The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 955: Selfish vanity female supporting role (51)

  Chapter 955 The selfish vanity female supporting role (51)

  However, before she walked out of her yard, the leader of the Culture and Tourism Bureau who accompanied her looked at the juicy peaches in the side yard and asked, "This peach looks so good! Is it a peach?"

   "Yes." Xu Yin nodded, "I'll pick some for everyone to try."

   After this taste, who can still take a step forward.

   "This is the most authentic peach I have ever eaten!"

   "Tear off the skin, inhale and eat, as if drinking fairy dew. It is indeed a peach with fine nectar and jade dew!"

  Everyone tasted and praised.

  Even Zhang Huaijin, who was not so hungry, ate the whole thing in one go.

  After eating a big peach, he sighed contentedly, and greeted Xu Yin with a smile in his dark eyes: "Miss Xu, do you sell this peach?"


  The eyes of the others lit up, yes, it would be great if they could buy some of such delicious peaches!

   "Boss, I want to buy it too."

   "Boss, your family has grown a lot of peaches, so you must not be able to eat them all, right? You can sell them from left to right, why don't you sell them to us, it doesn't matter if they are more expensive."

  Xu Yin and her parents met each other's eyes, a group of masters who are not short of money, let's sell something.

  Once the hole is opened, it is out of control!

   "Hmm! Is this red apricot? This is delicious too!"

   "I'll try it!"

   "Boss, how do you sell this apricot?"

   Not only peaches, but also apricots and pears in her house, grapefruit in front of the door, watermelon and small corn in the back of the house, all ordered by these people.

  I went to the cherry orchard in the end.

  But because 400 catties have been picked early this morning, there are really not many ripe ones on the branches. It is enough to pick ten or eight catties after sifting, and more can't be released.

  These people carried a few catties of cherries in the small basket, and sighed regretfully: "How about changing the ticket?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   She was puzzled.

  If it is said that cherries, peaches, and apricots are rushed to buy after they have tasted them, but they are also rushing to place orders before they are ready to eat. Are adults now so irrational?

   Xu's father and Xu's mother laughed from ear to ear. Unexpectedly, some people bought the fruits grown in the side yard. When building the house, they almost cut down these fruit trees for firewood.

  But after they ate it, they knew why everyone rushed to buy it. It tasted really good.

  The taste after grafting is completely different from before—

  In the past, they were stiff, thin, sour and astringent, looking at the space they took up and wanted to cut them off; now they are bigger than each other, and taste better than the extra-grade peaches and red apricots that cost ten yuan each in the supermarket. I wish I could have more varieties.

It’s just that although the side yard is spacious, eighteen fruit trees have been planted, and there is a large grape arbor at the back. The remaining open space is sprinkled with grass seeds to raise chickens, and if it is planted again, it will block the light. It is not like now—the chickens are between the fruit trees and the grass. Walking, you can not only peck insects, eat grass seeds, but also get sunshine.

  Grandpa Xu regretted that when he planned the homestead, why he didn’t plan it bigger.

  At that time, no one wanted to build a house at the foot of the mountain. They all liked to crowd in the village, where it was close to the river, and it was convenient to carry water and go to the town.

  If he hadn’t separated and had no place to live, he wouldn’t have come here to build a house.

  At the beginning, the village chief saw that he was willing to come, and the homestead was allocated by him. He randomly allocated a piece. At that time, he thought it was big. Now that the fruit grafted by his granddaughter tastes so good, he began to think it was too small.

   Nibbled on a soft and juicy peach, squinted his old eyes and said happily:

"Your grandpa, the village chief, ate a peach and praised that the variety you grafted is delicious and effortless. It is true. One sip is like drinking peach juice. It melts in your mouth without chewing. Your grandpa, the village chief, bought it. He bought five catties and went back, but he insisted on giving me money. He said that next time he saw peach saplings selling in the market, he planned to buy two and plant them next to the house. Later, he would ask you to graft them into our species. He envies us now I regret that I didn’t move in to be our neighbors when we built the building. I also regret it, why didn’t I make the homestead bigger.”

  Xu Yin couldn't help but laugh: "Grandpa, our homestead is big enough, and if it gets bigger, the villagers should have opinions."

"With such good peaches to eat, who would have any objection? Let's forget it now. Our family only has six peach trees, and we sold them for two hundred catties at once. The rest is not enough to eat by ourselves, so we won't let the villagers taste it. Your grandpa, the village head, can’t help it, and no one else will sell it.”

  Such delicious peaches, no matter how expensive they are, they are reluctant to sell them.

  Who would have expected that the VIP group accompanied by the leaders of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism would have such great purchasing power—less than ten people bought two hundred catties of juicy peaches and one hundred catties of red apricots.

  This is just stock.

   In addition, I paid a deposit and ordered a batch of unripe melons and fruits:

  Pears and grapefruits together ordered 500 catties.

  I ordered fifty watermelons.

  Based on the size of her watermelon, fifty watermelons can weigh almost a thousand catties.

  There is not much production of Thumb Corn in total. Chen Jiao has ordered a batch in advance, and Xu Yin didn't plan to sell the rest. These people somehow ordered a hundred catties.

   Even the freshly fruited grapes on the grape trellis were not spared.

   It really just bears fruit!

  The mature stage is a black-purple diamond-colored sun rose grafted variety. At this moment, it is a little bigger than a grain of rice, and it is still green and tender. Not to mention that I have never tasted it, and I have not even seen the finished product, so I rush to order it.

  Grandpa Xu smacked his tongue when he saw it: I haven't tasted the taste, so I bought it for ten or twenty catties. Aren't you afraid that it won't taste good when you buy it back?

  I don’t know who asked: “These chickens look very good, they can actually fly to fruit trees, and their wings are very powerful! Isn’t it feed?”

   Knowing that they grew up eating bugs, grass seeds and grains, these people rushed to buy chickens again.

   Three hundred free-range chickens? Not expensive not expensive! Three hundred yuan in the capital can't buy authentic free-range chickens that peck insects, eat grass and bask in the sun.

   It’s just the chicks caught this year, which are still tender at the moment. It’s not impossible to want to eat tender chickens, but after all, they will taste better in the first half of the year.

   "It's okay, it's okay, we can make a reservation, you can send it for us before the Chinese New Year, and we will pay for the shipping. Watermelon, someone will drive to pick it up."

  Before Xu Yin had time to speak, she heard one of the women say: "Anyway, it's a reservation, why don't you order some pork? I think the pigs at Boss Xu's house are well-raised."

  Xu Yin: "..."

   How do you see that it is well-raised?

  The piglets bought in late April have been raised for less than a month.

  Finally, the two shiny black piggies in the pigsty could not escape the fate of being divided.

   With more than half a year before Chinese New Year, one of them was ordered away.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Is this the way the locusts cross the border?

  The VIP group wanted to order more pork. There were so many of them, how could one pig be enough.

   But there was one end left, and Xu’s father said he would not sell it. Originally, both ends were raised by his daughter. This year's cherries are very profitable, but he doesn't want to sell pigs and chickens, and save them for his wife and daughter.

  The VIP group had no choice but to accept it as soon as it was good.

  (end of this chapter)

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