The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 456: The fake daughter retreats from the circle to farm (38) (three shifts, ask for the moo

   "Really? Have to lose money?"

"Of course!" Xu Weiguo also talked about this matter on the side of the elders, "Didn't a medicinal material dealer come to see it before? They paid a deposit, and if it was stolen, they couldn't deliver. ...What is it called? Yinyin told me and I forgot again..."

   "Breach of contract?" A young guy answered.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xu Weiguo slapped his thigh, "It's a breach of contract! Our family has become the party in breach of the contract, so we can't pay for it? Do you think this is wrong? If things are stolen, we have to pay for it. Cooperating with my family is a big injustice. My mother-in-law was so angry that I didn't sleep well last night. I was not in good health before. The work on the mountain was all done by them. After working in the dark for so long, I finally hoped for a harvest, but it happened. Such a horrible thing... I really wish I could catch those four black-hearted thieves and beat them up! It’s just that I’m going to report to the police to make it easier for them!”

   "Yinyin is a cultural person, if I were to replace them, I would just kick them down the mountain, and they would not be compensated if they fell to death or injured! If you dare to steal from my old lady, be prepared to pay for your life, what the hell!"

   "That's it! Cheap them!"

   Everyone denounced the hateful thief with righteous indignation.

   "What about now? Will you go to jail if you don't steal?" Someone asked.

  Feng Cuiqin shook her head: "Then I don't know, Yinyin went to the police station early in the morning."

  "It's better to sit through the old man and never let it out again."

"That's right! Dogs can't change eating shit! If you don't keep it clean, you'll come to steal it next time. Cuiqin, your bamboo forest needs someone to watch it. You don't have time, so you can hire someone. There are so many medicinal materials, and I heard they are quite expensive. Yes, it's a pity to be stolen, the plants are all money!"

  Feng Cuiqin nodded: "No, wait for Yinyin to come back and discuss it."

   "By the way, Cuiqin, I heard that the bamboo mountain behind your house has also been contracted by someone? Do you know whose house it is?"

  Recently, Xu Shi saw that Xu's interplanted medicinal materials had a good harvest, and some purchasers took the initiative to come to see the goods, no matter whether there were mountains or not, he was a little moved.

   Unexpectedly, I asked the village chief, and the row of mountains behind Xu's house already had an owner.

   "I don't know which rich and powerful person actually contracted the whole area. It made us have no chance to contract a small hill..."

  Feng Cuiqin smiled and said nothing.

  Of course she knew who contracted it, or was it accompanied by her man to go through the formalities.

   I just can’t figure it out: Mr. Fu is a city resident and a movie star, why did he come to Qingzhu Village to contract these mountains? Do you also plan to interplant medicinal materials?

  Besides, Fu Hanjin and Xu Yin have come to the police station at this moment to cooperate with the police to take notes.

   While Fu Hanjin was taking notes, a female logistics police officer next to him looked up at him from time to time.

  Fu Hanjin raised an eyebrow.

   "Ah!" The female police officer held her cheeks and whispered, "Fu, Fu, Fu..."

  Fu Hanjin knew that she recognized him, and smiled helplessly: "Can you stop spreading the word?"

   "Yes, no problem!" The policewoman patted herself on the cheek, indicating that she was calm and composed, but obviously, she was still very excited, "Fu Yingdi, why did you come to Wenpu? Aren't you studying the script in retreat?"

   "Yes." Fu Hanjin didn't change his face, "I'm retreating here. The scenery here is beautiful, and the people are outstanding. It's very suitable for studying scripts."

  The female police officer smiled happily, and felt so honored to be praised by actor Fu about her hometown.

   "Are you an eyewitness to this case? Then you retreated in Qingzhu Village? Are there any better villas and hotels there? Why can't I remember..."

  Fu Hanjin glanced at the grid room where Xu Yin was taking notes, and a smile flashed in his eyes: "Yes, but not to the public."

   "Ah! I see! It must be your friend's house, right?"

  Fu Hanjin glanced at her approvingly: "Smart!"

  The female police officer laughed again.

  After Fu Hanjin finished taking notes, she stepped forward excitedly and awkwardly: "Can I take a photo with you? Don't worry! I just want to keep a souvenir, and I will definitely not spread it."

  Fu Hanjin said yes.

  So, when Xu Yin finished taking notes, Actor Fu had already been surrounded by a few logistics lesbians from the police station as mascots for a group photo.

  After he finished taking the photo, Xu Yin looked at him with a half-smile and asked, "Recognized? Just take a group photo so openly, aren't you afraid of being posted on the Internet? Are you still able to walk away?"

   "It's okay, I'm going back tomorrow anyway, let's fulfill their wish."

   "Leave tomorrow?" Xu Yin was taken aback, feeling an inexplicable sense of loss in her heart.

   "Yeah." He looked down at her and coughed lightly, "The undeducted room fee, can you wait for my next vacation to stay?"

   "..." Xu Yin didn't expect him to ask such a question, and laughed dumbly, "Of course."

   The two walked out of the police station while talking.


  At this moment, Fu Hanjin's fan, the policewoman, suddenly recognized Xu Yin.

   "It's not that who...then who is it?" She jumped on the spot a few times, a little crazy with excitement, "Xu Zhiyin! It's Xu Zhiyin! My God! It's Xu Zhiyin!"

  Everyone was amused by the exaggerated expression of this new star-chaser colleague who just reported.

  However, to say that Fu Yingdi and the others know each other, one of the few clear-cut actors in the entertainment industry, but who is Xu Zhiyin?

   "That... the fake daughter who made a lot of searches in the first half of the year!"

  The female police officer who often surfs the Internet gave her colleagues a lesson.

"So, Xu Zhiyin returned to her biological parents' house in Qingzhu Village after quitting the industry, and opened a homestay to interplant medicinal herbs?" A colleague rubbed his chin and speculated, "I just don't know if Fu Yingdi came to see her specially or happened to live in the house. Her homestay…”

   "Ah? You mean Xu Zhiyin's biological parents in Qingzhu Village?" The female police officer was confused, "How do you know that Xu Zhiyin's biological parents live in Qingzhu Village? And Emperor Fu, doesn't he live in his friend's house?"

  Her colleague laughed: "So what have you been doing just now? Are you just excited? Actor Fu is the witness who lived in Xu's B&B and helped Xu's catch the thief!"


   I feel like I missed a million!

  The news that Fu Hanjin appeared in a small town below Wen Pu was eventually spread on the Internet.

   But it wasn't from the female police officer, it was from a clerk in a fruit supermarket next to the police station.

  He came out to take out the trash, and happened to meet Fu Hanjin adjusting his hat and mask. As soon as he recognized the famous actor Fu, he took out his mobile phone and wanted to take a picture.

  Just when he adjusted the camera to take pictures, Fu Hanjin had already got on Xu Yin's motorcycle and left.

  It’s a pity that the clerk didn’t take a photo. When I got back to the store, I heard the boss scolding another clerk: “You’re so stupid! You don’t know how to check the monitor if you find something abnormal? Who do you ask for compensation if the goods are lost?”

  The clerk had a flash of inspiration: Yes! monitor!

   There is a surveillance camera installed at the entrance of the fruit supermarket!

  So I found out the surveillance just now, and excitedly posted it on the Internet.

  Hot searches exploded.

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