The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 953: Selfish vanity female supporting role (49)

  Chapter 953 Selfish and vain female supporting role (49)

  This year’s Travel Expo in Fengcheng will open on May 25th and will last for six days. Guests will be entertained at the venue and all the fruits for tourists will be allocated from several surrounding fruit villages.

  Xiang City, as the largest fruit producing area in Wen County, is naturally listed among them.

  But whether you can choose it or not depends on the fruit you take, whether it can catch the eyes of the officials.

   "This is a notice issued by the Bureau of Culture and Tourism. Submit the application form and seal the fruit samples by May 5 at the latest, and post the bidding results on the 8th."

  The village head went to Xu Yin's house as soon as he came back from the meeting.

   "The task given to our village by the street is cherries. Your grafted cherries are of good quality. I will choose a few more. This is related to the face of our Qianjin village. We must choose the best ones and send them up."

  If you can choose, then the fruit of Qianjin Village will be famous in the future, and it is the official designated fruit of the Travel Expo!

   Xu's father and Xu's mother were of course very happy to hear the words. If they can cooperate with the official, they don't have to worry about sales.

   "If you are selected, how much will you give to the Travel Expo?"

   "Our village only needs to be responsible for cherries. If selected, we will supply 2,000 catties to the venue every day starting from the 25th, for a total of six days, which is 12,000 catties."

  The village head said, took out a stack of forms, and sent one to Xu Yin's family: "The blanks on the application form must be filled in, and you can't fill in blindly, fill in truthfully."

Xu Yin took the form and read it carefully. There are quite a lot of content to fill in. In addition to the name of the fruit, the quantity that can be supplied, and the lowest price that can be accepted, there are also varieties, specifications, and fertilizers applied during planting. The brand and specific name of the fertilizer should be indicated.

  In short, like checking the household registration, you must check the bidding fruit from the bottom to the bottom.

  According to her, if it’s such a hassle, why don’t you take part in it? Wouldn’t it be cool to pick up tourist groups and sell to fruit shops?

  But Xu's father and Xu's mother felt that even if the price was set low, it would be a blessing to be selected. Because of the rise of "official designation", the future road will be much easier.

   In other words, if this batch of cherries can be officially designated by the Travel Expo, it means ushering in its fruit winners.

Both parents want to participate, and the village head feels that this year's cherries in the whole village, it seems that there is no one that can compare with Xu Yin's family. superior.

   "Okay, since you all want to participate, then participate! I don't care."

   Selling to whom is not selling!

   It’s just that, the reception of tourists has to be moved back.

   "Huh? Why?"

  She posted a group announcement in the group, which immediately attracted a series of wailing.

   "I took annual leave specially to pick cherries, but I was told that I couldn't pick them for the time being. Boss, you paid me by mistake after all! Is it important for us to travel expo?"

   "Boss, the Travel Expo is only open for 6 days. After those 6 days, can I still go to your house to pick cherries?"

   "Speaking of the Travel Expo, I suddenly thought, since the boss's cherries are supplied to the Travel Expo, then if we go to the Travel Expo, can we eat the boss's cherries?"

   "Yes, but the price is hard to say."

   "At least double the price."

   "If it goes up two or three times, people will still buy it, and there will always be someone who is not short of money."

   "Tsk! Forget it."

  Xu Yin saw that they were chatting in full swing, and took the time to reply: "My family also planted watermelons this year, mountain watermelons. Believe me, the taste is super good!"


   "Boss, I remember that you grow peaches, apricots, and pears in your yard, but the taste is not very good. When did you grow watermelons?"

   "I started planting this year."

  She didn't say that all the peaches, apricots, and pears in her yard have been grafted, and the taste is absolutely delicious. She was afraid that after talking about these people, her family would start to pick fruit again. There were only 18 fruit trees in the side yard, so they didn't need to be picked!

   "Boss, can I order watermelons now?"

  Xu Yin: "Yes."

  Everyone simply picked up a dragon and ordered Xu Yin's mountain watermelon.

  If you can’t pick cherries, grab a watermelon to comfort your wounded soul.

   After reassuring the enthusiastic customers, Xu Yin buried herself in filling out the form left by the village chief.

  The gimmick of the travel expo is too big. Anyone who has contracted a cherry orchard, there is no one who is unwilling to participate, and they all look forward to their own cherries being selected.

  It’s May in the blink of an eye, and the day before the deadline, the village head collected all the application forms, with photos of cherries pasted on the attachments of the form, and the samples submitted by each company in a nitrogen-filled crisper.

  The villagers are a little distracted from their work these days, looking forward to winning the bid for their own cherries. Even if they don’t have a chance, it’s okay for someone in the same village to win the bid.

Wang Cuihua is very confident in her big cherries: "After receiving the notice, I asked Mingfu to go to the city and bought a few bags of the most fertile organic fertilizer. This year's cherries are bigger than usual. If not, it would be too unreasonable!"

  Qi Hongbing’s family did the same. They made a special trip to the fertilizer station and bought a few bags of the most expensive fertilizer.

  If topdressing is active, the cherries will grow well.

   Mother Qi became rarer the more she looked at it. Hearing what Wang Cuihua said, she nodded in agreement: "My family's looks are not bad, so I should be able to judge it."

While talking, a village cadre brought good news from the street first: "The cherries in our village have been selected! The official of the Travel Expo has issued a notice that the cherries during the Travel Expo will be picked up from our village! Bring the contract back."

   "Have all the cherries we sent up been picked?"

   "That's not true. A total of five households have picked cherries."

   "Which five households? I don't know if there is our family."

   "Let it go! Let it go!"

  Wang Cuihua and Qi Mu struggled to squeeze into the crowd:

   "Is there Xu Mingfu's family?"

   "Is there any Qi Zhengjun family?"

   "Xu Mingfu? Qi Zhengjun? No!" The village cadre shook his head, "The five households selected are Xu Mingkang, Xu Han, Sun Zhaobo, Ge Yitian, and Xu Weijun."

  The crowd was in an uproar.

   "Mingkang's family selected?"

   "The village chief's family was also selected?"

   "My family has chosen, hehe!"

   "My family didn't choose, alas—"

  The excitement of being chosen, the disappointment of not being chosen.

   But the disappointment was only for a short while, and after thinking about it, I couldn't help being happy: "Then the fruits in our village can be prefixed with the 'Officially Designated by Travel Expo'?"

   "Hahaha! There is a row!"

  Only Wang Cuihua and Qi Mu cursed angrily:

   "Is there something tricky! My cherry grows so well, how could it not be chosen?"

   "That's right! Why wasn't my family selected? We must give an explanation!"

  The village cadre patted his forehead: "I remember! Did your two use the fertilizer they bought? This time, because there are too many bidders, the first screening criterion is fertilizer."

   "What???" Mother Qi was shocked.

   "Who stipulated it!" Wang Cuihua hopped her feet anxiously, "Although my family buys fertilizer, it is also organic fertilizer, which is much more expensive than ordinary fertilizer."

"Everyone uses organic fertilizers, but organic fertilizers can also be divided into good fertilizers and poor fertilizers. Strong fertilizers are not necessarily good fertilizers! This is what the experts from Lvheng Biology said." The village cadre frowned, "The experts also said how many A brand is labeled as organic fertilizer, but it is actually mixed with chemical fertilizers. Could it be this brand that the two of you bought?"



  (end of this chapter)

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