The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 489: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (11)

  Before returning home, Xu Yin visited Xujia Village and chose an open space to build a workshop.

   "Girl, what exactly is the fragrance you are talking about?" The village head was puzzled.

   "In layman's terms, it is aroma."

   "Aroma? Can this thing be produced in a workshop?" The village chief felt even more confused, asking as if he didn't ask.

  Xu Yin played tricks: "I will guide everyone how to do it when the time comes, and you will understand after reading it."

  The village head nodded, and understood that this fragrance, like wine and sauce, has a secret recipe.

  If everyone knows how to do it, is there still a need for workshops? No one bought it when it was opened.

   "Then I will find someone to build the workshop first." The village chief said.

  Xu Yin nodded, and asked Xu Kui to go to Liulifang to customize a set of aromatherapy extraction tools.

  The glazed products of this dynasty are very mature.

   It is said that the earliest Liulifang was opened by missionaries from overseas.

  Nowadays, not only the capital city has Liulifang, where dignitaries and dignitaries can customize glazed ornaments, but also Fucheng where commerce is more developed.

  There is one here in Los Angeles.

  Xu Yin spent 2,000 energy points to exchange a copy of the equipment blueprint of the distillation tool with the system. After transcribing it with charcoal pen, Xu Kui asked Xu Kui to take it to Liulifang for customization.

  She plans to use the oldest distillation method to extract plant essential oils, and then use the essential oils to make perfume.

  It took another 2000 energy points to exchange a set of as many as 200 aromatherapy essential oils and perfume combination formulas.

  According to the recipe, the flowers react differently when they meet water, and the distillation methods used are also different.

   Simply customized three distillation tools, which are used for water distillation, water distillation, and water vapor distillation.

   Fragrance materials that are easy to stick, such as roses and sandalwood powder, are more suitable for distillation in water;

   Fragrance ingredients that are easily hydrolyzed, such as lavender and jasmine, are more suitable for water distillation or steam distillation.

   It's just that the price of colored glaze is very expensive. After these three sets, the asking price is not low. The key is that the transparency is not high.

  Xu Yin wondered if she should donate the glass formula like she did in the time of peasant girls?

  But after careful consideration, I decided to take it easy.

  In the original text, the emperor of the current dynasty was able to appoint Sun Zhiqian as his concubine after winning three yuan in a row, insisting on marrying the princess to him, and did not ask him if he had a marriage or a favorite person in his hometown. It can be seen that he is a headstrong person.

  Afterwards, it was always Sun Zhiqian, the son-in-law, who fought wits and bravery with the courtiers in a high-profile manner, while the emperor hid behind to reap the power and enjoy the fruits. When he really encountered a thorn, he pushed Sun Zhiqian to take the blame. Fortunately, Sun Zhiqian has the halo of the male lead, and he can turn danger into good luck every time. But it can be seen that the emperor has nothing to do.

  A self-willed and irresponsible person does not look like a wise man, so Xu Yin decisively took the glass formula back to the system warehouse.

  Anyway, it's not impossible for glassware to be distilled and refined. If it's expensive, it should be more expensive. The Xu family is not short of money.

  After arranging these two matters, Xu Yin set off for Los Angeles.

  Lucky enough, just arrived at the gate of the mansion, did not get out of the carriage, just raised the curtain to take a look, not wanting to bump into grandma.

  When the grandma saw her, her eyes lit up and she wept with joy: "Yinyin! Auntie is looking forward to you!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Suddenly want to go back to Chashan to observe filial piety.

   "Yinyin, you don't know, my aunt has been here several times, and the thing in your house that you can't see with your eyes doesn't even open the door. The last time I came, it made my aunt go around looking for inns at night..."

  Xu Yin: Although I don’t know why the concierge didn’t open the door, she wanted to say—well done!

   "Another time, I came with your cousin, and the servants in your mansion actually left us outside, and dismissed us with a few casual words."

  Xu Yin: Turn around and praise those gatekeepers.

   "Yinyin, it's not my aunt who said that these people in your house should be replaced, and they can no longer be allowed to mess around! Otherwise, it will be difficult for you, the master, to hang out at the door in the future..."

   "No." Xu Yin said lazily, "They didn't open the door because of my order."

   "..." Grandma choked, "Why?"

   "I'm not in the mansion, and there is no host to entertain guests when I open the door. How rude."

  Grandma cursed in her heart: Is it polite to hang people outside the door?

   With a smile on his face, he stepped forward, grabbed Zi Yuan and Hong Qian's job, and graciously helped Xu Yin get off the carriage:

"According to me, you don't have any elders in the mansion now, and you are still a little girl. It's really hard to come forward for many things. Why don't aunt be wronged and come to stay with you? If there is anything in the mansion in the future, just leave it to aunt." Deal with it, you just need to be at ease and keep your filial piety."

   This is a new method she figured out on the way here.

  Since my niece doesn't want to go to Fengcheng, let her come to Los Angeles instead.

  In such a big house as Xu Mansion, there are many good things designated.

   I heard that even a teacup for drinking water costs a few taels of silver for a big family.

   There are also bowls for eating, all of which are porcelain bowls as white as jade.

  It doesn't look like her house, they are all earthen and vulgar pottery bowls.

   Looking for a chance to hide one or two and sell them, won't her son be troubled by the exam?

  Xu Yin glanced at her grandma with a half-smile: "My aunt's heart is taken by Yinyin. But my aunt is not like Yinyin, she is alone, and my aunt still has uncle and cousin to take care of, so I don't want to wrong my aunt."

   "No grievance! No grievance!" Grandmother hurriedly stated, "Why is it a grievance to come to accompany my niece?"

   "But I'm only going back to the mansion to celebrate mid-autumn, and after that, I have to go back to the cemetery to observe my filial piety, or is it that my aunt is willing to go to the cemetery with me?"

   "No, no, no..." How could grandma be willing to go to Xu's cemetery, "I mean, I stayed in the mansion to handle those trivial matters for Yinyin."

   "Then don't bother my aunt, there is a housekeeper! When parents are still alive, some things that are inconvenient to come forward are all done by the housekeeper."

  Grandmother: "..." I talked about loneliness for a long time.

   After all, Xu Yin didn't turn away her grandma in front of a group of melon-eating people on the street. She asked the housekeeper to arrange a guest house to receive her grandma.

  Mother Sun was overjoyed: it would be nice if he could enter Xu's mansion.

   But soon she regretted it.

   It is said that it is a guest house, except for the bed for rest, and the table and chairs for eating, there is nothing else.

   Didn’t it mean that precious porcelain ornaments can be seen everywhere in rich families? Why doesn't the Xu family have anything?

   "Come on! I'm thirsty!"

  The servant girl brings in a pot of tea.

  The teapot and teacups are the same as those in her home, they are all made of pottery.

  What about the exquisite white porcelain cup?

   "Come on! I'm hungry!"

  The maid brought dinner.

  The dishes are served on the table, and the three dishes and one soup are all vegetarian. Don’t ask, if you ask, it means that the girl keeps her filial piety and has been a vegetarian for three years.

   Look at the bowls for meals, which are also made of pottery like teacups.

  What about the porcelain bowl as white as jade?

  Grandmother: "..."

  What is she here for?

  Suddenly couldn't sit still, and went out to find my niece, planning to get straight to the point and ask her for a loan.

   After going out, I found that the door of the guest courtyard was locked and I couldn’t get out.


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