The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 475: The Fake Daughter Retires to Farm (End of this article)

  In the past three years, the bamboo interplanted medicinal materials have matured batch after batch.

   Even the most valuable Dendrobium candidum has been harvested.

   And the golden clematis does not know how many crops it has harvested.

  The proceeds from these medicinal materials are set aside one-fifth for parents to support their families, and the rest are invested in the bamboo forest, the maintenance of medicinal materials and the expansion of Zhujian Hot Spring.

  In the past three years, her family has also hosted two variety shows.

  One was contacted by a director she used to know, saying that the station wanted to do a program about intangible cultural heritage, and one of the programs wanted to do bamboo weaving.

   Xu Yin definitely supports this.

  Not only her home, but the whole Qingzhu Village can be put on the show, and there are many bamboo weaving samples hanging in the hall of the village committee.

   There is also the third season of "Going to the Countryside" through the actor's boyfriend. This is a variety show where artists experience the life of farmers in the mountains.

These two variety shows have made Qingzhu Village famous. Among other things, the bamboo weaving products of Qingzhu Village, as well as dried bamboo shoots, bamboo fungus, and chicken fir fungus, have become popular products. People often drive to them Village to buy.

   Xu Yin’s family raised bamboo forest chicken, because of its small quantity and good taste, it has become a classic and famous dish that the greedy gourmands can’t wait for.

  Those families with mountains in Qingzhu Village saw that Xu Yin’s bamboo chickens were so popular, but they also thought that the fruit trees and Chinese torreya they grew had no market, so they simply replanted bamboo and raised bamboo chickens.

  In just three years, Qingzhu Village has completely shaken off poverty and become rich, and has become a well-known ecological and cultural village in the Bamboo Forest Scenic Area.

  The three-year planning project of Zhujian Hot Spring designed by Xu Yin was finally completed.

  The bamboo mountain behind her house has become the most popular existence among tourists.

  It's a pity that there are too many monks and too little porridge. Even though she painstakingly added eight bamboo hot spring houses hidden in the bamboo forest and hidden in the bamboo tips along the quiet bamboo path, they are still full every day.

  Xu Yue learned that the Zhushan contracted by the Xu family has opened hot springs. The hot spring bamboo houses for thousands of nights can only be booked, and they have never been dissatisfied.

  When did the adoptive parents live so well?

   On the other hand, she didn't do well in the entertainment industry in recent years.

  Maybe she wasn’t born for this kind of job, she was often called a stupid pig by her agent, and after so many years of busy work, she still couldn’t get up or down in the second and third tiers.

  Her family is rich, and she retired to inherit the family business, isn't it better than filming?

   What's more, there is a neighbor who likes her. He proposed to her last year. Now she is not only a rich daughter, but also a wealthy wife.

  However, after marrying into a wealthy family, I realized that being a daughter-in-law of a wealthy family is not so easy to be.

  Her mother-in-law is not very old, but she is as rigid as an old feudalist. When she has a meal, she insists on her daughter-in-law standing by her side to serve her, serving her tea, water, and vegetables.

   Less than three days after returning from her honeymoon, Xu Yue couldn't take it anymore.

  But when she went back to her natal home and told Mother Xu, Mother Xu blamed her for not knowing how to catch her mother-in-law's heart, and asked her to blow pillows more, hoping that Shi's family could pull Xu's family back.

  In the past few years, the prices of several industries invested by the Xu family have not been very good, especially real estate, which has been declining year by year, and the stock market has fallen again and again. If it continues like this, it will go bankrupt.

  Xu Yue felt that Xu's mother didn't love her, didn't care about her, and only cared about the Xu family's business. Feeling suffocated, I don't want to go back to my mother's house.

  I would rather be a maid for my mother-in-law at home than listen to my mother's whims.

  Every time I see directors, movie kings and actresses posting photos of Zhujian Hot Springs in Xu’s family in the circle of friends, I feel very uncomfortable.

  I always feel that her life should not be like this.


  How many people in the entertainment industry want to come to Xu's hot spring bamboo house, but unfortunately the order page is always sold out.

  The directors can’t book tickets, and they can still walk through the back door of Fu Yingdi. Some 18th-line fans who have not yet made their names have nothing to do. They can only look at the photos posted by the directors to satisfy their hunger.

  Film Emperor Fu had a long-term guest room in Hot Spring Bamboo, and he couldn't spare other rooms to entertain those directors, colleagues, and investors who came through his back door, so he gave up his own room.

   "I don't need to reserve that room in the future."

   "What's the matter?" Xu Yin held the calculator and was calculating this month's income and expenditure. Hearing this, she looked up at him.

  He had just taken a shower, wiped his hair with a towel, leaned over and kissed her, and the water droplets from the ends of his hair shook her face.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Fu Hanjin couldn't stop laughing, wiped off the water drops with her thumb, and pinched her smooth and tender cheeks: "Silly!"

