The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 950: Selfish vanity female supporting role (46)

  Chapter 950 The selfish vanity female supporting role (46)

   "Dad, Che Che!"

   Zhang Jinzi was dressed warmly and nestled in Zhang Li's arms, pointing to the pickup truck that was coming steadily from far and near.

  Zhang Li glanced at it, and responded casually: "Yeah, Cheche."

   Unexpectedly, the car drove slower and slower, and finally stopped beside him.


  He took a step back with his younger son in his arms vigilantly, and the next second, he heard the gentle voice of the elder sister: "Ali, it's such a cold day, why are you holding gold down to wait?"



   "Hey! Why is Yin Yin driving the car? You guys... rented a car here?"

  Three consecutive questions made Xu Yin's family laugh.

   "Yinyin bought this car, and the delivery is convenient. By the way, give Yinyin the gold and help me lift it up."

  As soon as the carriage door opened, Zhang Li was dumbfounded.

   So many things?

  Back to her natal home this time, Mother Xu did bring a lot of things, but most of them were prepared by the girl—

There are beef and mutton gift packs from her friends, fruit wine brewed by herself, dried fruits, and candied fruit, as well as gifts she bought when she went to Anshi, such as clothes, shoes and socks, health products for the elder brother, and for the younger brother. The cigarettes and skin care products for the younger brother and daughter-in-law, the jigsaw puzzles and Lego blocks for the nephew are all bought in the Anshi Shopping Center.

   In addition, before going out, I also roasted a few chickens and ducks, a large box of biscuits, bread, and a change of clothes for the family of three, so the carriage was full.

   "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and move things!"

   Zhang Li came back to his senses: "Sister, don't you guys have to go to other places to deliver the goods?"

"Haha! No, no, these are all for you. Some are raised at home, some are bought by Yinyin in Anshi, and some are given by her friends...Hurry up! It's cold outside, don't let the child catch a cold .”

   "That's too much!"

   "If you think it's too much, go back and get some more tea seed oil. Yinyin has a friend who likes to use this oil to stir-fry vegetables. She sent these beef and mutton. I will give her a few more bottles of tea seed oil."

   When Zhang Li heard it, this is not easy to handle?

  There is nothing else in Shanlizhai, camellia seed oil is enough!

  His family has a small population, and he squeezes dozens of catties every year.

  People with a lot of labor planted a mountain full of camellia oleifera trees. The tea seeds picked after the frost have a high oil yield and can squeeze hundreds of catties.

"How much does Yinyin want? Twenty or thirty catties of what I squeezed by myself is enough, and I have to go to other people to buy more. Fortunately, there was a snow a year ago, and the new oil squeezed after the frost, many people probably haven't pulled it yet." Go out and sell."

  Xu Yin immediately said: "I want as much as I want."

  Camellia seed oil pressed by the ancient method is not available in some small worlds with money.

  She used to stock up some, but after living in a few small worlds, the stock was running out, so of course she had to stock up on this opportunity.

   "Uncle, why don't I go with you?"

   See if there are any other mountain goods.

   They all say "mountain and sea delicacies". Wen County is far from the sea, and there is no fresh seafood, so stocking up on mountain delicacies is also good.

  This reminded her of the small world in the 1980s. She also had an uncle who lived in the mountains. At that time, she stocked the most wild mushrooms, among which russula was the rarest and most precious.

  Seeing that she was interested, Zhang Li took her along.

  Shanli Village is in the scenic area, and the well-arranged houses are built along the stream.

  The houses in Shanlizhai are basically wooden buildings. The walls, stairs, and roofs are all wooden structures. Only the foundations are made of stones, which are hand-hewn and smooth.

  At a glance, you can tell which ones are self-owned houses and which ones are homestays built later.

   "Uncle, are you interested in opening a B&B?"

  She thought that if Zhang Li wanted to open a homestay, she could invest.

  In the last quarter of last year, the business of several restaurants run by Chen Jiao was booming. As a recipe provider, she received a bonus of over 200,000 yuan. In the first quarter of the new year, business will not be bad.

   Zhang Li heard her question and shook his head: "Running a homestay also requires brains. My brain... Hey, your aunt always thinks I'm stupid. I don't want to make a fortune. I just hope that the food stall business will be better."

   While talking, the big family of tea seed oil arrived.

  Xu Yin stopped talking and concentrated on ordering tea seed oil.

  One family was not enough, and several other companies also went to see it.

  I also looked at the dried goods of various stores, but they were all common shiitake mushrooms, fungus, and tea tree mushrooms. There were not many other types, such as russula, and Xu Yin was a little disappointed.

  After thinking about it, I feel normal again. After all, the mountains now are very different from those in the 1970s and 1980s. Now they are contracted by the village collective to individuals. Most of them are planted with camellia trees, and a few are planted with tea trees, nut trees, and citrus trees.

  Mountains are basically used, and there are very few remote mountains.

   In this way, there will be fewer rare and precious wild mushrooms.

   It's rare to find some. People in the mountains don't have enough to eat or give away. How can they think of selling them.

  Even if the ones sold outside are advertised as wild, they are actually all artificially planted, nothing more than a poor cultivation environment.

  Although there are no red mushrooms, the shiitake mushrooms and fungus seem to be picked wild, so Xu Yin wants any number.

   In addition, there are chestnuts and large walnuts, which are all new products that were harvested years ago.

   It’s not the time for new teas to be on the market, and the freshest ones to buy now are those that were roasted in spring last year. In the beginning of spring, these are considered old teas. Zhang Li told his niece not to rush to buy them.

   "New tea will be served soon, I will keep an eye on it for you if you want it."

   "That's fine, please trouble uncle."

   "What's the trouble with this, it's a matter of talking."

  Zhang Li took her around the village.

  When they came back, the two of them were full of baskets and bags, and they made an appointment with several large tea seed oil companies to order the camellia oil, and they would help deliver it to the foot of the mountain on the morning of the sixth day.

  Xu Yin's family had discussed it before they came: it's rare to accompany Xu's mother back to her mother's house. Anyway, there is nothing else to do during the first month. Stay a few more days and go back on the sixth day.

  Grandpa Xu is also very supportive of this: "It's rare to go back to my mother's house. Boss, you can stay with your wife for a few more days. I have me at home. Why don't you worry about it?"

   Now his legs and feet are a lot more agile, and he can walk around normally, for example, feeding chickens is no problem. What's more, Uncle Xu's family will go to accompany him in the third grade of junior high school.

  Thus, the family of three decided to stay for four or five days, with plenty of time, and they could teach Uncle Zhang how to roast beef and mutton.

   In this way, Grandma Zhang is the happiest.

  In previous years, when my daughter returned to her natal home in the second day of junior high school, she would go back within two days, coming and going in a hurry.

  The granddaughter also came this time, and said she would stay there until the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. Grandma Zhang showed her culinary skills and cooked the special snacks and dishes of Shanlizhai for her granddaughter.

   Xu's father taught his brother-in-law to roast beef and mutton dishes, Xu's mother chatted with his sister-in-law, and Xu Yin was fed by Zhang's grandmother from time to time.

  Rice steamed buns, glutinous rice cakes with bean paste, chestnut rice in bamboo tubes, sand cakes with mint...all Grandma Zhang's specialty desserts.

  (end of this chapter)

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