The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 491: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (13)

  Grandmother stared blankly at the old gift list, she came back to her senses, and with a groan, she sat on the ground and wailed while cursing:

   "That dead girl who killed a thousand swords! How dare you fool me like this!"

"What crime did I do! After a hard trip to Los Angeles, the dead girl not only left me alone, but let me eat vegetarian food with her for four days, and it was fine, and she agreed to give it to our family as a mid-autumn festival gift, unexpectedly, unexpectedly ..."

  She was trembling with anger, pointing at the old yellowed gift list, rolling her eyes so that she could not hold back her anger.

  Sun Zhiqian pacified his mother's back, picked up one of the books, flipped through it, and asked curiously:

"Mother, did my uncle send so many things to our family? This is... the birthday gift I gave to me when I was ten years old? Mother, didn't you say that uncle is a **** and didn't send me any good things? I see this Which one of the items listed above is not valuable? Where did you put those things? I haven't seen them in these years..."

"You!" Grandmother was so angry that her chest heaved up and down, and she pointed at her son, "I'm not filial! I'm not doing it for you! Three-year-old enlightenment asks your master for free? You don't need to study in an academy? You used it all these years Pens, inks, papers and inkstones don’t cost money? You don’t know how expensive it is to study! Your uncle’s family is so rich, what’s wrong with giving a decent birthday gift to your first-in-law and nephew? Other wealthy households often give their relatives money and bills, do I need to **** them off and sell them? Do you think it is easy to manage this family? Have I been easy all these years?"

   While talking, grandma covered her face and began to cry.

  Sun Zhiqian was at a loss: "Mother, it's the son's fault! Don't cry!"

Grandmother beat her chest and wailed: "Why don't you let me cry! This is worth a thousand dollars! I paid for the carriage hire myself! It cost me several taels of silver! You will take the provincial examination next year! I have yet to pay for my money... What use are these rags to use! It's just how much money can be paid for this burden..."

Wait... When it comes to selling money, grandma suddenly reacted, "Son! Take the scale and weigh it. These gift lists are also written in paper. They are so thick and thick that they can be sold for a lot of money. "

   "Mother..." Sun Zhiqian twitched the corners of his mouth, "It's written on the gift list that it's for our family, so if you sell it, you're not afraid of being seen?"

  When grandma heard it, it was true! The gift list was on the head, and it was stated that it was for my family, so I'm afraid people would laugh at it if I sold it.

  I can't throw it away, I can't sell it, and I have to find a place to store these two piles of things. My grandma is so angry that she hasn't slept well for several nights, and there are blisters around the corners of her mouth.

   "Son, you must strive for success. Come back from the exam next year, let that **** girl take a good look at it!"

  When grandma thought of this, she gritted her teeth:

   "She looks down on our family now and wants to break up with our family! She purposely used this pile of junk to disgust us..."

  In the past few days, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

  Neighbors in the neighborhood knew that she went to her niece's house in Fengcheng, and when she came back, she brought a load of gifts tied with wedding silk.

  When she got off the carriage, a neighbor asked her if it was a Mid-Autumn Festival gift for her niece, and she answered "yes" with a happy face.


  The neighbors in the neighborhood saw her and asked enviously:

   "What gift did your niece give your family? Such a heavy burden."

   "You are still lucky, nieces are so filial."

  She is really a dumb eater of Coptis chinensis, unable to tell her suffering.

  I can only hope that my son will be on the list in the provincial examination.

  By that time, her son will be the master of Juren, and she has to give that dead girl a severe blow and let out such a bad breath.

  On the other side, Xu Yin checked the accounts of the mansion after Mid-Autumn Festival, and was sure they were correct. She glanced at Sikong appreciatively: "Congratulations! From now on, you will be the accountant of our mansion!"

   "Thank you girl."

"You're welcome, I just gave you a chance, mainly because of your own intentions." Xu Yin waved her hand casually, "However, the future is long, and I hope that your accounts will be clear and clear throughout the years. false."

   Sikong looked at the nose and the heart: "I understand."

  After finishing the accounts, Xu Yin will go back to the other courtyard.

   "Girl, the weather is getting colder. If you insist on going to another hospital to observe your filial piety, you can bring the government doctor with you!" The old housekeeper was worried that she was delicate and weak, what would she do if she fell ill in the mountains?

  Xu Yin thought for a while and said, "Okay!"

  I just want to learn more about Chinese medicine, so I might as well learn a little bit from the resident doctor in the mansion first.


  After autumn, the first batch of flowers that were planted began to bloom one after another.

  The first to usher in the flowering period is lavender.

  A branch of purple flowering branches forms a sea of ​​purple mist, and a gust of autumn wind blows, overflowing with fragrance.

  Actually, the best flowering season for lavender should be in June and July. Unfortunately, she came here at the end of April, and it took some time to start the mountain and breed. This does not bloom until October.

   Fortunately, lavender is cold-resistant, and the cooler weather is also good for it-long flowering period.

  Xu Yin estimated that by the end of November, she would still be able to enjoy the charming sea of ​​purple mist and flowers in front of her.

  All the helpers and servants present were attracted by the noble and elegant purple, rich and unique fragrance of lavender.

   "What a beautiful flower! No wonder the girl is willing to devote so much energy to serving these little ancestors, it is so beautiful when it is in full bloom!"

   "This is the flower seed brought in from overseas? It's so beautiful!"

   "Girl, can my servant pick a bunch and put it on the window sill of your bedroom?"

  Xu Yin laughed and said: "You can pick it if you like it. But don't waste it, I still have use for it."

   "Don't waste it! Don't waste it! The servant will pick a small bunch and take it back to the vase in the study."

   After Ziyuan and Hongqian finished speaking, they walked cautiously into the lavender field and picked a few lavenders with full blooms.

  Xu Kui came over and asked, "Girl, are these flowers going to be harvested and sent to Xujia Village to make some fragrance?"

  He heard the girl mention it before, but he just heard it in a cloud and didn't understand it.

  But the father said that he was here to run errands for the girl, and he would do whatever the girl told him to do.

  You can ask if you don’t understand, but don’t make your own claims.

   "Yes!" Xu Yin asked, "How is the fragrance workshop going?"

   "The little one just went to see it yesterday. It's almost finished, but there are still some details that need to be dealt with."

   "It's okay, don't worry, just let everyone take their time. The custom-made glass is not ready yet."

   Liulifang couldn't make the style she wanted for a long time, and had to rework it several times.

  If she knows how, she really wants to roll up her sleeves and say to the technicians in Liulifang: Let me go!

   But in fact, she has never fired complicated glass vessels, so she can only wait patiently for Liulifang to produce a finished product that satisfies her.

   Fortunately, lavender has a long flowering period, and if you give Liulifang another month, it will always burn out, right?

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