   "Who are you calling stupid!"

   "Say my wife."


   "I already have a wife, why do I still sleep in a single room? Am I looking for abuse?"

  Xu Yin gave him a white look, turned around, and continued to settle accounts.

  Fu Hanjin bullied her, put his arms around her waist, and rested his chin on her shoulder: "Yesterday, my mother asked me when we plan to have a wedding."

   "Your parents are back?"

   "No, I'm talking about my mother-in-law. Your father-in-law and mother-in-law are going out this time, and they are afraid that they will not come back until they see our wedding invitation."


   Identification: This guy has a thick skin.

   "Honestly." Fu Hanjin pulled up a bamboo chair and sat down beside her, leaning his elbows on the desk, looking at her sideways, "Is it time to give me a title?"

  Xu Yin squinted at him: "You said at the beginning that you don't mind the probation period for the rest of your life. You can't stand it after only three years?"


   Is he throwing a rock at his own foot?

  The wedding of the two was finally held that year.

  Fu Hanjin’s parents, as expected by their son, received their son’s wedding invitation, hurriedly finished their unfinished trip to South Africa, and hurried back to drink tea served by their daughter-in-law.

  After drinking the tea, Mother Fu smiled and handed Xu Yin a red brocade bag inlaid with gold thread.

   Inside is a bag of diamonds.

   That’s right, a bag!

  In the red brocade bag, lay nine South African loose diamonds the size of pigeon eggs, which symbolize longevity.

  This generous gesture shocked the relatives and friends of the woman who came to drink the wedding wine.

  Not to mention the village head and other people, even Xu's father and Xu's mother knew at this time: not only did his daughter marry a billionaire actor, but even the actor's parents are so rich, they are simply invisible giants!

   This room has not recovered from such a big surprise, but at the other room, Boss Guo sent a plaque with drums and gongs.

   "Boss Xu! I'm here to make you happy!"

  Wang Liang, who was in charge of filming, moved the camera on his shoulder slightly, and shot towards the plaque sent by Boss Guo.

  He used to be a paparazzi, chasing celebrities from all walks of life to film their scandals and privacy, his income was good and bad, and he was often warned by lawyers.

  One day he received a call from Xu Zhiyin, asking if he would be interested in taking part-time jobs to help her shoot some material.

  He was shocked at the time.

  Xu Zhiyin found out that he was secretly photographed at the entrance of Wenpu County Hospital, and asked him to leave a business card. He was anxious for several days, fearing being raped by the Internet, and the lawyer's letter was not as serious as the warning.

  However, after waiting for a long time, nothing came. Until this day, she actually called to ask him if he wanted to earn extra money from a part-time job?

  So, it was true that she said "I need to find you" at that time?

   Dazed, Wang Liang accepted Xu Yin's proposal, and then came to Qingzhu Village to work as her part-time photographer.

  In the past two years, through his photographic materials, he has made advertising signs and successfully won wave after wave of business for bamboo weaving and tourism in Qingzhu Village. Today, he is even more fortunate to be photographing the wedding scene of her and Best Actor Fu.

The clown paparazzi who is running around, worried, and earning uncertain income, turned around gorgeously. He is no longer the useless paparazzi who was frequently beaten and scolded by experienced paparazzi captains and ridiculed by netizens in the past. Please call him King Button in the future. Cobalt photographer · Liang.


  Wang Liang was ashamed by his thick skin, cleared his throat, and patted the plaque.

  At this moment, Boss Guo has already lifted the red silk covering the plaque, revealing seven very strong and powerful characters-"Bamboo and medicine go all over the world".

  Boss Guo smiled and said: "Boss Xu, from now on, your bamboo forest medicinal materials will be a learning base listed by the government."

Only then did Xu Yin know that the Wenpu County Government had reported the deeds of interplanting medicinal materials in her bamboo grove, which made her selected for the outstanding youth award in the city; Candidates for youth re-evaluation.

  Whether or not it can be rated as a provincial outstanding youth in the end, it is already a big honor for Wenpu County.

  So, the county government customized this plaque. In addition to rewards, I also hope that she will continue to work hard and lead all bamboo townships under Wenpu County to adapt measures to local conditions, interplant medicinal materials, and sell bamboo forest medicinal materials to all parts of the country, and even all over the world...

  The guests present understood the situation and applauded enthusiastically.

  Fu Hanjin gently kissed her on the cheek: "Congratulations, Mrs. Fu."

  Xu Yin returned the same gentle hug: "I can't do without Mr. Fu's full support."

   Without his generous contracting of the bamboo forest and giving her all his savings, she would never have imagined that the bamboo medicine business would be so big.

  At first, she just wanted to settle down in a corner, hang on to her life and complete the task, it was as simple as that.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for turning the fate of cannon fodder in this world, the extra task is 100% complete, and the small world is rewarded with a vacation, the host can click to go to the small world of vacation...]

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