The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 458: Fake daughter retired from the circle to farm (40)

  Chapter 458 The Fake Daughter Retires to Farm (40)

  Feng Cai'e straightened her neck and said confidently: "Baohua is right, the things from my sister's house are the same as my own."

  The villagers collectively booed her:

   "Old woman, clear your mind, can the things in your son-in-law's house be the same as those in your own house?"

   "Such a mother's family at the Cuiqin stall has really suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck."

   "Cuiqin, according to me, let's break up with her natal family! You have paid enough for her natal family, and we all see it, but your natal family seems blind. It's better not to have such a natal family."

  Feng Cai'e was dumbfounded, this was so different from what she expected.

  She thought that this trip would not only save her son, but also make her in-laws spit out some money.

   He actually dared to send his brother-in-law into the bureau and spread the word, not afraid of being poked in the back. If she didn't peel off her in-laws, her surname would not be Feng!

   But in reality, it seems that she was the one who was poked in the back.

   "What nonsense are you talking about! We are relatives, so what's wrong with my brother-in-law coming to my brother-in-law's house to dig up some medicinal materials?" Feng Cai'e became anxious and began to scold the villagers.

   "Bah! Four people carrying sacks to steal is called digging a little bit? Old woman, you have to show some face!"

   "You should be glad that Yinyin is a cultured person. If she bumps into my hand, just swing the **** down!"

   "I would kill him on the spot!"


  Feng Cai’e couldn’t speak to the villagers, so she jumped to tell them to shut up: “It’s none of your business! Every one of them is full and stays busy with other people’s business!”

Then he spit at his daughter Xingzi: "Okay! You have the guts! If you are bullied by your husband's family, don't go back to your mother's house! The fortune teller said that your brother will make a fortune when he meets a nobleman after the age of 30. Don't post it when he becomes rich." !"

   After finishing speaking, he grabbed Old Man Feng, who was smoking a cigarette with his head bowed in silence, and went home in a panic.

  When they left, the villagers also left, hurry up and go home to work, and learned from old man Xu to weave bamboo strips.

   I didn’t see old man Xu carrying a basket of cut bamboo strips up the mountain early in the morning, guarding golden clematis to weave bamboo strips.

  They also want to compile something for Xu Yin to sell online.

  Xu Yin comforted Mama Xu a few words, and was about to go back to her room to deal with Taomai orders when she received a call from Fu Hanjin.



   "Yeah, how about you? Is your luggage packed? Do you want my help?"

  Xu Yin asked very naturally.

   It seems that after last night, the two are allies in the same trench even if they are not friends yet.

  Fu Hanjin's mouth curled up because of her natural tone.

   "Boss Xu, there is good news or bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

   "Eh?" Xu Yin froze for a moment, "Is it about me?"

   "I guess."

   "The bad news."

   "Why not hear the good news first?"

   "Bitter first, then sweet."

   "..." He laughed dumbfounded.

   After a long while, he said softly: "We are both on the hot search."

  Xu Yin immediately thought of the group photo at the police station: "Did your group photo go out?"

   "No. Just look at the trending searches."

  Xu Yin was aroused by him, she came to the main room to put down her wine, and poked into the hot search list.

  I can see the top one at a glance—#Fuyingdi恋情# (explosive)

  Click to see the moving picture of her riding a scooter with the actor.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and asked him on the other end of the phone:

   "So, I became your CP object?"

  He chuckled lightly: "Well, do you mind?"


   "If you don't mind, can you become a regular?"


   Seeing Xu Yin's silence, Fu Hanjin's heart seemed to be tied to a falling object, and it sank. He thought, after all, it was still abrupt, and he shouldn't be so rash.

"Feel sorry…"

   "What about the good news you just told?"

  Xu Yin exited almost at the same time as him.

  Fu Hanjin was taken aback, and a smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth: "So, do you agree with me becoming a regular?"

   Seeing Xu's father and Xu's mother looking at her, Xu Yin turned around uncomfortably, walked towards the backyard, cleared her throat and asked, "There is also a probationary period for regularization."

  Fu Hanjin's heart rose from the trough to the peak in an instant, and she smiled happily: "Well, you have the final say on how long the inspection period is, it can be for a lifetime."

   "Aren't you afraid that a lifetime will be too long?" She raised her eyebrows lightly.

  Although she has the memory of knowing and loving each other with "him" in other small worlds, he has no memory of her.

   "Are you trying to say that 'love at first sight' is unreliable? But in my opinion, it is people, not feelings, that are unreliable."

  Fu Hanjin walked down the mountain slowly with one hand in his trouser pocket, and rationally analyzed with her:

"If the other party is reliable, whether it's love at first sight or long-term love, no matter whether there are ups and downs in the middle of the journey, you can finally overcome all difficulties and obstacles, and move towards the happy-ending of holding your hand and growing old together; if the other party is unreliable, even If we spend enough time together and know each other well enough, it’s hard to say whether we can hold hands forever.”

  Xu Yin listened to him quietly, and teased him with a smile: "Mr. Fu Hanjin, are you implying that you are an absolutely reliable person?"

   "Miss Xu Yin." His gentle and smiling voice came from behind her.

  Turning around, the slender figure stood outside the fence wall of her house covered with autumn lentil flowers.

  His eyebrows and eyes are handsome, and his facial features are as handsome as sculptures.

  When the eyes are soft and smiling, the girl can't help but want to scream with her cheeks held;

   It's no wonder that she became a star when she debuted.

  They do have this capital.

  Xu Yin sighed softly.

  Fu Hanjin came to her and stretched out his hand: "Fu Hanjin, 27 years old, belongs to the tiger, Capricorn, mother and child are single so far. There are several properties under her name, but she is not good at financial management. The deposits are basically in the ashes, waiting for the hostess to take over."

  Paused, his serious eyes intertwined with hers: "I don't care if it's reliable or not. Why don't you test it yourself?"

  Xu Yin laughed dumbfounded.

  His hand was tightly held by him.

  However, with her strength, can she still not be able to pull it out if she really wants to?

   "So, what about your good news?"

  Holded by him, she glanced at an autumn lentil flower on the fence with her beautiful eyes, looked up at him and asked with a smile:

   "Isn't it just becoming a regular?"

  Seeing that she didn't refuse, Actor Fu was still very happy even if he was teased: "That's not true. I have a gift for you."

   Speaking of presents, Xu Yin remembered that she still owed him a thank you gift.

   "You're going back tomorrow, and there's no time to prepare anything else. All I have on hand are medicinal wine and essential oils. Which one do you like?"

   "As an intern boyfriend who just took office, can't I get both?" Actor Fu asked cheekily.

  Feeling that in front of her, he doesn't need to pretend to be reserved, he can say whatever he wants.

  Of course, it is better to do whatever you want whenever you want.

  Xu Yin laughed.

   All right, since you like them all, then give them away.

  Compared to the economic loss he helped her family recover, a mere bottle of medicinal wine and essential oil can only express his gratitude.

  (end of this chapter)

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