The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 916: Selfish vanity female supporting role (12)

  Chapter 916 The selfish vanity female supporting role (12)

  Chen Xuan brought his basketball team teammates to the bakery to help out.

  Bulky boys are tall and burly, and some of them are handsome. They stand next to the grill and become a living sign. It used to be called "Beauty Roasting Stall", but now it is nicknamed "Handsome Guys Roasting Stall".

  The Liu family father and son who only dared to secretly poke at women, no matter how coveted they were, they didn't dare to make trouble.

  Finally withdrew from the night market and set up stalls elsewhere in disgrace. Starting a business from scratch is enough for them to suffer for a while.

On the other side, after Xu Yin successfully handed over the rent, the rent was about to expire. Half a month ago, he told the landlord that he would not renew the lease when it expired. So when it expired, the landlord came to check the decoration and home appliances in the house to make sure that there was no damage. After receiving the keys, Xu Yin carried two suitcases and a backpack, and embarked on a journey back home.

  Chen Jiao drove an off-road vehicle with a relatively large trunk to take her to the high-speed rail station.

   "Actually, I can just take a taxi, why bother you to take a trip."

   "Oh, it won't take much time, let alone I would like to."

  Chen Jiao came down to help her put the suitcase together, returned to the car and started the car.

"My brother said that the barbecue stall business has been booming recently. The barbecue stall at Dongxiangkou has been withdrawn, and the whole night market is just ours. I'm thinking whether to strike while the iron is hot, and now rent a storefront to open an all-day barbecue shop. But I also know that near the university, it is only lively at night, and it really opened a barbecue restaurant all day, the business may not be as good as it is now, let's wait..."

  Xu Yin smiled and listened to her business experience chatter all the way.

  Arrived at the high-speed rail station, Chen Jiao sent her to the ticket checking hall.

At this time, she took out a thick red envelope and stuffed it into Xu Yin's backpack, and also gave her two boxes of Anshi's famous specialties: "You helped me a lot by selling my formula, and I don't have time to thank you properly. Please be sure to accept this little thought. Although our cooperation is rather hasty, I recognize you as a friend, if you have anything to do, just ask, if you can help me, you will definitely help."

   After speaking, she waved her hand and exited the ticket checking hall.

  The people behind Xu Yin urged her: "Hurry up! There is no one in front."

  Xu Yin had no choice but to accept Chen Jiao's wishes with a smile.

  However, she has confidence in her recipe, and believes that the Chen family's bakery business will get better and better.


  Xiangcheng, a small town in the middle of the country surrounded by mountains and built on the hills.

  Because of traffic congestion, the development here is relatively slow, and it can be said that it is the last batch of towns in the country to get rid of poverty.

  The way to get rid of poverty is also very simple-growing fruits and selling fruits.

  Promoted by the local government, each household has either contracted orchards, orchards, or planted fruit trees in the private land in front of and behind the house. Apart from working outside, they can only make a living by selling fruits.

  The area of ​​the cherry orchard contracted by Xu Yin's family is not bad, with a total of five acres.

  When the collective orchards of the village were disintegrated and contracted by the villagers themselves, other fruit orchards were quickly divided up, but the cherry orchard was never wanted.

   It is said that big cherries with good flavor are popular in the market outside, but there is no market for small cherries.

  In the end, it was Xu Yin's grandfather who made the decision, allowing the elder couple to win the 70-year contract of the cherry orchard, thinking that no matter what, the family finally had a living.

  But the fact is exactly as the villagers guessed—little cherries are not easy to sell.

   It is troublesome to pick, difficult to transport and store, and the door-to-door purchasers are picky in every possible way, and the purchase price is kept very low every year.

  Grandpa Xu felt that his decision-making was wrong, which harmed the eldest family. After being depressed, he fell ill and was taken to the city by his youngest son to recuperate.

   Xu's father and Xu's mother devoted themselves to the cherry orchard, doing everything by themselves, saving as much as possible, but they never expected that the money they saved would be taken away by their daughter.

   "Mingkang, your cherries are almost ripe, right? Has the buyer come to see them? How much is the price this year?"

  In the evening of early summer, Xu Mingkang finished his day's work, closed the fence gate of the cherry orchard, and was about to go home for dinner, but was stopped by the village chief.

"Uncle Village Chief." He scratched his hair, his expression a little depressed, "It will be picked in a few days. When the purchaser went to Dawei's house to see it two days ago, he also came to my house to see it. The price has dropped again, last year it was still 9 yuan a catty, but this year it is 7 yuan, which may not be able to hold it."

  But the cost of fertilizers is rising every year, so this year's income is far worse than last year.

   But there is no way, his family lives by pointing at the five acres of cherry orchards.

It's not easy for Yinyin to work hard in a big city. Hearing her cry on the phone a few times, he and the child's mother's heart was as painful as cutting out the flesh. They thought that they would give the child a sum of money when the cherries were sold. Let her not be so stressed, but now...

  Xu Mingkang shook his head: "Let's look at it again, it's really not good, I'll pick it out and sell it."

  The little cherries are fresh on the market, and the retail price in the city can be sold for 15 yuan a catty, which is more than double the purchase price.

  Xu Mingkang naturally knew that it would be more profitable to sell them out, but it was time-consuming and laborious.

   Unlike other families, his family has many children and is willing to spend money to hire small workers.

There are only three people in his family, and his daughter stayed in the big city to work after graduation. In order to save more money, the cherry orchard is busy with the couple all year round, all year round. If he carries cherries into the city to sell, All the work in the garden would fall on his wife alone, she couldn't bear it either. If you can hire people, you can earn a lot of money a day. The profit is not high in the first place, and it will be even less profitable to hire people again.

  Besides, small cherries are more tender than large cherries, and they are easy to bruise after a few bumps, and they are easy to rot when the temperature is high.

  The purchaser came in a transport vehicle. The air-conditioning in the vehicle was covered with shock-absorbing protective padding, which could reduce the loss of cherries.

   But he wants to go to the city to sell, so he can only take the bus with baskets. The bus is bumpy and there is no air conditioner on the bus.

  After trying several times in the past few years, I found that I couldn’t make much more money than selling to the buyer, and I was very tired after tossing.

  But if the purchase price this year is really so low, he wants to try his luck in the city.

   "The fifth child in my family is also saying that this year's purchase price is so low, why don't you pick it yourself and sell it in the city."

  Xu Laowu is the youngest son of the village head. His family also grows cherries, but they are only big cherries, but it is said that the price of big cherries has dropped this year. There is a new variety in the south. It is said that it is grafted with cherries. It tastes better than ordinary big cherries.

  No, the purchaser came to quote yesterday, and the highest price is 16 yuan per catty.

  This price is a little hard for them to accept.

  Last year it was too low to sell 20 a catty, but this year it actually fell below 20.

The village chief took a puff of cigarette, sighed and continued: "It's just that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and I have to back up three times to take the bus, bumping back and forth, and I'm afraid there are not many intact ones in the city. I'm not looking for someone to discuss, I plan to rent an air-conditioned minivan and sell it in the city. Mingkang, since you also want to sell it, do you want to go with Lao Wu and the others?"

  (end of this chapter)

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