’s ask the second company.

  The second person who answered the phone seemed to be the boss, saying that he wanted to see the goods first.

"The price of clematis this year is not bad." The other party said, "The purchase price on the market is generally between 300-400 yuan. The specific price, you have to see the goods first, don't you think? The quality is average, I'll give you 320 at most, it's of high quality, let alone 400, I'll accept all 420!"

  Xu Yin saw that the boss was very honest, so she invited him to come and see the goods.

   "Green Bamboo Village? I remember that all bamboos are grown in that place. Don't you interplant them in the bamboo forest?"

   "Yes!" Xu Yin didn't deny it, "Don't look at it as interplanting, the fertilizer is applied frequently, and the quality is no worse than that grown in professional greenhouses."

  The other party agreed: "That's true, it mainly depends on whether the care is meticulous. Then I will go and have a look tomorrow!"

  The two parties left contact information.

  The other party's surname is Guo, and he is a middleman of medicinal materials. It is relatively large in Wenpu County. There is another company on the same level as him, and that is Fu Shi, who previously quoted a fixed price to Xu Yin.

  These two have never stopped competing since they started this business, and their stores are all on the same street, or diagonally opposite.

  At noon the next day, seeing Boss Guo leaving in his Mercedes-Benz, Boss Fu asked the clerk, "Which major medicinal herb grower is harvesting recently?"

  The clerk flipped through the memo: "No!"

   Boss Fu rubbed his chin and thought: What is the guy surnamed Guo doing out in the morning?

  Boss Guo drove to Qingzhu Village, parked the car, and found the stone road with the rose fence that Xu Yin said, and walked along this road to the end, which is Xu's house.

   "Hello." Seeing Grandpa Xu sitting under the eaves weaving bamboo strips, Boss Guo greeted with a smile, "Is this Boss Xu's house?"

   "Oh yes! Are you Boss Guo who came to see the medicinal materials?"

  Grandpa Xu, who had been mentioned by his granddaughter in advance, saw that the business was coming, so he quickly invited someone to come in and sit down. He turned his head and called to his granddaughter who was watering the vegetable field in the backyard: "Yinyin, Boss Guo is here!"

  Xu Yin put down the kettle, wiped her hands and came out: "Boss Guo is here? Then let's go up the mountain to see the golden clematis?"

   Boss Guo saw that she was so young, he laughed and said: "You are about the same age as my daughter, and you have already started a business? Capable! Really capable!"

  Xu Yin didn't explain much, just exchanged some pleasantries, and after Boss Guo drank a cup of tea, he led him up the mountain.

   Along the way, I introduced the three herbs interplanted in my own bamboo forest.

Knowing that there are sealwort and cloverleaf besides clematis, Boss Guo quickly said: "next time the sealwort and cloverleaf mature, you can call me. The supply of sealwort is in short supply now! The price of cloverleaf is even higher. It increases every year. You have chosen these three herbs well!"

  Xu Yin smiled without saying a word.

   I didn't deliberately choose it, but the medicinal materials planted in the bamboo forest. These three are the most suitable.

  Go up the mountain and go to the golden clematis area first.

  With just one glance, Boss Guo made a decision: "420 buy it now, I'll take it all!"

  Xu Yin looked at him in surprise: "You don't want to look anymore?"

"You don't have to look! The golden clematis that I have seen with my eyes, there are not thousands of batches, there are seven or eight hundred. Your batch of golden clematis is definitely rated as a special grade. But 420 a kilogram is what I can give It's the highest price. You can go to the market to inquire, the highest purchase price of clematis this year has not exceeded 400, and not many can reach 350."

  For fear that Xu Yin would not believe it, he also took out his mobile phone and showed her a video in his circle of friends a few days ago when he went to the medicinal planting base to see the goods. In the video, the person in charge of the base was bargaining with him, and the final unit price was set at 360.

  Xu Yin smiled and said, "Okay! I trust Boss Guo!"

   "Right! For long-term business, I can't lie to you!"

  Boss Guo paid a deposit immediately after seeing that the order was negotiated.

   Such a good-looking golden clematis cannot be cut off by others, especially Fu.

   After sending Boss Guo away, Xu Yin transferred the deposit to Mama Xu.

  She has equipped her family with a basic mobile phone. First, it is convenient to find someone. If you are on the mountain or somewhere, you will not hear a yell. Second, it is convenient to pay wages. You can’t give cash every time, can you?

   "Mom, this is the deposit for Clematis."

   "Oh, oh." Feng Cuiqin didn't care at first, thinking about the deposit, it would be more than a thousand dollars.

   Didn't think about it, and when she was free, she glanced at the text message... her hand shook, and she almost dropped the phone.

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