The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 918: Selfish vanity female supporting role (14)

  Chapter 918 The selfish vanity female supporting role (14)

  It was the end of May, which was the season when peaches, apricots, and pears were waiting to ripen.

When the old man lived here, he would also prune their branches. Since the old man was taken to the city by his youngest son to recuperate, Xu's father and Xu's mother were busy with the cherry orchard, and no one took care of them for several years. But the number is increasing, and the branches and leaves are so heavy that they can be picked by raising one's hand.

  Xu Yin picked a peach whose skin was a little red, washed it while washing her hands, and took a bite.

  Father Xu smiled when he saw this: "It's very sour, let your mother steam peach sauce for you later."

  Mother Xu came out of the house when she heard the movement: "Her dad, who are you talking to?"

   As soon as the words fell, Mother Xu was surprised when she saw her daughter, with worried eyes: "Yinyin? Why are you back at this time? Did something happen at work?"

Before Xu Yin could answer, Xu's father hurriedly said, "If you want to go home, go home. There is so much work pressure in a big city, so it's good to come back. Don't ask so many questions, go and steam a custard for Yin Yin, there is nothing at home. vegetable."

  Mother Xu thinks about going to work in a big city, which is not only stressful, but also expensive, not to mention savings, and in the past two years, she has transferred a lot of money to her daughter.

  Thinking about it this way, I think it’s good for my daughter to come back, and the family of three will work hard to make the cherry orchard better, and life will not be bad.

   I didn’t say any more, and hurriedly let my daughter go back to the house to rest, and she went back to the kitchen to steam egg custard.

  Xu Yin carried her luggage back to her room, and when she came out, she was holding the clothes and supplements she bought for her parents.

  The supplements are taken from the system space, and the ones sold in the mall are not as good as the ones she stocked, and they are also very expensive.

  The couple were happy in their hearts, but they said on their lips: "Why do you still buy us something? Just keep the flowers for yourself."

Xu Yin smiled and said: "Aren't my parents only allowed to be nice to me, and I'm not allowed to buy things for them? When I first graduated, my salary was low and I didn't have much money to spend, so I couldn't afford to save money. This year I finally saved some money, but I don’t know if you like the gift I picked.”

   "I like it, we like everything you buy."

  Mother Xu happily picked up the new clothes and compared them to her:

   "The size is also suitable, much more fashionable than the ones sold in the town."

  Although Father Xu didn't say anything, the smile on his face was enough to express his joy at the moment.

  The egg custard was steamed, and the family of three sat down and chatted while eating.

"Dad, Mom, I came back this time mainly to take you to the hospital for a physical examination. The unit where I worked before had a leader who was about the same age as my dad. He usually looked fine, but suddenly he fell ill, which was very dangerous. Very. I also heard from a colleague that he didn’t go for a physical examination last year because he was lazy, and he didn’t have a sudden illness after a physical examination every year. I thought that you haven’t had a physical examination for so many years, so I wanted to take you for a physical examination. It’s better to prevent problems in advance.”

To rest in peace, Xu's father would definitely say "why go for a physical examination", but recently he did feel a little stuffy in his chest, a little tired, and there was some dull pain in his chest. Not a single refusal.

   "But not right now, the cherries are about to ripen, and we can't live without people at home. I'm still discussing with your mother. This year's purchase price is so low, or I can sell it in the city."

   "Then wait for the physical examination after the busy season. I'll figure out how to sell the cherries." Xu Yin scooped up a spoonful of custard for her parents, "You guys should have a better rest during this time, and don't be too tired before the physical examination."

  She knew that at this time, she would not let the couple leave the cherry orchard and go to the hospital with her for a physical examination.

  In the plot, Father Xu's sudden myocardial infarction also came after the news that Grandpa Xu was admitted to the intensive care unit at the end of the busy season.

   At worst, during this period of time, she gave her parents some vegetables and fruits grown in the former Lingquan water, and the air in the house was also infiltrated with the spirit mist, conditioning from the inside out, I believe there will be a turnaround.

  Father Xu said cheerfully, "Okay."

  My daughter was concerned about their health, so she ran back and wanted to take them for a medical examination, which made him happy just thinking about it.

   As for what the girl said, "she will find a way to sell it", he didn't take it seriously.

  My daughter is a sweet baby who studies and works in a big city, how can she do these things? It is good to have this heart.

  The whole family had a wonderful reunion dinner together.

  Although the dishes are a bit crude, Mother Xu's cooking skills are good, even simple dishes are delicious.

  After the meal, Xu Yin brewed a pot of scented tea that soothes the nerves and aids sleep. It was once irrigated with spiritual spring water, and it was very healthy. She poured a cup for her parents, drank it slowly, and talked about her future plans:

"Dad, Mom, I bought a book on fruit tree grafting before, and found that grafting is actually not difficult. There is an example in the book where a small cherry tree was successfully grafted with cherries. The cherries produced were as big as large cherries. , the taste is better than ordinary big cherries..."

   "Little cherries can also be grafted?" Father Xu and mother Xu looked at each other in disbelief.


"Really, I also accidentally saw this example, so I want to come back and try." Xu Yin said seriously, "The book says that there are two points in time when grafting is easier to succeed, one is March and April, and the other is eight or nine. Month. If parents are worried, I will try to graft a batch at the end of August and early September. In the next spring, the grafted fruit trees will sprout and bloom, which means success. The rest can catch up with the grafting in March and April. In this way, From next year, our family will be able to harvest big cherries."

  Hearing what his daughter said, Father Xu and Mother Xu looked at each other again.

   "Her dad, do you think Yinyin's words are reliable?"

  After dinner, after the girl finished washing and returned to her room to rest, the couple also returned to the room, turned off the lights, and lay on the bed tossing and turning:

   "She is a college student, and she can see it from books, she must be reliable."

  Father Xu has the same trust in his daughter as before.

   Also, if you don’t trust him, you won’t be cheated out of so much money by the original body.

   "I'm just worried that she, a delicate girl, will hurt her hand doing such rough work. Or, when the time comes, she will say, I will learn how to do it?"


  Xu Yin is in the room preparing the things needed for grafting fruit trees.

Thanks to her, every small world will store some interesting materials, among which several plants are the most stocked, including flowers, herbs, and various trees and saplings. Naturally, there are also a big thick-skinned high-quality cherry tree that is a specialty of Chile. .

However, in order to deceive others, she logged on to Taomaimai, found a fruit seedling shop, and saw that there were dwarfed authentic cherries saplings for only 50 yuan each, and free shipping, regardless of whether they were authentic cherries saplings, Xu Yin photographed.

In addition, I also took a copy of fruit tree cuttings that can be directly grafted to scions at a cutting branch shop. There are 25 cuttings of fruit trees, including peach trees, pear trees, apricot trees, and large cherry trees. I also bought them by the way. A bottle of glue for grafting.

  The two stores spent a total of less than 100 yuan.

  (end of this chapter)

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