The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 464: The Fake Daughter Retires to Farm (46)

  The KPI of the small town hit a new high again.

  Hotels and B&Bs are sold out every day;

  The small restaurants in the streets and alleys are full until the meal time.

  The street where Xu Yin rode a scooter to drive Actor Fu became an Internet celebrity street.

There are quite a few UP owners who dress up in various strange ways, holding selfie sticks, walking back and forth on the street, hoping to meet Xu Zhiyin by chance, and at the same time taking selfies for live broadcasting, making this remote Zhuxiang Qingshan Town, which was a little out of touch with the outside world, completely It has become an Internet celebrity town.

  A live broadcast host even printed out photos of Xu Yin riding a motorcycle with Fu Hanjin, and asked the residents of the town along the street if they had seen this couple before.

   Just asked Huang Mao and his party.

   "What? They are stars? Are they real or not?"

   Huang Mao and his younger brothers looked at each other.


   No wonder that girl is so beautiful, she made him so excited that he wanted to fall in love at a glance, but he didn't expect to be a star...

   "So you've met before?" The live broadcast host was full of gossip and asked them enthusiastically, "How? What are the two of you doing in town? Are you in love? Are you a good match?"

   "What are you doing? Compared with us on a motorcycle, and I haven't seen it since then."

   After speaking, Huang Mao waved his hand and led the brothers to retreat.

joke! Go on, what should I do if I accidentally said that I was the loser in the game? He doesn't want to lose face!

  The live broadcast room became more lively.

  Everyone wants to run into Actor Fu and Xu Zhiyin by chance.

  Xu Yue's heart was poured with cold water.

  As the agent said, #景普青山镇# has once again been on the hot search, and the current popularity is in the middle and upper levels, but because of the relationship with Fu Yingdi, the topic of love affairs has been rising.

She raised her head and looked at Xu Yin with complicated eyes: "Aren't you very proud? With the help of Fu Yingdi, the hot search appeared every three days, and the hot search was almost started by your family. I must have received a lot of program groups So your resignation is fake? In fact, you really want to come back, right?"

  Xu Yin folded her arms and leaned on the doorpost casually, with a lazy expression: "No! Compared with the intrigues in the entertainment industry, the simple mountain village life is more deeply in my heart."


  Xu Yue's heart suddenly felt angry, and those words that had been lingering in her heart for a long time just blurted out:

"You don't rely on your money. If you don't have money, you can try to live in the mountains. Let alone a few years, you won't be able to stay for a few days. How did you get your money? It's not because my parents worked hard to train you, so that you can live in the mountains." It gives you the ability and opportunity to make a lot of money.”

Xu Yin gave her a strange look: "Your parents did train me, provided for my studies, and gave me high pocket money. But didn't my parents train you, didn't they provide for you to study? It's because you have poor grades. If you don’t go up, who’s to blame? As for the high pocket money, didn’t I make up for you? The balance of the advertisement and the final salary, add up to 50 million, right? Isn’t it enough to make up for your pocket money for 23 years?”

  Xu Yue became angry when she heard the words: "What is not enough! If my parents hadn't raised you since childhood, you would have earned so much money? Don't say 50 million, you should return everything you earn to my family!"


  Xu Jinfeng, who came out of the kitchen with the dishes, was dumbfounded for a moment, and almost dropped the bowl in his hand.

   "Fifty, fifty million? My mother, did I hear you right?"

"Yinyin..." Feng Cuiqin looked at Xu Yin and then at Xu Yue in astonishment, "Yueyue, is what you said true? Yinyin paid back fifty million to your adoptive parents before returning home? But that day, your eldest brother When I came to pick you up, it sounded like I gave our family alms..."

  Xu Yue couldn't answer for a while.

  Xu Yin shrugged: "Because they didn't want me to come back at first, and asked me to stay and pave the way for Xu Yue. I didn't want to. Now that Xu Yue has returned to my home, I will definitely go back to my home too!"

   "So they want you to pay back 50 million? You really paid it?" Xu Jinfeng was so surprised that his jaw almost dislocated, "Oh my god!"

  She felt heartbroken as if she had lost 50 million yuan.

  A few days ago, she almost borrowed a penny interest for five thousand yuan.

  Fifty million is like an astronomical number in her eyes.

  Xu Yue stomped her feet and cried out of anger: "Why do you only see the money, but don't see that she has occupied my daughter status for 23 years, and also the advantages and benefits she has gained!"


  Feng Cuiqin slapped her angrily.

  Xu Weiguo hurried forward to hold her back: "Cuiqin, Cuiqin, calm down."

   "Mom..." Xu Yue covered her beaten face with her hand, and stared at Xu Ma in disbelief, "You hit me?"

Feng Cuiqin's eyes were red, and tears welled up in her eyes: "Yes! I'll hit you! What do you mean that Yinyin took advantage of your identity and took advantage of you? You have been separated from your family for 23 years. Could it be that Yinyin hasn't been separated from your family? Twenty-three years? She took your identity and enjoyed the kindness your parents treated her. How about you? Did you grow up in an orphanage? Did our family treat you badly? We also treat you like our own daughter Yes! Yes! Our family is poor and the conditions are not as good as your biological parents’ family, but since you were born, whatever the family can afford and can give, which one has not been given to you? Didn’t satisfy you? We have only you as a child, and we have always given you When the eyeball hurts, I would rather suffer our adults than suffer you. You said such a thing, not only hurting Yinyin's heart, but also hurting my heart, your father's, and your grandfather's heart!"

  Xu Yue was scolded by Xu's mother, covered her face, and ran out crying.

  Feng Cuiqin let out all her energy and collapsed on a chair.

  Xu Weiguo kept following her back and easing her heart:

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, what are you angry about! You should be glad that it's not our dear daughter, who is here! She is sensible and capable! Heh... In this way, it seems that we should really thank Yueyue's biological parents for giving us They raised a good girl, but we gave them an indistinct mallet..."


  Xu's mother was angry and funny, so she calmed down and pinched him: "Stop talking!"

  Seeing her sister-in-law smiling, Xu Jinfeng breathed a sigh of relief, pulled a chair and sat down beside her, and asked excitedly:

   "I didn't expect Yinyin to be so good at making money? She made 50 million at the age of 23? My mother! I have never seen 500,000 in my life, but my niece has made 50 million..."

   "Sister!" Xu Weiguo couldn't help interrupting her, "Aren't you busy at home? Why don't you go back first?"

   "...Second brother, didn't you invite me for lunch just now?" Xu Jinfeng looked puzzled, "I just helped my second sister-in-law prepare the meal, so you kicked me out?"


"Besides, I want Ah Zhi to learn more from Yin Yin, Yin Yin is so capable! If Ah Zhi has half of Yin Yin... no! One fifth... no! One tenth is enough! Five thousand One-tenth of ten thousand is five million, if Ah Zhi can earn five million in this life, even if his health is not perfect, he won't have to worry about not being able to find a wife!"


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