Chapter 570 Counterattack! loser! (44)

  After the three-day mid-term exam was over, Teacher Li was transferred to perform unified marking. Before leaving, I came here to thank Xu Yin:

"Did you recognize the question I asked during the exam? This question was well received by many teachers in the teaching and research group. They even gave me ten minutes to explain the concept and test points of this question to my colleagues. It is said that Pugao also Borrowed and used..."

  Xu Yin saw him dancing happily, smiled and gave a thumbs up: "Ms. Li has always been great!"


  Mr. Li couldn't laugh or cry, is this the teacher being praised by the students?

   But it didn't affect his happiness, so that when he went to mark the papers, he still maintained this good mood.

When all the math papers in the first year of high school were approved, the teacher who combined the scores screamed in surprise: "Ah! Who is this! The 150-point paper has a perfect score! The paper is so neat and beautiful! This is really our Vocational high school students? Didn’t the high school kids go to the wrong place?”

   With a bang, all the teachers of the marking team rushed over.

   "Full score? True or false? This paper is not easy for our students!"

   Teacher Li's heart moved, and he vaguely guessed who it was.

   "Maybe they are our Dongming's students." He said.

   "Ha! Teacher Li, have you had a drink at noon? Why are you talking drunk!" The teacher of Xingyuan Vocational High School chuckled, thinking that Dongming's grades were not good, but his tone was not small.

  The teacher of Changshun Vocational High School said confidently: "Looking at the handwriting, our Changshun students didn't run away. This year, our school failed two exams and slipped down. The Pugao line was stable."

Teacher Li:"…"

   Leaning over to look at the handwriting, I am even more convinced that it is Xu Yin.

  Xin said you believe it or not, don't cry for a while when your face hurts.

  After the sealing strip was removed, everyone couldn't wait to turn to the paper with full marks, saw the school column clearly, and was shocked.

   "Dong, Dongming?"

"How can it be!!"

Teacher Li had already guessed that it was Xu Yin, and when she saw her name, she beamed and said, "I said she was a student of our Dongming! You still don't believe me! Our school also admitted a student who failed the high school entrance examination this year. She, Xu Yin!"


"Hey! Why are you standing there stupidly!" A teacher from the English marking team next door ran over and announced beamingly, "Let me tell you, there is a good candidate in this year's senior year, and he got a perfect score in English! No deductions for the composition." Points! God or not! Even more godly, which school do you think this student is from?"

   "Dongming! It's Dongming!"

   No time for everyone to guess, the teacher answered by herself, because she still feels incredible.

   "None of us expected that this year's number one in English would come from Dongming. Oh, are you here, Teacher Li? Are you happy? Your school has a student with a perfect score in English."

   "Happy!" Teacher Li was going crazy with joy.

  He took out his mobile phone and was about to report the good news to the principal. The teacher from the Chinese marking team upstairs also ran down and announced happily: "Hahaha! You will never guess where this year's Chinese No. 1 came from."

   "Could it be Dongming again?" A teacher in the corner asked weakly.

   "Eh? Teacher Feng, how do you know?"

   "..." It's really Dongming!

  What happened to Dongming this year? Three firsts in a row, two of which were still full marks, and only one basic recitation question was wrong in Chinese, and 3 points were deducted; the composition could be published as a model essay on "Excellent Composition", but it was still deducted symbolically 1 point; only 4 points are deducted from the total Chinese score.

   However, this is not the most surprising.

  When the grades of several courses were summed up, it was found that the perfect scores and the first ones were not only from Dongming, but also from the same person—Xu Yin.


   This is probably the biggest dark horse this year.

   Not only the 25 vocational schools for the joint entrance examination were shocked, but Pugao was also shocked when they received the news.

   "Is it because your papers are so easy?"

   "How can it be! There are simple and difficult, but I believe that even Pugao students, unless they are tops, they will not be able to get such perfect results."

  How could the leaders of the general high schools believe it? They hurriedly asked the vocational high school to take the papers, and they asked the students to do it again.

  So, this year's first-year senior high school students were sadly urged. They had just finished the mid-term exam that was so difficult that they vomited blood, and they had to take another joint exam paper that was said to be unified by 25 vocational schools.

  Before the exam, they complained collectively one by one, do you think it is necessary? Vocational high school students can get full marks in the test papers, they have to do it with their eyes closed.

  However, when the papers were handed out, there was silence.

  Mathematical perfect score? Who took the exam! Stand up and give us admiration! What's the matter, the last two big questions, as well as the previous few choices and filling in the blanks, are far more difficult than the types of questions they are usually exposed to, okay?

  Full score in English? Who took the exam! Cloze and what is the last article about reading comprehension? God **** can do it with eyes closed! Close your eyes and guess blindly!

  Only 4 points will be deducted for Chinese? Is the reading comprehension of ancient Chinese correct? Take it! Who is the hero? Pull it out and give us admiration!

  Liang Yuqing heard that there was a high school freshman student in Dongming who got full marks in several subjects in the 25th vocational school entrance exam this year, so she immediately guessed that it was Xu Yin.

  Combined with the just-issued vocational high school exam paper, the red cross on the last major math question made her take a deep breath.

  So, this round of pk, she lost!

   "Xu Yin!" On the first weekend after the midterm exam, Liang Yuqing came to Xu Yin's home, "You won this midterm exam, but there is still next time, next time, so don't relax!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  I really want to look up to the sky and sigh.

   "Come, let's have a baked sweet potato."

  She stuffed Liang Yuqing with a rouge sweet potato.

   This is the first crop of sweet potatoes harvested in her vegetable garden this autumn.

  The food stall at the back door has officially opened. In addition to the sugar-fried chestnuts, which are booming in business, another winter delicacy has been added: roasted sweet potatoes.

  Xu Yin was selling sweet potatoes at home, and the principal and teacher of Dongming Vocational High School were beaming in the group.

  [School Ge, I am worried that Shizhong and No. 1 Middle School may come to rob people in the future. You must protect classmate Xu Yin! For us Dongming, this is no longer a dark horse, but a panda! ]

  A proper treasure level!

  [Yes, principal, Xu Yin did so well in the exam this time, it's too embarrassing for us. But there is also the risk of loss along with the honor. If I had known that she was so strong, I should have let her keep her hand, and three years later she would become a blockbuster. Now we are all worried that she will be taken away by Chonggao. ]

   Principal Ge sent a voice message with a smile: "Don't worry! If you can take it away, you will be taken away during the summer vacation. The principal of No. 1 Middle School went to talk to Xu Yinyou before the school started, but it was unsuccessful."

  The teachers were shocked: [How could it be? Had the opportunity to go to No. 1 Middle School but didn't go? I thought she failed the exam and came to Dongming because she had no choice. ]

   Principal Ge's tone was filled with indescribable pride: "Because our Dongming has an advantage that none of them can show."


  Principal, you are a little overestimating yourself. Everyone knows that the third-rate vocational high school and the provincial key point are definitely more advantageous than No. 1 Middle School.

  (end of this chapter)

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